Study of Holocaust survivors finds trauma passed on to children's genes

Hello fellow goyim, this is a daily reminder that white people are responsible for genetically traumatising the Chosen People forever.

Other urls found in this thread: radio show

The Jews suffer so much. We should find a final solution to their suffering!

The rich wise international ones seemed to have known what was happening and just left the poorer plebs to get gas'd. Some of them even helped. Some are still with us, still helping.

Oh my fucking god are they even trying anymore?

It’s all the gas


Christcucks are going to allow it.

卐╰༼ ・ ͜ ʖ ・ ༽╯卐 RAISE YOUR SWASTIKA

your wrong

Sorry but this is a real observable phenomenon in nature. It’s why we have something called instinct. It’s this mechanic in nature that causes us to be naturally afraid of certain species I,e spiders , snakes etc. During evolution the trauma of encountering such dangerous species was passed on to offspring to ensure higher rate of survival. After all, things like aggressiveness and sexual preferences are passed on in DNA so why wouldn’t fear or trauma?

TLDR: Survival of the fittest at work

Acquired characteristics don't affect genes wtf this is basic biology

Just end my suffering pls

Imagine our trauma.


Is this why euros are so cucked now?
Ww2 trauma?

they did this same story with rats but the one done with rats was actually legitimate

The Jews are already successful, they don't need this excuse. This is for Blacks. Watch them find "extraordinary levels of trauma" in Black DNA, which can only be corrected through untold levels of gibs, turbo-affirmative action and a redistribution of the wealth and power in this country. Also, mandatory breeding sessions with every White woman in this country so that every White family has to raise at least one half-Black baby to expedite the end of racism would also be beneficial, as well.

The only thing passed on the Jew gene is lying. When the jewlette hatches out the first sound it makes is 'Trust me Goyim;

>The Jews are already successful, they don't need this excuse.
Being this new.

Oy vey! The eternal kvetch.

The conclusion from a research team at New York’s Mount Sinai hospital led by Rachel Yehuda stems from the genetic study of 32 Jewish men and women who had either been interned in a Nazi concentration camp, witnessed or experienced torture or who had had to hide during the second world war.

>The conclusion from a research team at New York’s Mount Sinai hospital led by Rachel Yehuda



>Still believing in the holocaust meme

It's the SHOACOASTER. The ride never ends!

Hahaha get btfo Nazis scum, you may have wounded us to this very day. But we won.

And then everyone started clapping.

this is too much

What about all the wars and terrible events of human history?
Does everyone then carry around the trauma of their ancestors?

Deluded fucks.

Sorry, only Jews.

I offer an alternate hypothesis: jews are just like that.

Hmm, really makes you BAZINGA

The fear of a meteor hitting the earth and destroying all life traumatizes me. Never knowing when or if it will happen again. Was this passed down from the dinosaurs?

Goyim are not important. Now remember the Holocaust(™) and pay reparations to their kids.

that's actually the trauma from having your foreskin chewed off

Basically feel guilty forever and pay us money as reparations


I dont get this. Same with slavery. How do jews and blacks argue about slavery/holocaust when that shit mostly happened to people who are all but dead, and not the people crying about it now.
So why is it still relevant?

>Not realizing the next phase of the plan.

How is that even possible when they all died?


If you're afraid of spiders, it's natural instinct

If you're afraid of getting killed by niggers, it's xenophobia


yes we do

Because they want you to be thier babysitter and take care of them and the your payment is repaying for ""your crime"" against them

Their great great great great great great great great great great great great granchilds will be be suffering from this trauma through their DNA


White guilt. If they stop pushing all this garbage then whites will stop feeling guilty and stop caring about the Holocaust(™) and slavery.

>Pay for Jew's holohoax
>Now pay for their children and grandchildren
Stupid goyim.

Gas. Oven. Soon.

Does this mean they also feel traumatized by when the egyptian kangs enslaved them?

>Chosen People.
For the fall.

HERE YOU GO PLEBS. radio show


>implying moses was a jew
>implying they are the same jews as the modern day talmud following khazars

Not yet, we aren't.

tic toc

Things that can be disregarded in 2018


>is a real observable phenomenon in nature
For this to be true, the jews "not afraid of nazis" need to have died before having children, and the jews "afraid of nazis" need to have survived and have more descendants, passing this "afraid of holocaust" gene.
You my friend, are a retard
Too much people think that they know shit about science. I blame the big bang theory and rick and morty

NO ONE wants to get killed by niggers

Why do jews have a holy book with rueles at all if all they do is look for loopholes?

The Germans anyway


Technically this is true of all trauma. We are learning this through the energing science of epigenetics, which interestingly can also pass on genetic material left in females by sex partners

>Assassins Creed is real

That's just the millennia old fearmongering strategy within the tribe, for incapsulating the tribe, to feel no pity with the goyim.