I don't fucking get this, semen doesn't smell. Why do they keep acting like you can smell it from miles away in hentai.
I don't fucking get this, semen doesn't smell. Why do they keep acting like you can smell it from miles away in hentai
Sorry about your defective semen, OP.
>Semen doesnt smell
What the fuck
>semen doesn't smell
It smells like chlorine because it has amonia in it. Goes away pretty quickly though.
I feel bad for your mom.
user, clean your room once in a while, k?
Or is that too much to ask from your moving corpse?
Are you 14?
>semen doesn't smell.
what does semen smell like
As a slutty loli that has drank a lot of semen from a lot of onii-chans, I can confirm it does smell.
wet coins
people don't notice their own smell
if you think semen doesn't have a scent it's because you smell like cum and everybody you meet irl knows it
it varies based on your diet
take a shower
Well of course you can't smell it, what with all the jerkin you've been doing your whole life.
Semen smells pretty strong, also the taste and the smell changes depending on the diet and the individual.
>semen doesn't smell
Yes it does, and it's potent as fuck.
The only reason you don't notice it is because it's yours, but trust me, user. Whenever you jack off and don't clean up, EVERYONE ELSE is smelling the jizz on you.
i've never had sex with a boy
It smells like pool water. But more organic and less harshly chemical.
>i've never had sex
W-would you like to try?
no the squid smell comes from urine residue
like farts from a very clean ass semen doesn't really have a strong smell by itself
Salty coins and milk
Anyone else like the smell of thier old cum? I usually fap while huffing my jizzrag that I haven't washed in six months.
Smells just like it tastes.
And you cannot smell it yourself so you will have to give it a lick.
>ass semen
You really need to use commas because I was trying to figure out what ass semes was suppose to be.
That's a frothy mixture that brings back memories of my misspent youth.
Its full of ammonia/amine containing compounds and sterile-smelling alkaloids. It usually smells slightly of chlorine, as if it was a surface that was recently sterilized.
20% of people are unable to recognize the sterile scent of bleach, so semen smells like nothing to them.
Especially fishy/squidy smelling semen indicates mild infections and should probably be checked out
Its what cute boypussies produce when they're aroused.
>semen doesn't smell
Lucky you there is a job called "Semen Tasters", they go around sampling different types of semen. Who hires them you might ask? Well, they are highly demanded by erotica writers, as far as I know it's a well paid job, you can hire one to so he can tell you.
>I don't fucking get this, semen doesn't smell
dont tell me you were that nerdy kid in highschool no one liked because he reeked of cum
Best faps I've had were when my dick smelled ripe as fuck.
Having a clean ass doesn't make your farts not smell you turbo tard
>odor: odorless
Are you really arguing that farts have no smell? Are you even human or totally deluded?
Farts without shit particles that are carried over with it are. It's a proven fact.
>It's a proven fact
Prove it.
I don't even know where to begin with explaining how retarded and wrong you are. You have like a 3rd graders grasp of how our insides work.
I did now prove me wrong
Nice pasta.
you call that a pasta?
>Although flatus possesses physiological smell
>Not all humans produce flatus that contains methane
>The major contribution to the smell of flatus comes from a combination of volatile sulfur compounds
Why am I doing this? I have work to be doing
>This thread
Bags of sand
>The major contribution to the smell of flatus comes from a combination of volatile sulfur compounds
huh guess that's why sulfur and farts smell alike
Semen smells of squid. We all know this.
I recognize this porn
Cum doesn't smell, if it did my mom wouldn't come into my room anymore
how do you stop your winkus from smelling?
no matter how much I try to clean it, I can still smell it fairly strongly if i rub my head and smell my fingers. and then by the next day it's back to normal anyway. Theres bedn a few times where it's so bad it makes my eyes water.
I don't have any smeg, i fucking power wash my dick until it sparkles. Is it impossible to have a penis that doesn't stink?
cum smells
you just dont smell your own because you smell it all the time, just like how your BO at normal levels is.
>Cum doesn't smell, if it did my mom wouldn't come into my room anymore
You seriously think she didn't realize the moment she tried to wash one of your socks and cut her hand?
Like dried squid.
Whats the name of it?
I do my own laundry buddy. I'm very careful of when I fap, my mother doesn't know and I don't exactly want her to know either.
I found something good
>There are people on here who don't realize their room reeks of semen
>Their parents live with some of them
Holy shit I'm embarrassed for you guys.
I know you did, that's why I want the name of it
Next time you fap, leave the napkins (or whatever you clean up with) around for a few hours. You'll definitely notice it.
This is some weak bait but I'll take it
>another retard that thinks semen smells because he's so used to fapping in his own room his brain can't even notice the smell anymore
the smell is to carry pheremones and they can make girls aroused in the same way that smelling pussy juice can give most dudes boners by itself
>Everyone who has ever been in his room has smelled it but been too polite to tell him
Holy shit I'd kill myself out of shame
I'm pretty certain this is bullshit
But why do I get turned on by the smell of my own cum tissues?
semen contains a number of estrogens and androgens in it, which is the primary reason why smelling the bodily fluids of a female (especially pussy mucus) can make a male aroused
I don't care and neither does my mother.
>semen doesn't smell
are you retard?
Yeah sure, I can imagine that conversation going so nicely
>mom do you mind how much my room smells like semen?
She's never asked you to open your window?
Depends a lot on diet, if you have a high zinc intake it smells like
she avoids my room and neither of us talk about it. I also have a vent in my roof which constantly sucks air out so it doesn't get very noticeable in the first place. This is the same parent that stealth gifted me a huge bottle of glycerin lube for my 12th birthday
i'm convinced enough that the empty liquor bottles mask the scent
You must live in a crazy place
It smells like some sort of cleaning product, to me.
I know most people don't have decent parents these days but my mother grew up on a 50s-style farm with the rest of her extended family
don't you have a dick?
Why the fuck are you spoilering your posts you enormous faggot
Can I borrow yours?
probably because its technically a blogpost you phonenigger
Put a bit of salt on some water, it tastes like that
Except with the texture of fucking shampoo, it isn't really very nice
>he doesn't like semen
what are you some kind of faggot
borrow your friend's, hes probably in most of Sup Forums's situation and could use a semen taster in his life
I've had my mom walk in on me jacking off to anime, walk in , get my laundry and walk out without saying a goddamn thing.
t-thanks mom
Wow. For some reason I popped a boner from reading this post.
Rancid death.
This is why I love Sup Forums
Fucking newfag. Lurk for another year before you embarrass yourself again.
This is why I love Sup Forums
This is why I love Sup Forums
I'm glad you like it, now fuck off and lurk more
What are you talking about Seamen smell they have been on a boat for all time
This is why I love Sup Forums