nah, that guy is racist as fuck anyway
Nah, that guy is racist as fuck anyway
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They've been other japanese who thinks this way.
mutts on suicide watch
holy fuck his accent
I hope he goes full Kamikaze on disrespectful whatoo priggy !
He isn't racist, he actually supports his commentary with stats and isn't sensationalist or stereotype based like the US commentators. The truth isn't racist.
Unless you're one of those disgruntled Africans who sent him racist hate mail, then you are part of the problem.
>He says as his county leads in acid attacks
Fuck logan paul and white people
Check this video
Lots of Jap hate comments
Japs getting red pilled on the WQ
this is a joke account, i've watched some of his videos before. even the accent is put on, he can speak english much better than he leads on.
Logan Paul Is still not as big a cunt as trump.
this is a joke account, i've watched some of his videos before. even the accent is put on, he can speak english much better than he lets on.
Memes aside its pretty stupid how some random idiot got so popular in the US. At least Bieber had talent before he went off the rails. What's happening with your youth?
The guy is angry. Of course his accent becomes stronger when he is emotional. More focused, less of an accent. Less focused/emotional, more of an accent. Its simple logic.
I follwed this guy early on. He used to be pretty liberal but slowly has gotten redpilled about the negative aspects of multiculturalism. He knows niggers are dangerous and supports Trumps stance on Immigration.
Watch the vid. He doesn't say anything about white people. He just hates stupid foregners who go to Japan to party and disrespect culture.
no watch his other vids he's a joke acc
Who is this Rogan Paur?
I've watched a lot of his recent videos. Got a link to anything specific or to his "real" account? [spoiler] Help a fellow Irishman out. [/spoiler]
Also its surprisingly informative and comfy for a joke account. High standards for humour.
Is it really redpilled if his mindset is based on facts and truth? I thought the whole blue and redpill was the US equiv of you're ultra left or ultra right wing, both believing they know the gospel truth. When they don't.
The truth is just the truth isn't it?
He's talking against Americans, not whites.
>The truth is just the truth isn't it?
Yeah. But there are many who still see the truth and statistics and still refuse to believe it because it's "racist" or offensive. This guy managed to see the light.
witu pigu go hooooommmmmeeee
argument status:
[ ] a
[x] not a
>pissing off your anime providers
You fucked up amerimutts.
>I've never seen a Japanese person so angry.
Logan Paul did literally nothing wrong.
There was no reason for him to feel anything for the man he found that commited suicide.
Everyone's feefees are hurt for a man who already decided his life wasn't worth living anymore.
>who still see the truth and statistics and still refuse to believe it because it's "racist" or offensive. This guy managed to see the light.
I think to be fair to him that much of the Japanese and East Asian Citizenry, while "censored" (in the case of China) of some historical facts, particularly WW2, they don't seem even half as blatantly suggested or brainwashed like the younger west.
Diversity and all that other rubbish and such. Its nice to see some cultures still hold a cold but effective element of pragmatism which clouds the truth far less. China is supposedly taking aggressive steps against Africans in Guangzhou due to their habits of crime.
My only question is, though slightly OT: Why is it that so many Africans turn to crime but others get on and excel? The majority natives from the likes of Somalia or the poorer areas of the US, they are genuinely like barbaric tribesmen. Rape, murder and gang/tribe conflict constantly. But then you get people like Morgan Freeman or the voice actors and makers of The Boondocks who are like the idyllic versions of the happy, quirky, grumpy African from the 80s and 60s.
What's happened and what is happening?
redpilled means understanding that the truth is not always what it seems. fucking reddit fags ruined it to mean trump supporter but the original meaning was simply someone who realizes that the official narrative is usually a lie
You're an idiot. He blatantly disrespected and mocked a man who, in his depression, took his own life. Are some of you Americans so desentisized of your consumerism you don't even know what respect and common decency is anymore?
>waaa not an argument 'cause molememe
mutt logic
>Respect a dead corpse
Lmaoing @ ur life Euros.
He's fucking dead. He doesn't react to anything anymore you fucking idiot.
>respecting babbies who kill themselves without getting on the news first
It took him babbling for 5 minutes before he said he liked Trump.
go shoot up a school, mutt
So if someone tarnished or laughed at your parent or family member who killed themselves over their dead body, that would be fine too right?
What is he mad about? Did he know the stiff personally? Who gives a fuck about some dumb blonde bimbo youtuber whose audience is probably 90% 12 years old? And crying about foreigners partying, art thou fucking serious? What should they do, be miserable soy herbivores like jap men?
You're the last person that should be complaining about horrible tourists with that flag of yours.
but hes jewish
you're a fag but i do agree with you
human life does not posses any inherent value natural disasters alone prove that, let alone what we do to ourselves.
still though the little prick should show some modesty.
i dont expect him to give a fuck about the guy who offed himself, I know i don't, but use some common sense.
if you find a dead body you call the authorities, not make jokes about it then post the video on your fucking youtube page.
the worst part is that the little ghoulknew exactly what he was doing.
he had this video and he consciously posted it knowing it would be controversial and drive traffic to his page.
what an opportunistic vulture
Never happened. Fake false flag.
still not an argument
hurry up and import some more mexicans, pedro
Deah wogan paru
>lol molymeme
No. Why should I? Your own grievances should not turn to hatred or vengeance towards a person unrelated to my related family members.
Also nice false equivalence, retard.
Strangers are feeling offended for stranger disrespected by a stranger. Not family members.
