Although pic related seems to be the only time that has ever happened
ITT: The rare times that Best Girl actually won
This is literally the only time ever in the history of anime and manga, besides magi, and best boy won there.
Shuffle! even if her story was fucking retarded.
Rare case when the author-mandated endgirl is the best
Another one. It's always a shocking development when author is not a faggot
This is not the 'worst girl won' thread.
>worst girl ends up with one of the worst MCs in recent years
Don't you just love happy endings.
Please, acquire a better taste before replying to me.
>s2 never
This was the first to come to mind for me. The Anime was so much better than the VN, which is also rare.
A taste for chitoge is like a taste for shit.
I'd rather not acquire it.
E7, all three best girls win.
Everybody wins except Dewey.
Even his sociopath children win by implicitly getting adopted.
Well hello there
Thankfully this happened early in, the waifu wars would be unbearable otherwise.
Naruto was shit but the asspain from this was amazing
Shit, wrong meme
only in manga
i cried
Inaba was the only thing worthy of this. Taichi was a faggot but hey, at least he came to his sense by the end
>better taste
me too every fucking time I rewatch it
So much perfection should be illegal.
That explains it.
I hope Loran ploughed that sweet moon queen pussy everynight.
He was only trying to help, user.
Canon victory
>slutella kirino
This thread is about best girls no worst girls
imouto sucks
What kind of Hypocrite Hater Faggot you are
onodera and marika sucks
Tsugumi Best Waifu
Shirin is Best Fate Couple
Reminder that Rin tries to hit on Lancer on the very same day she fucks Shirou.
Shiraishi was a boring shit with no development
Looks like Lancer was hitting on her
He's rejecting her, actually. Even Lancer has some standards.
Filthy secondaryfag opinion detected
>multiple heroine non-coalescing route eroge
>anyone winning
baffles the mind
Lancer saves her you idiot
Lancer isn't old enough for her. Rin only pleases the oldest of the old for money.
Sakura is the canon winner, since Zelretch witnessed the events of HF and not the other routes.
They killed her afterwards
Excellent taste, Alibaba a cute.
>stall for years and all people get is a distant shot of a kissu covered by some grass
Japan is truly just laughing at the rest of the world
What would you expect, a sex scene?
Oh I don't know maybe something not 10 miles away and covered up, stop being willfully obtuse you faggot
the author likely made it this way because the absence of detail allows you to imagine the scene the way you want and to become, for a split second, a co-author. you can see even more extreme version of that in Bakemonogatari 12 where they don't even show you the fucking kiss.
The question here is why the fuck author thought that this scene deserves this light-brush treatment if the most of the rest of Nise is heavy-handed. I have a simple theory, which also addresses your original concern AND explains why it was so important to force worst girl win: this is the scene author imagined first, this is the starting point of the work, the whole fucking manga was just a way to reach this.
>stall for years and all people get is a distant shot of a kissu
you and "all people" got the worded confession before and manzai to the left, the drawing is exclusively for the author himself
>he doesn't know
It was obvious from the start.
> posts a headcanon ship from an unfinished story
>Sakura is the canon winner, since Zelretch witnessed the events of HF and not the other routes.
Repulsive Wormslut fag in denial
Emilia > rem
>ESL-kun is a Rinfag
No real surprise there.
aaand here we go, the worst canon ending is posted in best girls thread.
It's like you and shitogefag can't even read.
god damn nigga you're broadway musical gay
>you and "all people" got the worded confession before and manzai to the left, the drawing is exclusively for the author himself
who can't into english
tfw you stop shitposting for one fucking second on a chinese pornocartoons discussion board with pictures and people accuse you of being gay ESL faggot.
> this tfw is also a best girl win
that's because you are a gay esl faggot
read the sentence you quoted again
Is that art by Asagi?
eh, I'm too lazy to try to understand what you mean.
I'll post one more best girl win
>having to actively try to understand simple english
sure is NOT ESL in here
>embrace your normalfag chad side
Is there a compilation of best inaba moments? I don't want to watch the whole series.
Sauce? Looks like Kojima Saya but I cant place it
yes, even fucking yandex returns nothing and we need the sauce
That was one of the most satisfying choices ever. Especially when she asks for more.
My nigga
What about this?
The ending was super cute.
>Jin didn't win the Miyamurabowl
She is a cold hearted woman.
Off yourself.
>Pathetic Miserable Unhappy,Stupid, Idiot, Autistic Retarded, Ignorant, Hypocrite, Hater Faggot is a Wormslutfaggot
You really have a disgusting Shit Crap taste
There wasn't any other significant competition. Otherwise dozens of romance shows would also qualify.
That's not Suzuha
>liking a goddess of prostitutes
Sasuga ESL-kun.
Season 2's ending was somewhat unsatisfying, but it sure as fuck wasn't because of this.
Legendary Heroine and Eternal Heroine Serena.
Lol she didn't win
Nice headcanon faggot.
>almost a hundred posts
>no one posted this yet
All of these.
Why are blondes always the best?
Fucking westaboos