It's chaos in Oregon right now senpai.
Who would win?
Ban gasoline
no one cares at all
A real man pumps his own gas, from the ground as pure oil and processes it till it is the best damn gas you can find
>mfw gas is 5$ a gallon here
>mfw its 2.75 .3 miles across the river in USA
I've spent all my summers there and always found it really annoying that you can't legally pump your own gas..I don't trust gas station employees and I don't like waiting on them
>tfw you only tip the gas attendant 5 dollars and he/she/xer gets angry
what is happening?
A new law lets burgers pump their own gas. They're panicking because they don't know how to do it.
fucking leaf
*some burgers
This fucking country is so big, it's hard to keep track of such retarded fucking State shit, ESPECIALLY west coast faggotry.
posted earlier we should try to meme buying diesel as it is more "environmentally friendly" as indicated by the green color scheme
Christ, I'm paying 2.50 about 100 miles south of BC and I had no idea I had it this good.
Ohhh yeah, i feel sooo sorry for big oil actually having to employ americans like it used to be across the country 50 years ago.
Why are you such a cuck? this law creates thousands of jobs across the states and costs the big service stations a few bucks every week to employ at least one person that would probably otherwise be on welfare. Oregon and New Jersey were based in holding out to big oil and their service stations and holing on to true american business.
Meanwhile the people you defend op are the people that are moving jobs overseas and are in the process of tanking the us petroleum and other heavy industries along with the jobs in the so called rust belt that it brought.
>I don't care as long as its cheap even if its from venezuela and pumped by a machine
then you are a commie my friend.
That's what the SERVICE industry is my friend.
>mfw gas is 5$ a gallon here
>mfw its 2.75 .3 miles across the river in USA
That's why they sell SUVs to people in cities trying to look cool canadabro.
That's why (((Standard oil))) bought into the motor industry waaaay back.
For reasons long since forgotten, the state of Oregon started pumping its own gas and set off a shitstorm that engulfed a board...
What does that even mean? They can now use the pumping stations on their own?
self service. There are some states that have full service(meaning an attendent pumps the gas for you) which it makes it easier for women, who get scared and dysphoria from such a trivial task.
I'd rather pump my own gas. There's been so many times the pump attendant fails to properly screw on my gas cap and I get a CEL, which means I have to go to autozone to pull the code just in case even though I know it's going to be a gas cap code. It's a pain in the ass, how incompetent can one be?
When I had my bike I got to pump my own which was nice.
I'm too lazy to do it myself but I don't understand why was it illegal in the first place.
Liberals in Oregon made it a law that you can’t pump your own gas, an attendant gas to. People just bought gas in neighboring states because it cost more.
That's your government's fault, not ours.
>That's why they sell SUVs to people in cities trying to look cool canadabro.
Burger starter pack requires an SUV or a 1/4 ton truck minumum
Ah, it was made illegal to pump the gas yourself in some shitty state nobody ever heard about.
Thanks for the clarification, user.
Here, most of the pumping stations have attendants, some are self-serving and some are completely automated.
It doesn't matter much since we have an excise tax on gas and it costs a fortune anyway (4 dollars for a gallon).
Wtf for real?
I've been around 30 years (14+ in the US) and I've not once seen a "gas attendant"
What in the actual fuck
>Chaos in Oregon
That's some great fear mongering user you should try to work at CNN. I don't think I've heard one person even talk about this in Oregon everything I've seen has been online
Fuck that. Gas costs as much or more in states with self service. Prices won't go down if self service is legalized. It will just result in higher profits.
>It's chaos in Oregon
No it isn't.
t. Eugenefag
Well I live in Oregon and we're all joking about it.
What about all those lost jobs
All women should be gassed.
I only heard about it because of OregonLive.
Californians ain't gonna take our precious full service.
>tfw live in Ohio and have been pumping my own gas since I got my license at 16
How is Oregon so backwards and fucking retarded?
It's the law here. It creates jobs and reduces crime.
You can pump your own if you don't mind crossing the border or going to a reservation, where there are no jobs and lots of crime.
