Why do spics wear so much fucking cologne?

Lots of 'em at my job (janitors and construction mainly) and they all reek of cologne.

Is it to cover up their stink or does it make them feel white or is it something else?

Mexicans smell funny

dirty people use perfume as a replacement for water.

I rarely encounter a white male wearing cologne

Well as a 25% mexican I cant really say I do it.My father does though,but its not so bad.He is a rolling stone who has cheated on every women he has married.He is currently fucking the wife of a cop and prob gonna get shot...I digress.I haven't noticed the mexicans at my factory wear alot of cologne....but man are they fucking loud with their phones,conversation and make weird noises for no reason...blacks do it too.

There's like 20 of them a house and who knows if their showers and shit actually work properly

Im a spic and I dont wear any sort of smelly sprays.

That bitch is flat as a board. Or its a guy.

Their women think it's macho. Spics are a macho man race

>t. Arizona resident

you know what, like my whole life ive been with the hate too, but honestly look at the looser working with a bunch of spicks. also the asswholes construction uselesss idiots who use them for profit and give them money its a big circle jerk, oh we hate mexicans, but we are too stupid to go to college so we must fuck over the country more and hire what he hate for profit