Another 5 has been unlocked, I am growing stronger.
Another 5 has been unlocked, I am growing stronger
Did you know Moot made a board where you can post this stupid shit
without getting a ban?
retard alert.
>being this stupid
Real KoG coming through
I hope my script don't fail me.
t. Sup Forums
>newfags falling for the bait
Please don't reply with "That's the joke".
Here you go, friends
It's not bait your posts are against the rules please go back to
haha fag tri dis
Why 5, though?
You have to go back.
holy shit we are so close
Mods better not delete this thread
I'm talking about as a whole and through the long standing history. Why 5? Why not any other card in the deck.
Did someone say 5?
>Why 5?
Jesus christ, how new are you?
>5000+ posts
It's probably going to be some irrelevant shit too.
>implying any of you fake plebs will be able to GET
KoG don't fail us now.
Because one autistic shitposted decided upon it.
Remember Get threads are offtopic on all boards except
Victory is /vp/'s
The board speeds up when people notice the numbers.
>Get threads are offtopic
>no fun allowed
This is a big GET though user, no need to have such a stick up your damn ass.
Heh, so this will be our final battle, kid. Take thiiiiiiiiiis.
When Sup Forums doesn't have 40+ cancer threads at a time fun can be allowed again
For now you have to leave
Sorry mates, I only have some dubs at the moment.
Sorry, this ones mine
>When Sup Forums doesn't have 40+ cancer threads at a time fun can be allowed again
Non argument.
KoG is literally board culture. This 5 get has to occur on Sup Forums and only Sup Forums.
Kill yourself.
How many post are posted in a minute here on Sup Forums?
Around 100?
Dont fail me KoG!
Stop trying so hard.
I was around the first time KoG posted, but I never payed attention to it and ignored dub threads.
I guess it could just randomly be five, but for some reason I thought there was more to it.
>I'Im fitting in yet
Fuck off canada
Check this
you all suck
sirno gets the 9
good thread
Not as much as your waifu sux on my dick.
Yeah who cares about fitting in who cares about following the rules every board should be Sup Forums
>every board should be Sup Forums
>once in a lifetime GET automatically turns us into Sup Forums forever
Just stop
You won't be able to get the GET KoG if you're dead
I don't know if I've been here too long but the idea of using a script to get repeating digits has made it lose the appeal.
Soon, post lewd in anticipation
Actually abusing greentext, having openly offtopic threads constantly, and spamming Sup Forums or /fit/ or whatever memes makes turns us into Sup Forums
Why did I mean by this digits
No one cares kid.
nothing, you're a loser.
check these.
Right back at you nerd.
2d/random was better anyway, newfag.
yeah right, check em.
That's nice, but I'd like to bring your attention to the set of repeating integers which occurred at the end of my post.
ip address
What are you doing, OP?
It's still 5500 posts remaining (11 threads all hit the bump limit) until 55555.
back the fuck off
>mfw at the rate Sup Forums is going rn we'll have the mighty 5 get in a about an hour
I want to be a part of this GET!
nah m8 i got the 5 right here
exciting, isn't it?
all me btw