Is this the only good anime where the MC is the villain?

Is this the only good anime where the MC is the villain?

there's overlord Kara no Kyoukai monster and Gankutsuou i know a few others but i only wrote what i thought was good also light is closer to an antihero than a villain

Code Geassish

If you consider Lelouch a villain...

But yeah OP, if you haven't watch Code Geass if you liked the mindgame aspect and MC is anti-hero/villain

izetta the last witch


I think both are anti-heroic and can be seen as a hero or a villain, or both. I mean, both series consciously played with it. The difference is Lelouch is definitely designed to be sympathetic while Light isn't.

More like an antihero

>shiki is a villain

>If you liked Death Note and haven't got the chance yet, watch Code Geass

I loathe this meme, fuck off with your trash taste Sup Forums

This. Death Note is shit compared to Code Geass.

True, CG is just a shitty ripoff.

Code Geass is literally a meme anime. People only regard it fondly because it spawned a shitton of memes. Other than that it was pretty fucking bad.

Whatever you say retard.

oh yeah those threads were epic fellow oldfag xd

nice recommendation thread you got here

I rewatched it earlier this year for the first time and it was fun. I think a rewatch is necessary to better accept it for what it is, whatever that means to you.

Besides the similar protagonists, the series shouldn't be compared. Way different.

Gundam IBO

Gotta watch Lelouch of the Rebellion, it's good but not as good as Deathnote. You got yourself a edgy teen who gets supernatural powers in his eye from a alien species who have been wiped out for military reasons, and the alien chick Lelouch meets is pretty attractive in Anime standards, although be warned. This a anime about Japanese people rebelling against a dystopian government, the Brittannians and shit. And bullshit happens a lot. But please still watch it.

how new are you

It is, but it's stupid kind of fun.

Did you even watch the show?


Light is a hero

How the fuck is the neurosurgeon the bad guy in monster

You can't have a straight up villian protagonist, they need to have some redeeming characteristics or the author won't empathize with them unless they're edgy teenage shits.

Redeemable characteristics could range from integrity to vision, Light being an example of the latter. He wanted to punish evildoers and corruption, initially at least.

*audience, not author

>it was pretty fucking bad
Says you faggot. I always fell asleep when watching Death Note that I didn't even finish it because it was a snoozefest past L's death. CG may be a trainwreck but it kept me in my toes every single episode.

I can think of one where the antagonist was actually the true hero, although I can't say the MCs were particularly villainous.

You need to care about them. Richard III is evil but delightfully so.

>Light is a hero
Light is a self-insert Gary Stu for edgy teenager.

>Gary Stu
>fails and dies miserably

I wouldn't even hate on this show so much it that was what happened, but when the authors decided that killing random convicted criminals actually leads to world-peace I lost even the last shred of good will i had left for the series.

>violently conquers the rest of the pigs
>lets loose a school-shooter allegory on the humans
Squealer is sympathetic, but a villain nonetheless

Youjo Senki

This is true. Code Geass is edgelord shit.

>light is closer to an antihero than a villain
How? Antiheroes are heroes doing the right thing but just aren't necessarily virtuous. Light is closer to a villain in a fortress that the heroes are trying to take down to end his literal reign of terror. You might as well call the player character in dungeon-keeper an antihero.

>implying death note is good

It does happen, read the manga. Authors don't say anything, it's just a story. Besides the cop killings, Light largely targeted horrible pieces of shit and that's what got Kira a good reputation.

Not him but I prefer the standard of central character without traditional heroic qualities.
> Light is closer to a villain in a fortress that the heroes are trying to take down to end his literal reign of terror.
Yeah, except Light is among the heroes for most of the series and the person they're targeting (who is actually him) is considered a hero by most people. Saying it's reign of terror is sorta laughable, because he made the world horrible for vicious criminals and all sorts like that while making it peaceful for most everyone. The series actually ends with the world getting WORSE with his defeat (well back to normal, but the quick return to normalcy within a year shows Light didn't do much damage).

still way better than DN

Probably. Even with manga, most are crap or have the MC become good near the end.



>calling death note a good anime
>thinking annoying character with a god complex makes for an interesting story.

he's the same as lelouch they both did what they did to achieve what they believed to be the greater good yet people always praise lelouch as a hero and condemn light as villain your forgetting that light ended wars and crimes dropped by 70% and unlike lelouch he didn't kill his sister or innocent children to do so he only killed criminals or the people after him he obviously done way more good than evil it's just the writing made him look evil but his deeds says otherwise

This. Killing people already in jail would do jack shit.

Killing dictators and politicians would actually cause world peace.

Don't fall for the Geass meme. Gankutsuou is by far the closer comparison. Geass is miles apart from death note. Look into One Outs.

>contrarians hating one of the few entry level anime that is actualy good

Stop posting please.

Light is more coldhearted and resolute, compared to Lelouch who is softer and often conflicted. Light put his objectives before everything, including family. So he could contemplate killing his sister while Lelouch could choose his (and screw everyone over). Or manipulative his loving father on his death bed, while Lelouch had fair reasons to despise his own. It's debatable how much he cared about them, they're good people and he probably respected his father, but they were secondary. The willingness to sacrifice loved ones is always a touchy subject and it can be seen as either a show of resolve or a testament to one's inhumanity.

Light also kills arguably good people who are trying to stop him. I think this killing is necessary as far as not getting caught, but it's the knife twist that makes it heinous. Being in a warzone spares the audience from caring too much about Lelouch's killings, no matter the character of the people being killed.

But being 'objective', Light is safer than Lelouch, a dude who gets thousands killed by 'accident' and becomes a comically evil and ruthless dictator as part of his master plan. Not only shows how different they are despite similarities, but how different the series are.

Guilty Crown


Euphy was an accident tho