>Is Logan Paul the key to turning Japanese people off from foreigners forever?
if that happens ill legit suck logan pauls cock, no more weeb anime garbage trash for whitey and his fucking worship of panfaced gooks neuroticism
still waiting on that argument
Reminder that pol always side with the native people of each and every single country, especially when it involves the Aryan of the East
America piggu need to stay in his multi-ethnic LA hellhole and do not spread his cancer to the land of the Samourai
Japan and a lot of East Asian countries still have a lot of respect and foundation with their culture. This kid was mocking their culture and acting the retard throughout. By not following their cultural practices he was disrespecting them. Its like someone burning the US flag or some crap in the US.
Why is he so popular anyway with you guys?
>crying about foreigners partying
They do leave a horrible mess where they go normally. The Irish were booted out of Australia for such behaviour so it isn't even just a Japanese thing, its a general problem.
Then you probably have serious problems.
>false equivalence
Its called empathy. Go back to watching the Kardashians redneck.
>he thinks his CIA tricked the mutt population because MKULTRA
agreed, american tourists are fucking cancer. usually only the upper middle class pretentious pricks can even afford to travel oversees unless you have been to america you have never met a real american
>Why is he so popular anyway with you guys?
i have never heard of him before this story but i assume he is popular with children
my nephew is 9 and he watches shit like this because
>lol so randumbs
kids are stupid
When did I say I didn't feel sympathy for the person?
I have empathy for the man that killed himself, Im not going to feel offended for him like a little bitch and chastise someone who tapes his corpse.
You really are fucking stupid.
>highest suicide rate
>Jap have no respect for their own lifes
>Suicide in a public area
This is somehow the fault of white people.
>Go back to watching the Kardashians redneck
Actually we watch Duck Dynasty, please be less culturally insensitive.
And don't hide your flag, people will respect you a little more.
>brack people
>you really are fucking stupid
You should reread your posts. Read very hard. Then read over what you said. The irony is brilliant.
Hello angry Islamic African poster.
i hate this attitude, this is what is known as white knighting. he is probably looking to just get his dick wet by making this video.
This might be the best commentary on the Logan video. The japanese are waking up. NOT OKEEEH!
there is no god
we have to draw a line somewhere or else we might as well just act like animals
But Muhammad was pounding a 9 year olds ass and is worshipped/respected by billions of normies Logan Paul has an honest laugh at nip culture and is hated by normies everywhere
Where is this from?
I didn't even knew who that dumb bitch was before he was posted here, but if he turned that nip in the video into an angry kamikaze, then he's doing them a favour.
That faggot's countryman hanged himself. Why should anyone respect the suicide guy, when he had no respect for himself? The Chad did nothing wrong. They should thank him for finding the body and calling the cops. The Japs are the one with the problem. They need to ask themselves why so many of them are killing themselves.
White people should be embarrassed because a v-logger found a dead body, but the Japanese should not be embarrassed that they have a fucking SUICIDE FOREST FULL OF DEAD BODIES?
This guy kisses so much white ass, I'm surprised he had anything bad to say about a white person.
>He's not representing all Americans
>Wtf I love Trump now, fuck foreigners, nationalism ftw
Logan Paul did nothing wrong. Fuck gooks
If you compare Japanese social problems to US and UK social problems, they are relatively minute. Suicide is serious but having 40% of your population suffering from a mental disorder and more than 50% a physical disorder, I think having a very minor ratio in suicide is a small price to pay for an overall healthier and better educated society.
If you actually look at the stats while they are the highest suicide rate the overall ratio isn't actually that high. Ireland is right behind them and you don't hear anything on that.
It's really hard taking japanese manlet rage seriously.
Exactly all these anons must be joking this is so ridiculous.
because suicide is treated differently in japan than in america.
if it were in america then fuck that guy we dont respect suicide in this country.
but he went to a foreign country and mocked their traditions.
he did the exact same shit that we get pissed at mexicans for
I don't think anyone actually watched all of it.
Americans are the scumbags on the Earth.
logan paul is a fucking faggot that needs to be put down like a dog along with all other youtube e-celebs.
nationalism only works when there is respect between nations.
Oh look some fucking nip blaming white people for what the jews did
>mocked their traditions
>of killing themselves because their culture sucks
1 guy vs. a 50% raise of rape rates since the arrival of 'The New Germans'.
The left can't logic.
We obviously have it with Japan.
Logan Paul will recover and will film many more nip corpsu , LOGANG WILL RISE , MERCH IN THE STREETS , nipland belongs to the white man!
>logan paul is a fucking faggot that needs to be put down like a dog along with all other youtube e-celebs.
Youtube e-celebs need to stop being so raised up on a pedestal. One of my families younger kids was visiting and was thinking of being a youtuber. I told him off on it and suggested something better. Its really planting bad impressions on younger minds.
Did Sup Forums learn something about respect today? Or are all the nihilist retards still laughing like the mutts they are
>just act like animals
Animals have survival instincts. Something that suicide cases don't have. That makes them less than animals. You should threat them as such. Putting suicide cases on such a high pedestal only enables future suicides. Like this piece of shit show. Netflix went full retard and fetishized suicide. They are part of the problem.
I like Logan Paul he is so positive, and happy
wish it wasn't a burger who had to go and pissed off the based nip
>That faggot's countryman hanged himself. Why should anyone respect the suicide guy, when he had no respect for himself?
The American narrative. More often than not suicide is the more dignified way to end your journey. Just look arround what kind of broken, battered and sorry...useless people are clinging onto life in America. Even though everybody knows they will never have a happy moment in their miserable life. Over time these people lose their self respect and become living ghosts, mere husks of the characters they once were.
But oh doh muh jeeebus and muh sanctity of life and muh happy go luck and shit.
Hanging from a tree is based? Hopefully he was Christian because if not that fella is gonna burn for all eternity
was logan paul the third nuke