Nazi larp fest 2017

who thought it would win over the white working class by marching yelling nazi shit keep in mind how many ww2 vets are still alive

then there is the cringe worthy Lügenpresse comment by spencer if these alt right clowns are not controlled opposition then they
are retarded .

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I agree with them on a lot of the important points and still think it was one of the cringiest political demonstrations in history. I mean, fucking Tiki Torches and Polo shirts, fucking really?

They actually used the Challotesville thing as a way to get 'the alt right' banned in Denmark, because it is 'a violent organisation'. Because that kid drove over another dude in his car.


The torch march was great

If you are not a nazi, if you do t believe in gassing kikes and starting wars, then you are an agent of the status quo and a true fag.

bow before Der Ubermenschen

Shut the fuck up you faggot ass little kike bitch. Fuckin' roll out there and knock out all those gay ass teeth and make you suck off your fuckin' rabbi, you little hoe. HUH???

The saluting puppy was cute.