America isn't one country. It's a shit ton of countries larping as one.
How does it reduce crime?
It's super annoying as an outsider, but I guess it creates jobs...
tweakers can work at gas stations to pay for meth instead of raping women for it
I went on a business trip to Oregon once and was stopping by the gas station to fill up the rental before taking it back and some dickhead started yelling at me. I mean I guess he was trying to save me the 5-10 for a felony gas-pumping conviction but at the same time it confirmed my opinion of western yanks.
t. Texas
Fpbp, we'll definitely spare this leaf on the Day of the Rake
Backward? You mean you don't have servants at your gas stations?
>mfw people in Oregon are even bigger pussies than previously thought.
prices are not going to go down for gas so why should I have to pump my own gas
How does it create jobs and reduce crime?
Gas is more expensive as a result of having a retard pump off the gas into your rear hole.
Crime? I cant even
Its retarded and is a waste of resources to pays somoene to stand around waiting for a car to pull up so they can pump the gas for the person waiting for the gas to be pumped.
It's funny how many are fueling up with that green gas to be eco-friendly. Idiots.
A tweaker usually can’t hold down a job and when they do they just steal from the employer. A tweaker always steals.
Because “people” in Oregon are mostly shit tier. I grew up there. In Rural Oregon far away from Portland. Everyone I met is or was nigger tier in there behavior. You people and the Indians are all alike.
I've just encountered the story and went to check on jewgle, only to be a bit suspicious at the top "news" organizations. Even with NCR, google pushes US news for some basic query as "pump gas". Notice how Duck Duck's first link is to wikihow and even yahoo doesn't say anything about the meme beyond news section. Whereas in google wikihow link is the 8th result.
I especially loathe Forbes since they couldn't decide if they should report on GamerGate when it already went on at least a week, but happily jumped on effectively a facebook meme.
And the jewgle prefers to fuck with the algorithms just to push an agenda.
How many gas attendants does each station have?
They are paid 9.75+ per hour they are recouping those costs in someway IE higher prices
Oregon is a retarded state full of rednecks, hipsters and little else
>t. lives in Idaho
And I replied to myself like a retard
Was that English?
I live in this libbie hell hole.
These people are dumb as fuck. Do you know how many cars have been destroyed already because these dumbfucks can't tell that green means diesel?
How do these fags tell the difference between decaf and full caf coffee? Dipshits.
I actually prefer to pump my own gas, I don't have to wait 15 minutes for the brain dead retard gas attendant to come over and pump it for me.
You're supposed to tip those felons? For putting gas in my car? The fuck?
Thats not how it works they will keep the prices the same and fire the workers
There's always two staff at every gas station because they need one for the pumps, so they might as well have a second to run the convenience store. Gangs don't hang around near gas stations here looking to ambush people getting gas.
I have never felt unsafe at a gas station in Oregon no matter how late it is. When I lived in Seattle for college I got gas late at night one time. One time.
In 2016, there were 17,401 robberies of gas stations in the US.
In 2016, there were 3 robberies of gas stations in Oregon.
I think New Jersey is the only other state with gas attendants
what is a gas cap?
my ford has no such thing, just a hole.
your ford is a slut.
Oops, copied the wrong field from the FBI national statistics.
There were 8,178 gas station robberies in 2016.
nice try eurofag, that picture is clearly from europe given that the drivers seat is on the right hand side
this is a non credible stat. oregon has a lower crime rate then other states to begin with. we all know that 8,000 of those 8,178 gas station robberies were in chicago
A few weeks ago before the iranian thing, it was under 2 dollars in Georgia
Whatever helps you sleep at night, transplant. Please go home.
Actually a 5th gen Oregonian. Do you want to suck my dick now or later?
You don't tip the gas pumper and it's only 2.50 in oregon. Plus it's a right to work state so they create jobs for people where ever.
>being proud you're from oregon
shig dig faggot, mt. hood is the only decent part of your state
W-what have they done to you? Oregon is best state. You should have been born understanding this.
I live in Bend and I've pumped my own gas without any issues for a while. The attendants don't give a shit. I typically only let them do it if its cold as fuck outside.
