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Brave warriors.
>implying u can own land
Brave office workers is what you meant i hope because none of them are warriors.
even their israeli girls gets enriched. They are on our level you guys
Holy shit bibi's wife is one ugly mutt.
Finish that sentence user.
I like how those brownie palis used a blonde white arab for their propaganda, because they know she will gain more attention worldwide like those rare 0,1 % blonde kurds
pic related for those who haven't lurked long enough it's (((Barbara Lerner Spectre ))) vid related
fun fact sweden only has 9.9 million inhabitants
>The Israeli government says the African migrants are "infiltrators" and not genuine refugees.
"The infiltrators will have the option to be imprisoned or leave the country," Israel's Public Security Ministry said in a statement.
"This removal is enabled thanks to an international agreement I achieved that enables us to remove the 40,000 remaining infiltrators without their consent. This is very important," Netanyahu said at the start of his Cabinet meeting.
"This will enable us to close down Holot and allocate some of the large funds going there to inspectors and removing more people," the prime minister added.
>The vast majority came from Eritrea and Sudan and many said they fled war and persecution as well as economic hardship, but Israel treats them as economic migrants.
The plan launched this week offers African migrants a $3,500 payment from the Israeli government and a free air ticket to return home or go to “third countries”, which rights groups identified as Rwanda and Uganda.
“We have expelled about 20,000 and now the mission is to get the rest out,” Netanyahu said.
Israel uses aid money to pay refugees to leave also Israeli borders are closed goyim
they look american
Jewish girls in america have all of the worst qualities of white girls x10. The most spoiled, selfish, degenerate creatures in the world.
good god why is everybody in Israel so ugly? they all inbreds?
home for all jews
>Ethiopa is jewish
not mention their genetic disorders
>Ashkenazi Jewish Diseases
3-Phosphoglycerate Dehydrogenase Deficiency
Alport Syndrome
Arthrogryposis, Mental Retardation and Seizures
Autism Spectrum Disorder, Epilepsy and Arthrogryposis
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome
Bloom Syndrome
Canavan Disease
Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase ll Deficiency
Congenital Amegakaryocytic Thrombocytopenia
Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation la
Cystic Fibrosis
Deafness-Autosomal Recessive 77
Dyskeratosis Congenita, Autosomal Recessive
Ehlers-Danlos VllC
Enhanced S-Cone Syndrome
Factor XI Deficiency
Familial Dysautonomia
Familial Hypercholesterolemia
Familial Hyperinsulinism
Familial Mediterranean Fever
Fanconi Anemia-Group C
Fragile X Syndrome
Gaucher Disease
Glycogen Storage Disease 1A
Glycogen Storage Disease Type II
Glycogen Storage Disease Type IV / Adult Polyglucosan Body Disease
Glycogen Storage Disease Type VII
Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome 3
Joubert Syndrome 2
Lipoamide Dehydrogenase Deficiency
Maple Syrup Urine Disease 1B
Mitochondrial Complex 1 Deficiency
Mucolipidosis IV (ML4)
Multiple Sulphatase Deficiency
Nemaline Myopathy 2
Niemann-Pick Disease Type A/B
Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss
Osteopetrosis 1
Phenylalanine Hydroxylase Deficiency
Polycystic Kidney Disease, Autosomal Recessive
Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia Type 1A
Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia DNAH5
Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia DNAI1
Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia DNAI2
Primary Hyperoxaluria Type 3
Retinitis Pigmentosa 28
Retinitis Pigmentosa 59
Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome
Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Tay-Sachs Disease
Tyrosinemia-Type 1
Usher Syndrome-Type IF
Usher Syndrome-Type III
Walker Warburg Syndrome and Other FKTN-Related Dystrophies
Wilson Disease
Zellweger Syndrome Spectrum-PEX2
they kinda look like Amerigoblins
nignogs doing officework in israel, damn you people are accidentaly funny
>that flag
>Banting that someone else looks inbred
Come on man, glass houses and all that.
You're not terribly wrong tho.
Why does Israel hate Africans and refugees?
Israel is a Jewish state which is a religion, not an ethnicity. Only a kike would claim its religion is its ethnicity. It can however be a nationality.
they are "infiltrators" goyim get it right
You might not like it. But this is what peak ethnostate looks like.
