>Justice Department reopens Hillary Clinton email investigation
This is being buried BIGLY by the fake news media guys, shit is going DOWN!
>Justice Department reopens Hillary Clinton email investigation
This is being buried BIGLY by the fake news media guys, shit is going DOWN!
Other urls found in this thread:
Wake me up when someone goes to jail. Until then, fuck off.
No one on pol sees it or replies
2 good threads
hundred awhful ones
pol come on
Other thread died too soon. Keep it bumpin' lads.
This place is 75% bots and shills, 25% shitposter like us now.
State of Sup Forums these days. This is awful now.
It absolutely is being covered everywhere.
Ok let's make it interesting. Bump and check what you get!
This. This site is close to unbearable now.
I assure you it is not. And the minimal coverage it is getting is basically saying Trump forced the DOJ to investigate a political opponent because he is Hitler.
It's fucking stupid. They've killed it and I hope they realise so they piss off and just go back to monitoring us like they used to. And paying retarded shills to fuck up so we can laugh at them.
everyone moved to a better chan, this is the normie filter.
Cripplechan is AIDS tho
You filthy liar, here we got news about this book fire and fury, because all socialist/liberal media are in cahoots, but about Hillary? Nothing, God I hate the media, they can never tell the WHOLE truth about something. It's just buying stories from someone else, there has been no real reporting in 100 of years.
seriously, its pathetic
Not a happening - there have been countless "investigations" into Hillary and her people over the past several years. Many were announced with lots of bluster and anticipation. None of them have amounted to anything. There is no "happening" until something actually happens to change that fact.
>Let's just go to sleep
>It is 2014 on Sup Forums
How'd that turn out, by the way?
Like the big turd I just turned out of my hairy arsehole.
>Investigation starts
6 months later
oh yeah uh we found nothing, stop thinking about it.
I mostly post and read in the middle of the night. It's actually a mostly organic board with discussions when most Americans are sleeping.
Early hours Sup Forums is best Sup Forums now. Just slower, most bots go off except BLACKED
>It absolutely is being covered everywhere.
CNN is still covering the Bannon stuff.
Gee it's almost like all of this news is planned or something.
>How'd that turn out, by the way?
We'll let you know, the investigation was just reopened, kek.
lock her up wasn't just a campaign slogan.
> Nothing ever happens
You are only telling half the story. The other half?
> Its always happening
In America we are taught "yellow journalism is a thing of the quaint past", instead of business as usual and the stupid fucks being indoctrinated in high schools lap it up.
justice bump
I though I was the only one who noticed, like Sup Forums back in the day when the kiddies go to bed because they have school.
Haha they just reported Trump is concerned of his toothbrush being poisoned instead of him being a well known germiphobe.
E! has more credibility than CNN at this point.
will amount to literally NOTHING
People don't understand that yellow journalism was around long before ethical journalism was even considered to be a thing.
And it still is around, just turn on CNN.
it's the robots
the machine learning algorithms can pump out garbage all day long and are totally relentless in their attempts to determine what's getting the reactions
At the same time there is something particularly disturbing about machine learning posts that makes them easy to spot, it's like a doll that looks super realistic except for the creepy dead eyes -
The images they generate are just really horrendous and horrible. Observe the catalog and it won't take long for you see what I'm on about, if you haven't already
>Trump is concerned of his toothbrush being poisoned
It's all part of the plan to make him seem crazy and the worthless fucks looking for a free ride believe it all hook line and sinker then twitter LIGHTS up with the lies. It's a form of social engineering.
It's been getting worse since the election. You notice because you get Russians who don't support Putin, too. Fun hours!
this. also ban these fake happeningthreadfaggots.
The images are worse than Lithuanian memes.
>just turn on CNN.
I know people who honestly take that media organization seriously, they just don't get it.
religion ofd piece struck again
Gowdy is not the president's DOJ. Although we don't know just how compromised the DOJ is. "Deep state."
NOTHING is going to happen to that skank. Her snatch-gobbling buddy might get some time, but not Hillary, she's served Israel 2 well.
>This place is 75% bots and shills, 25% shitposter like us now.
>State of Sup Forums these days. This is awful now.
Sup Forums was really really on the front lines of that last election, the hated this scratch that...HATE this place because there is no real "thought leader" to try their divide and conquer tactics on. They make a little progress and then everything changes right back to the Sup Forums they love to hate. Plus it gave Trump a troll army extraordinaire for free that was highly effective at picking hillary's 3 million dollar David Brock run thing a fucking waste of money and an ineffective joke. I guarantee on Nov 9 they decided to try to destroy the board to get a head start on 2020.
