Eire/pol/ - "Barrett pill edition" edition

We finally got pics of the Egyptian jihadist that murdered /our nip/ in Dundalk. Name is Mohamed Morei but the article is saying his nationality is still unconfirmed.

"The accused made a number of outbursts during the brief court sitting, at different points exclaiming: "I'm not gay", "F*** you" and "I'm no Muslim".


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Where are the lads tonight?

I have the video of him arriving at the court house and he is getting a rough reception

Unfortunately the video is 12mb

They even shouted Allah Akbar at him as he was being led to the docks to taunt him


Approx how many people were waiting outside the courthouse? Upload the video on vimeo or to one of our subreddits like /r/thenationalparty. Would love to hear the local's reaction to the jihadist. This article says some local lads were taunting him outside the couthouse and had to be restrained by Gardai.


I'm from Newry hence my flag.

One of my Dundalk mates sent me this

Shane has no chill.

Np need to register for fucks sake

Whens it gonna happen?

Also youtube.com/watch?v=9YdxUpjrU_o Surprised the third guy wasn't a soyboy sounded like one.

That Muslim won't last in Portlaoise or Mount Joy

Ireland is going to get racist as frig

There is a real hardening around here after this

Ireland-Germany One Struggle! youtube.com/watch?v=OT0yoo9B2Bc

Glad to hear it. Its sad but attacks, especially in such a small country, can have a huge effect.

they're all talk "no one is coming after us, no one will try again if we fail" the least they could do is actually register.

I am sure there are plenty of Americans who will be willing to help arm the Irish Nationalists to defend themselves and Ireland.

How cucked is Newry? Everytime I meet someone from the North they seem pretty patriotic and red-pilled but then they vote for Sinn Fein who are the biggest proponents of this refugees welcome shite.

Surprised they are not capitalizing on the Islamist attack in Dundalk. Barrett just linked to a news article on it and James Reynolds has said nothing at all about it. We need to channel the anger out there into votes for the NP.



The whole equality thing, is about getting rights for Catholics with Protestants. Socialism goes down well when you are preaching to a people who are blatantly oppressed by the State.

However we certainly aren't liberal or "cucked"

FFS the IRA used to fight the Brits and shot drug dealers and anti-social hoods, there is no airy fairy bleeding heart carry on

The whole Republican struggle was entwined with left wing nationalism something similar to Abdel Nasser(ironically an Egyptian)

Hope springs eternal.

>fadaless edition.

Would it be fair to say that Catholics and Protestants are pretty much equal these days in the North? They have (had) power sharing in Stormont and there is no more discrimination regarding jobs or housing. So why are the Republicans still playing the victim? I understand some of them maintain that the voting districts are still gerrymandered but we'll leave that for another day.

Regardless of what they IRA did back in the day, the modern Republican movement has gone full SJW for gay rights, trannys, muslims, Palestine, Nigerians...you name it. I don't understand how these lads are not supporting the NP. Maybe you can explain how to get them on our side?

nationalists in the north need a strong voice to stand up to the DUP

We couldn't care less about anything else.

Actually we do care but we will tolerate the excess of equality if it means that the nationalist goals are advanced

No point in a United Ireland if there's a mosque on every corner and dole offices full of blacks. You're cutting your nose to spite your face.

As Pearse said: "I want an Ireland not free merely, but Gaelic as well; not Gaelic merely, but free as well."

Republicans play the victim because they have to take on the DUP and the British state at every turn

They realised that devolution wasn't delivering on a united Ireland so it was abandoned

>Soft-skinned Free Stater trying to bitch about Northern Nationalists

Exactly, it's hilarious how West Brits struggle with the concept of SF's appeal


Japanese are the best

To be honest if they are disillusioned with the Provo Sinn Féin then they will just switch to Republican Sinn Féin or Saoradh

first news on radio this morning

"the attack of peace in dundalk is not terrorism"
we sweden now

Dude I love the national party, I'll come home and vote if we can have a nationalist pro-gun party on our little island btfo'ing all the shite talkers for good, no one will fuck with us but ourselves and you'll either dorwn or get shot trying to invade

>Would it be fair to say that Catholics and Protestants are pretty much equal these days in the North?

Of course not, there was even a report from the UN in 2009 which reported how Catholics were discriminated against in Social Housing in North Belfast.

>there is no more discrimination regarding jobs or housing

Are you kidding? Ask a man from Derry with an O'Anything surname how hard it is to get a job there. Some even reluctantly change their stated address to "Londonderry" in order to find work.

>the modern Republican movement has gone full SJW

Wah wah wah, how dare those who experienced centuries of oppression have a little empathy for gay people.

Is operation Reverse the Quran still a go? If so I suggest we finalise the details of the posters now (should we include Quran reference numbers, etc.) A blank template similar to IOTBW seems suitable. We also need to start thinking about where these are going up.

>having empathy for homos

Fucking hell, Sup Forums has changed....

Have the rest of the lads moved to 8pol or what?

good, I'm racist as fuck now thanks to the internet, oogas boogas and arabs can rot outside of our countries

Just kill them or plan to kill them

F :(
Cute :(

>Sup Forums has changed

I was on Sup Forums the day it was created, I first went on 4flans in 2009.
The board "changed" with phoneposters, MAGApedes and the elderly. A few days ago, I saw a Yank who was surprised that Yugoslavia didn't exist anymore and then went onto talk about how he served in Vietnam.

8 also contains /leftypol/, if you want the oldfags they're probably on 4OtherChan (remove the Other, replace the "a" with an "o", still noted as spam).

Here's the video of the Egyptian fella being taken to court earlier and abuse shouted at him


if he doesnt get merced in prison, its a sad day for ireland


Who paid for this cunts orthodontic work?
Also- don't know where he's from, but can rule out terrorism? Do they think we're fucking thicks? He's also a hairy looking 18 year old, considering arabs in their 30's can pass for teenagers on the continent.
