How the in the living fuck can you go from this

How the in the living fuck can you go from this

To this

to this?

information revolution

kind of inevitable IF YOU REALLY THINK ABOUT IT

Because of this.

Christians turned Europeans into peasant/slavs/slaves

>information revolution
That shit came after.

Christianity is the cause. Jews simply exploited it.

With a little bit of this

If we play this game we can draw the line of decay all the way to the beginnings at any point we want

Are you saying Europe from any period in the last 1000 years was shitty?
Only ancient pagan Europe was good? Is this your contention?


Civilization,too much comfort makes people weak.

Fuck it man. The Jap chick is fucked.
Damn it, hot Nip-Gooks>SweedLibs.

>no dick

Hard Times create strong men
Strong men create good times
Good times create weak men
And weak men become traps


>Noble northniggers

>Are you saying Europe from any period in the last 1000 years was shitty?
Europeans were not christian for 1000 years. More like 600yrs and then they started larping Utopian Socialism, which came from Vatican writers and then Jews.

Christianity parasites off of cultures. They turned Aztecs into fucking fat beaners too and killed their entire culture. It's not just white people. And Africa is a fucking hell hole, even with all the things we give them. Christianity didn't help that.

The question was "how did whites become pacified from the Viking era?". The answer is Christian monarchs turned warrior culture into slave culture.

100 years after Rome became Christian it was sacked to death and split apart.


>Civilization,too much comfort makes people weak.
Civilization was fine under pagan Rome, Greece, Egypt, Persia, and the massive Celtic lands that went all the way to Ukriane and Syria.

>vikings are niggers
>vikings burned down their own neighborhoods because of "police brutality"

name pls

Swedes were always quite brutal. Before the Jews destroyed Sweden, the Swedes weren't very liked either. They constantly attacked norway, denmark and finland.

Also, reminder that despite being Sweden, Sweden is still one of the biggest weapons manufactorers in the world. Billions and billions and billions of svenska kroner earned from destruction, blood and death.They have a war economy and now you know why they are so desperate to seem politically correct and leftist. Imagine what would happen if people realised that the eternal swede is behind the colonialist imperialism of the world.

Oh, so it's okay when blacks burn down white neighborhoods, is what you're saying.

Swedes are eternal fags. Norwegians and danes were vikings.

They lost the finnish part of the empire who did all their fighting for them.

>Are you saying Europe from any period in the last 1000 years was shitty?

Dunno man, black plague was kinda shitty, so was 30 years war, the great deluge, WW1 and WW2.

Never knew the United states used to be Sweden

>unironically blames Christianity entirely for the roman empire's collapse
Woah I thought gibbon died centuries ago. How the fuck are you still here? Go be a pagan and pretend you aren't a fucking cringelord lmfao. Literally just as embarrassing as the hippie bitches on tumblr who call themselves Buddhists.