Has anyone lurked the comments section of the local news sites? its hilarious. Just a bunch of aging boomer faggots complaining about how now they'll get covered in gasoline and might die and shit. Even mouth breathing retards can learn to pump gas but it seems to elude these people.
My question is why is it even regulated in the first place? If a station wants to pump your gas, fine.
If they don't they don't. If you have a preferred method you can just choose a gas station
>4 dollars for a gallon is fortune
Fuck me, over here it’s £5.31 a gallon at the moment, in dollars its $7.20. You think you have it bad?
made decent money in highschool pumping gas in Eugene. I think it only applies to smaller town, haven't read and don't live there any longer.
gas fluctuates 20 cents a litre here. weekly. meanwhile its been 270-275 a gallon for months in NYS across the river. canada is fucking retarded. litres were created to steal more money from you. same with coins. you spend more because 'its just change'. fucking canada fuckin faggot jew fucks
>fuel pumps
Someone give me a quick rundown.
>jews give gibsmedats in form of people needing a 'gas station' attendant to pump gas.
>jews mad that gibsmedats for worthless jobs are taken away
>literal children dont know how to pump gas
Only OR and NJ mandated them
you do know most of Europe has the driver's seat on the left
how is this even an issue? I would pump gas in all of my dads work trucks when I was 9, do grown people really have trouble with this shit?
You can thank the Mexican intellectuals who built your aluminum Ford for that.
I was only pointing out how useless women are.
Thanks for pointing out how brainlet americans are.
(I'll give you the answer just in case,only in bongistan and some of their colonies they drive and have the wheel in bong position in an effort to avoid trucks of peace)
The rest of the world(and europe) drives the same as yourselves although we can into manual without fear of loosing brain power and pooping our pants
That's not the issue.
Right to works a bitch aint it
I haven't seen a gas station attendant since the early 80s where I live.
>Used to work a job a few years ago that required a lot of travel.
>Be in New Jersey and get gas.
>Go to pump it.
>"Nonono! You can't do it yourself. I have to do it for you!"
>"You don't know how!"
I remember as a kid, the attendant would check your fluid levels if you asked, but it was always a pain in the ass if there were a bunch of people getting gas and you had to wait for the one attendant.
You poor sod... that's nearly 3x the cost per gallon where I live.
So what are you supposed to prob in the gas pump handle if it doesnt have the little tab to hold it open. Stpuid idea by ford. A gm gas cap is specially engineered to fit in the handle of a gas pump
lel in italy it s 1.6 for 1 LITER of gas . 1 liter = 0.26 gallon
Never lived in oregon eh?
>morons made a law requiring petrol/gas to be pumped by a special attendant on the forecourt
>law has just been repealed so people are free to pump gas themselves
>cue pandemonium because some people from Oregon clearly have the intelligence of a four year old when it comes to operating a petrol pump
Eugene fag here!! We should meet up (I'm a girl)
$64,000 question: How did this retard law got enforced? An unenforceable law may as well as be printed on toilet paper.
I missed the part implying I was proud?
This is fake and gay. Attendants will literally sprint out of the store and chew your ass out if you lift the gas pump. Seen it happen several times with out of staters
They should have a full serve law. Why not make laws that create jobs for people?? Like why not make a law banning ordering machines at mcdonalds and self checkouts? There was a time when the law used to look out for people and not corporate profits. Howmuch more expensive was gas in oregon or New jersey?
Back in the day cars were becoming more and more popular and cheaper, and lawmakers were concerned about random people handling flammable and explosive materials. This was the 50s after all, hardly an era of safety. As time went on states dropped the requirement for stations to have an attendant, especially after two fuel crises in the 70s meant that stations had to save every cent they could. For some reason the law still stands only in NJ now that Oregon have repealed it.
Nobody ever tips me for pumping their gas
Try driving into New Jersey in an old Caprice.
>start to get out of the car
>attendant yells at you
>comes over
>looks at fender
>tells you you're on the wrong side
>get out of the car again and pull the license plate down to reveal the fuel cap