Seriously where the fuck is this from. Just try every method you know of finding sauce and i gaurantee you you will not find sauce on this (barring that you already have seen it. Try searching it without knowing the anime name)
Seriously where the fuck is this from...
Other urls found in this thread:
Lurk more.
Fuck off, retard.
Love Lab
hey would you look at that
Stop spoonfeeding
Maki Natsuo, Love Lab
How the fuck? I tried every method even tinyeye but all i got were SEO meme sites
What did you use? Man damn i feel stupid now ive spent months ..
Stop spoonfeeding.
You're fucking retarded.
Get 4chanx and you can just press the WAIT button
Alternately use the link in the thread
You are literally too new to be posting. Delete your thread and lurk for another year before ever starting one.
Stop spoonfeeding.
You're just retarded.
You can't delete your thread anymore you fucking newfag.
Thanks i actually really appreciate it. I really did try everything i could think of but clearly im not the smartest one around. Thanks again
I hope someone bashes your retarded newfag skull in.
There's a magical site called What Anime Is This.
Now delete your thread.
Kill yourself shitskin.
Not exactly, I'm doing the same thing as somebody who links /wsr/. I didn't give him the name of the anime like the retards earlier.
You're likely going to get banned for a few days for this thread. Don't make the same mistake again you fucking fag
Oh wow tough guy
Eat shit.
>delete your thread
Newfags detected. Fuck off.
Everyone in this thread should just fuck off and let it die.
If you must reply, use sage.
Still spoonfeeding. Just let him get banned and not come back, that's how terminal retards get filtered from this board.
Is Royal dead?
Can't even google by himself, what a fucking retard
Haha holy shit you guys really are losers. I always thought it was a meme but lol
bumping this just to piss you off, retard
Telling someone how to fish isn't spoonfeeding you subhuman shithead go back to /r/anime
lmao this is funny
is this a ruse?
You're not teaching anyone shit. You're just rewarding retardedness, redditor-kun.
Kill La Kill Yourself.
>Normalfags vs basement dwellers ITT
Wew lads
Im afraid to post now but i was actually looking for the specific episode/scene out of curiosity
>being this new
>didn't watch Love Lab when it aired
I want newfags to leave
Oldfags need to fuck off
How new? Explain to us poor newfags please.
Shitposting is against the rules.
That was like 2 seasons ago, stop being a newfag yourself
You need to fuck off normie-kun.
Im starting to think you guys like anime non-ironically
>this shithole
Good joke, you autist. I bet you're on this shit board 24 hr non stop eh?
I feel like this kind of retardation could be avoided if we just had a sticky like Sup Forums. That's how they deal with people who come onto Sup Forums for tech support questions.
Maybe with a list of some basic sites (e.g. iqdb, saucenao, yandex, whatanime, boorus) and a link to the Sup Forums wiki/recommendation pages. It would reduce newfag shitposting and give mods an excuse to crack down harder when it happens.
>he watched Love Lab when it aired
Zozzle. Did it hurt when you fell from Reddit, newfag-kun?