Can someone please explain the appeal of this show to me? For a show that is so beloved by so many, it's so generic and uninteresting.
Hunter x Hunter
it gets better by the third arc
what? It's actually at its best on the first two or three arcs
anyways, It's a great show in it's entirety OP
if you didn't like it, drop it, wait a few years until you mature more and try again
Okay reddit
First two arcs are fucking tournament arcs and everything about them are, though not bad, generic as fuck.
I would make the argument that people who hated the first two arcs are exactly the people that HxH is for.
everything past third arc is fun as fuck to watch.
phantom troupe and the greed island arc is GOAT shounen anime.
Nobody actually likes it, we just pretend we do so you'd check it out and then we could all laugh at you behind your back. It's been a long project, but we finally succeeded.
Hahaha! Look at this dumb faggot!
appeals to autistics who don't understand real human emotion
to you.
It gets good after like 50 episodes.
>marysue x marysue
Why can't kurapika beat netero if he is already 100% on all specialties? just slam him with the chains while you are chained up on perma healing
Phantom Troupe is the best arc in the show. Stop watching after then, it just becomes what it means to be a human-esque tropes that aren't original in the slightest.
>hunter exam and zoldyck family arc are tournament arcs
Nigga what the fuck
Even if you talked about Heaven's Arena i fail to see how that's a generic tournament arc
Also why is it cool to hate on HxH now? Even when the anime was airing people were constantly praising it and saying how it subverted their expectations, especially the CA arc, now in every hunter thread i see it seems to be a complete 180 with people complaining about how it's generic and saying how shit CA was
The show is good but I fucking hate Killua.
Hisoka is based tho
Binge watch the first 2 arcs, it doesn't matter if you fall sleep a couple of times, the 3rd arc might be a bore too but the first time nen is introduced it's always cool, back when nen was still a cool power. Yorkshin definitely is the highlight point of the series, watch it and love it, don't expect anything that good after it though. The 5th arc is interesting, the 6th arc is basically filler tier, is long, pointless, and end in nothing, oh yeah, some old dude dies and then we get; the 7th arc is interesting too but totally bullshit, from this point onwards you won't give a shit anymore about logic so don't worry if you missed a couple of things, the 8th and final arc promises to be the next Yorkshin but nobody will ever know.
>Also why is it cool to hate on HxH now?
hype backlash if fans praise it enough it will start getting a lot of haters
happened with One Piece, Jojo, FMA, OPM and has happened to HxH
You do not know what Mary sue means in anyway shape or form ever. I don't even think you tried.
This is Sup Forums now, retards spouting buzzwords without knowing what they mean, fanbase wars, opinions presented as facts and platitudes or bait without any sort of substance getting the most replies.
If you changed the name to Sup Forums you honestly wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
it was like that since 2010
to be fair HxH fans are one of the vanguards of said behavior.
you don't declare yourself the most mature manga or best battle shounen ever without wanting to pick a fight.
it better be unique in every facet or you will get threads like this everyday.
By anime standards it is okay, nothing great.
By shonen anime standard, it is superb. One of the best.
they are generic in that they are in no way creative. Like most tournament arcs they are basically just character demonstrations and compared to the Yorkshin and Chimera ant arc they don't really do much.
sure they do what they are suppose to so they are ok but this is HxH after all.
Nobody does that you asbolute fucktard, and if they did it's pretty blatant it's shitposting or bait. Looking through the archive the last post i saw claiming this was in november 2016, and it was people parodying it. As a matter of fact i pretty much exclusively see people parody it or complain that fans call it that.
By your use of "pick a fight" and whining about fanbase behavior (that i'm really not convinced is legitimate) it's pretty obvious to me that you're exactly the type of cancer i was talking about.
The first 40 episodes or so were quite generic to me and I didn't see the hype, but they were watchable enough for me to keep going.
It's the 100 or so episodes after that that's so bingeworthy and where it gets its high praise from. It's probably my favourite anime now.
This board memes that the CA (biggest) arc is bad but most would say it's its best arc.
Anyone who thinks the first couple of arcs are better than the CA arc are just plebs or underage.
Probably bait but HxH is the one shounen where you can't call people Mary Sue (except maybe how strong the ants are on birth). Almost everything is explained by its power system.
It doesn't work like that. When they say 100% potential on a certain specialty they mean they get full power on it according to their own training/abilities. One they don't have mastery over is just default nerfed. It isn't about power levels, it's about suitability.
Netero is over 200 years old if I recall, he's been training his Nen like over 10 times the time that Kurapika has been alive.
