Wow, what a peaceful ending. I'm not a shipper but it's really "Eh". What did you think?
Wow, what a peaceful ending. I'm not a shipper but it's really "Eh". What did you think?
Author confirmed it was a yuri end on twitter.
They built a real life mini shrine to Hanabi x Ecchan.
Where she said that was yuri ending?
Where you learn English?
I was retarded there, I would ask where on her twitter that she said that.
the rational part of me agrees with it
the other part of me wanted them to get together
i still enjoyed it.
Why do people think Mugi is a piece of shit again?
Why she is so slut?
Advertising. Need to pander to lesbian community too for money.
She loves Hanabi X Ecchan, I want to see if that is true in the extra chapter that she will do. I hope that will be an epilogue that shows about Hanabi's future.
I fully regret ever picking up this manga. I felt like dropping it when everyone just started fucking everything that moved. It was like reading a shitty h-manga without any good sex scenes.
I don't know. He was just a dildo for most of the series and didn't cross the line the one time he could have. I think he just made shippers and waifufags angry, despite rarely stepping forward and doing anything is a part of his character.
You might be retarded
Man, I forgot most of the characters reasoning or motivation now, and I thought I liked the series too.
In the raw dump thread? I think some thought he going around fucking girls like a real kuzu now but I dont think he was a piece of shit, maybe just a pathetic fuck boy. Cant be helped, raped by senpai and then lost the one pussy he get to stick into.
How can you think that Hanabi ended up with Ecchan if Ecchan already moved on? That drama in her arc would be pointless if they end up together in the end.
Only if they started from the zero, but even so I can't see that happen.
You are retarded. And are you going to buy her merchandise or what?
I don't really get the ending. Why did they go full finding genuinely things?
Hanabi is gay just like Kumiko was in Hibikek.
More like hanaBi
I feel like it needed an epilogue. I want to see these two get together.
>youtube screen shot
>not supporting ecchan
How can you even call yourself human?
Because she wanted 2 things to have sex and to be loved.
But society told her that all sex was loving, but she wasn't in love with the first guy (he was just some chad so she felt flattered) this caused her to eventually develop a complex where she though love was bullshit and all she needed was to be desired.
I would fully support Ecchan making it a 3-way.
That's not supporting here, degenerate.
That's not supporting her, degenerate.
You're right, she'd be better off with her cousin.
You'd be better off in the ground.
You first, spic.
Name a single thing I did wrong.
Not like I make baseless claims or anything, like you.
You deserve a bullet in the head.
Have fun with your shitty show.
>nothing wrong named
Well then, thanks for playing.