Israel is BASED
This is what happens to the """""chosen people"""" when they don't mix with Europeans for centuries
Lol. You should be last person who should talk you yello teeth ugly mother fucker.
'Why are the British so ugly? most Googled questions about the UK"
"British people among world's ugliest, according to BeautifulPeople.com"
Why are you so triggered? Its not like Jews are a race or ethnicity.
those mother fucker smell like shit (seriously) and some of them take a dump the streets.
Send those basterds to Europe.
ok fine brits and kikes are equally ugly, happy now schlomo
eat shit stomrfag. you probably look like the last shit i took.
All 5 of those would be considered average here.
Lmao lots of Israel shills today
Quintessentially Jewish. Definitely not descended from converts.
>pic related
also dominican women on average look better and are healthier than female kikes. stop posting JIDF pys-ops of cherry picked IDF kikes
did Hitler nothing wrong?
You guys suck more than the memes. Top lel good sir
Yeah open them
where the fuck is your country anyway? fuck off piece of shit. probably your country is full of cheap hookers.
Dude, you're butthurt over something some sub-IQ shitskin from 3rd world country said, let it go and stop sperging
Tafsik le'healev mikol shtoot shemisheu kotev po
Ive heard ashkenazi woman love to get browned by Mizrahi Big Cock.
ani osa shit posting ani lo bamet sam zain po al anashim. va hoz miza, ha anglioyt bamat ahi mhoarot ba aolam.
Bend over. isreal's bitch.
Why you guys flood the thread with cute girls, all the time?
What does that men?
Is there a connection with the shekels?
But you understand most here are "descended from converts" you brainlet, including myself, right?
In fact, we even have russian subtitles as second language. It used to be arabic until a few years ago :)
סבבה, אבל מהצד זה נראה כאילו שאתה לוקח את זה ממש קשה. שחרר קצת
רוב ההומאים פה בתולים נראים כמו התחת שלי.
>calling anyone shitskin
show flag. lets see the shithole country you from.
>probably your country is full of cheap hookers.
got me their but it must be a (((coincidence))) that sex tourism began in sosua
>The Dominican Republic was one of the very few countries willing to accept mass Jewish immigration during World War II. At the Évian Conference, it offered to accept up to 100,000 Jewish refugees. The DORSA (Dominican Republic Settlement Association) was formed with the assistance of the JDC, and helped settle Jews in Sosúa,
lord jesus christ I hate jews
>pic related dominican grills
Shut up, khazar
at least they are from a country kike.
They shouldve kept it 3arabi
Starayi ruskiyi pirduni umrut skoro
Avol ho'anoshim 7ayyim bamizra7 hattikkon
Yajib an ta3alam al lugha al 3arabiyya
We're Semites not europeans
good fuck! can confirm, quite a few hookers from DK here. fuck for 25€.
Dominican Republic Average IQ - 82. Fucking Lol.
Fuck off you dumb human garbage. thats even less than niggers IQ. those girls look like trans.
>different ahades of semites and one negro
>Its not like Jews are a race or ethnicity.
It is
good for us that "white" dominicans are in charge
>The Dominican Republic’s economic growth has been one of the strongest in the LAC region over the past 25 years. In the first quarter of 2017, the economy expanded by 5.2 percent, following yearly average growth of 7.1 percent between 2014-16. This contrasted sharply with that of the average 1.4 percent contraction for the LAC region in 2016.
They only accepted the kikes because the dictator at the time was more worried about the niggers in Haiti.
I guess that's the idea jews have,to make them more palatable by contrast with niggers and muzzies
they're extremely insecure, worse than niggers even
women of no race can resist the BBC
what are you talking about dude, israel chicks are hot as fuck
Why do (((they))) keep posting them when there's an argument?
100% oy vey
my god
she has some norman crusader dna from 1000 years ago
Damn. She's SO ugly, I actually feel bad for her.
Imagine having to look at that in the mirror every day.
Punch commie kikes in the face
That is a pic of Germanics.
Hans please...
There's a 50% i'm talking to an arab right now
why jews claim to be a race? that hoe is clearly some european cunt
And there is a 100% chance I'm talking to someone who got his dick sucked by his rabbi right now.
joke's on you leaf, this shit is practiced by diaspora. Never even once heard of it being done in israel.