I'm ready for them, but yeah they are a boring bunch of idiots.
on a similar but unrelated note, I've concluded zucc and many others are not 100% human and that's why they have this dead creepy doll eyes look. Not in a lizard people kind of way nooo it's way fucking worse than that, they have partially synthetic DNA and no true parents or ancestry
This is very bad for us. genetic engineering is incredible, but what happens is after only a few generations it starts to hideously unravel, like REALLY fucking badly, and in an uncontrolled environment it spreads exponentially at the same time
Yeah it's getting ridiculous. The shills and liberal arts uni students have overtaken this place. The last like 2/3 months especially have been the worst.
I would say yes, spurdo definitely means Turkish citizens are losing satisfaction with their leadership. No doubt.
I guess the evidence didnt burn so good
They are trying to kill the board for 2018 midterms and 2020. Don't give up. Keep fighting.
No they're not. You nerd virgins need to leave your computer once in a while and get out. There's a whole world out there.
This stank cackling fucking bitch needs to literally HANG. She is a treasonous vicious cunt and THE most corrupt woman in political history. And if you don’t think she deserves to at least be locked up for LIFE then you deserve to hang also.
The Secret Service
and the FBI agents that didn't speak up about these horrors must be slaughtered by having their hands tied to the bumper of a truck and dragged to death
The Day of the rope comes ever closer.
Destroying this place is like trying to destroy a sewer by dumping shit and piss in it. I, for one, enjoy the suck.
"Oh no! Sup Forums bee-tee-eff-oh 4 ever wut now nazis?!"
Bumping for justice. The Treasonous Cunt needs frog marched up the courthouse steps.
I simply ignore the shill threads, or link to relevant baking. That there are so many shills and bots and faggots tells me all I need to know.
The cunt and her gang are going to hang someday.
Fuck off, jew girl. I can smell your foul cunt through the interwebs.
This one's for all the homies soon to be indicted.
Raw Deal
Masses fed on bread and lies
The dreams within our hearts
Never to be realized
Sleeping behind the wheel of life
Until the day we rise
Until the day we rise
Until the day we rise
Ignorance is bliss
Or so we seem to believe
Those who scheme to bereave
With magic words they weave
Like a tapestry
Oh the papistry
Oh the papistry
Oh the papistry
With a malicious sneer
The priest and the king and the profiteer
Always turning peer on peer
Selling pain and fear (weapons gear)
From stone to spear to atomic bomb
How could we let things go so wrong?
It goes on and on and on
Now we're breaking the cycle
With our song
Enslaved in debt to a central bank
Depraved in heart with (((you))) to thank
Only saved are those with higher rank
The rest of us?
Walk the plank
Your son and daughter?
Cannon fodder
Beware the marauder
Mind control is hard to break
The culture prescribed is harder to take
Media madness obscuring what's real
Influencing what we think and feel
It's a raw deal
Bow before me
Down you kneel
Kiss the ring
Your soul is sealed
This. I've cut off those in my life who know what she is but don't care because
>Glumpf took my health insurance
Spineless fucks the whole lot of them. Funny thing: I make very little compared to my "friends," but I live modestly and focus on raising my child, while they are thousands in debt with no children. When not working I focus on improving myself. The less I am involved with the government—and vice versa—the better.
Fuck shills, may they burn in hell.
(This post is not fucking spam. I hate my afternoon commute.)
Hi CIAnigger
>shit is going DOWN!
the big happen will come on Sunday
scrap these dabs
Conspicuous if veracious
When did they closed it?
What bigwig was trying to escape via sub?
Large if legit
What do you want exactly? They've been talking about this shit for a year with no prosecutions, no talk of substantial movement, just the same shit. Who is in jail over this? No one? Wow please tell me when something actually happens.
Bumply if true
What happens to people that glow in the dark? What did Terry say?
>Although we don't know just how compromised the DOJ is
just accept some people are above the law and this is just a move to keep the goys passive
> i glow in the dark and am a nigger kike faggot shill
just a guess, but your death will be slow and painful.
Was there an arrest?
Commodius if unfeigned
archive that shit you leaf faggot
>The deep state had its chance
Now they will be forced to arrest their friends.
Something always happens eventually. Source: history.
Stop misusing the term.
If it's not a sticky and/or doesn't have a chain of 7 threads, it's not a happeing
yeah, nothing to see here guys, also what are you doing up at this time
im getting kinda sleepy, im going to take a nap
why dont you guys take a quick nap?
Bump of God's wrath.
Hey yah you know, just gonna stay up and read a few more of hilldawg's newly released emails before I sleep.
bog if truth
It's a happening
It's the fucking e-celebs like (((tracy beanz))) and (((Jordan Sathor))) giving tutorials on how to browse pol. It's the cringiest shit you'll ever see.
BTW, Bump
eat a dick faggot
Pedogate is busting wide open
I sense displeasure
oh lordy