>fuck yeah we're going to invade this palace and take out the royal guard and king
>everyone except pitou BTFOs the main characters and then dies of poison
Again, i fail to see your point, the exam arc isn't even a tournament arc at all to begin with and how is HA a character demonstration when it's pretty much exclusively about Gon, Killua and Hisoka
And i would definitely argue that they "do much", exam arc introduces the main characters and plotlines and heaven's arena introduces the concept of nen
but they don't do anything new
I'm not saying that it's bad but the series is sold as "more creative and deeper than all the other battle shounens" and you won't get that with the first two arcs.
and the exam arc pretty much is a tournament arc all the bells and whistles are there (pairing, 1on1, fighting, controlled challenges) it even has a tournament at the end.
This, im not a huge fan of the CA arc but it have its moments and the rest of the anime is GOAT
It's one of the few shonens that get better and better as it goes
I would call it creative, even HA, unless you can show me a series that has done the same thing before
I'm not saying it's particularily brilliant but you're almost talking in hyperboles, if i hadn't gone through the series i would think what you're describing is the most generic budokai tournament copypaste imaginable when it's fairly unconventional and original, especially when you look at the "tournaments", the one in the exam arc has exactly one fight that consists of Gon getting KO'd in one hit then tortured and the one in HA is about them learning nen and eventually getting shat on by Hisoka
And what you described isn't a tournament arc, with this definition you could call the palace invasion a tournament arc
Also forgot to add, "more creative and deeper than all the other battle shounens" is a strawman and you're clearly trying to twist the definition of things such as "generic" or "tournament arc" so it fits your narrative, it seems like you're being petty and splitting hairs for no discernable reason
It's fun
Posts like these make me giggle
The actual mission wasn't to kill the Royal Guards, it was to kill the King. Their task was to keep them separated from the King, they didn't necessarily expect to win.
But I don't see how it's a complaint anyway, just shows the characters in HxH can't plot armour their way to a win like a lot of shounen.
Are you the same guy making these threads over and over again day in day out?
I mean, goddamn. I don't mind your opinion, but do you really need to make this shit EVERY day? Is this tied into some emotional issue? What the hell is wrong with you?
Wow a shounen where the good guys don't just level up and beat the bad guys. So bad
They would have all died if Meruem didn't discover his humanity, which in turn affected the Royal Guards.
i agree
Pitou is the hottest amino girl ever created
Discovering his humanity had nothing to do with it.
His fate was sealed the moment Netero caught him in the nuke. That's what makes him discovering his humanity tragic.
I feel like there was less fanbase warring at least. The rest is all the same.
As a girl Pitou is merely, now as a trap Pitou is a fucking 11/10
Frequently putting the protagonist in situations where they have zero chance of winning is deliberate play to emotions and it's a sign of shit writing. Togashi can only cast the underdog card so many time before it gets old.
it's in my 3x3 ! i don't even like it that much ! so i think people just pretend to like it
Just goes to show how strong the royal guards are.
Not pouf.
>it's so generic and uninteresting.
That basically sums up the first 30 episodes but after that it introduces one of its main appeals, Nen, which is probably the most balanced and clever power system in any fictional universe. Past the 30 mark, everything improves dramatically; the story becomes much more interesting, every arc has its own distinct genre and there's a trend in where the writing gets increasingly better with each arc passing by.
Another thing about it is there are no main female characters, which naturally means less drama and slice-of-life scenes. Lastly, there's the fact that it shits on every other shonen because it gets so many things right.
I'm thinking of watching the old anime (because it's on UK Netflix) and then reading the manga. Does the story seem like it's drawing to a close any time soon?
It's a bad attempt at a general, he was even shilling his garbage discord a few days ago.
>first two arcs are the best
>get more mature
>why is it cool to hate on HxH now?
>introductory arcs are "doing much"
dude, i like hxh but quit fucking memeing so hard. the first two arcs are the weakest ones and you're getting way too butthurt over someones opinion instead of just accepting that it gets better as it goes on. the first two arcs are good not entirely for its entertainment value but how it sets up future arcs
Are you autistic or something? Didn't like it? Don't watch it.
These posts are made by the same person, he waits for a week or two, then posts again.
I like it because while it's shounen, it isn't generic Battle Shounen. Well, until Ant Arc anyway. God, I hated the Ant Arc.
Which is actually a pretty unpopular opinion, I guess.
I liked it when it was just those four friends traveling, and doing things together. Then when they separated, we get these neat little side stories of their adventures. It's great.
Also, Nen is one of the most developed shounen powers.
I think my favourite arcs were when Killua and Gon are training, the tournaments and their attempts to make shit loads of money.
Everything is so well explained about the world. I really enjoyed the world building. I can't recall another shounen which spent so much time on world building and explaining everything. Especially explaining the themes behind each characters, whether bad or good.
Also, Killua best boy.
It's quite sad, what is even the point
You're doing it wrong
Watch the '99 version
He's desperate to make a meme
Like the "Monster ITT Overrated Shit" one for example
Gohan was a mistake