JF literally insane, why does Sup Forums keep defending this eeediot?
JF literally insane, why does Sup Forums keep defending this eeediot?
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Destiny keeps winning, he can't be beat. He must be GODSTINY
this looks bad, what the fuck can we say?
Wow guys I am certainly not from desTINY's community and I say we should just burn the alt-right down its all ogre boys
JF is finished
卐╰༼ ・ ͜ ʖ ・ ༽╯卐 RAISE YOUR SWASTIKA
Monkey-birthing is a pretty high IQ thing to know.
I'm sure human birthing is similar if not the exact same, when will the JIDF learn to stop this character assassination of /ourguy/?
Someone will take me seriously, I'm sure.
this manlet cant keep getting away with this
How can one sjw manlet single handedly BTFO the entire alt right?
did he refer to blacks as monkeys in official court documents?
stop posting this destiny cuck shit. No one cares about the manlet and no one cares about the retard fucker JF.
Fuck your morael oFFence! fagoot
Not much about Destiny's history bothers him, but there is one thing that he has guarded more than anything: Something his community has referred to as the "Day9" story. If you crack this story, it might be the end of Destiny and/or Day9. Tread carefully however, (((Day9))) has shown to have increadible reach, and has been successful in silencing Destiny from telling this story for years. There are reports of Destiny fans looking into it going missing. Be careful guys.
pol will NEVER recover from this
Heh, well you see, (((DesTINY))) made up these docs with his Soros jew friends.
this but unironically
How mad is Sup Forums right now defending a fucking freak like this LOL
>making white babies without even needing a jewish doctor's help
is there any better frontman for white nationalism?
I legitimately have no idea who JF is or what that image is supposed to mean. Can someone please explain?
JF son's dox
I don't watch Destiny at all since I am pretending to be a credible poster on this website but this looks really bad for JF.
white babies btw
Sup Forums eternally BTFO!!!!
JF is a fucking psycho lmao
>imagine hating someone so hard you defend a retard fucker french-canadian autist
Whose words are the court recording here?
DesTiny has a habit of presenting the side of only whoever JF is against in court.
this convo isn't for you then buddy
he tried to impregnate a retarded mexican
Women can give birth at home. JF has experience with helping similar pregnancies. Therefore he is saying he can help her give birth at home. Go back to r/destiny you retarded faggot. This is literally nothing.
Just another case of a man getting screwed over in a custody case due to offhand remarks.
Homebirths are safer than hospital births.
The lower stress and lower risk of infection are both huge factors in the reduced mortality rate during delivery.
DesTINY fanboys getting mad because their Pedophile God is getting destroyed.
>trying to conceive an anchor baby with a retarded mexican
>white nationalism
i cant even lmao
Destiny is a lying cuck. He is probably making up these "court doc" images. He lied against sargon, he lied against no BS, and he lost the debate again against JF so he is making shit up. It's how these people work.
this but unironically, seriously JF is one impressive autistic sperg
also at what point will idiots taking the bait realize Thorin already wrote the book on Destiny
JF wanted an Anchor Baby? Foreign Invader get out!
I guess everything about race realism is wrong now. How could this have happened bros??
When you have to defend a Literal Pedophile Who thinks that Giving Pedos Child Porn will help them. Nigga Please.
So this smear campaign is Destiny admitting he lost to JF right? Maybe he should calm down with some ethical child porn
Is there anything JF can't do?
>Can Deliver a baby
>A master at law
>Chainfucked the west-coast
>Proved Race-realism; something the entire field of biology has failed to do so far.
>Managed to seduce a retarded girl.
And JF's best(only) response tends to be "its love you eeeeeediot""thats called biology"
Tiny's chat is posting links to this thread. They've been raiding Sup Forums for days now.
this thread was posted in destinys stream chat, and is likely filled with destinyfags
so sage
You are defending an actual retard fuck holy shit LOL consider suicide you fucking freak
So he's fucked a chink, a spic and now fucking monkeys. Is this the best white supremacists have to offer?
So everyone who is on the spectrum is officially mentally retarded? I work with people with autism who are high functioning and enjoy everything normal people do, including relationships. Destiny knows race is real and is trying his hardest to smear Jf.
disgusting. I mean literally i wouldnt want to stay in one room with such creature
and look at the head of this JF guy, he looks like the manket himself if you judge by the body proportions and his forehead
anyone who watched early drunken peasants already knows JF is a turbosperg
doesnt make him wrong on race though
>DesTiny has access to a network of Jewish agents to feed him intel on his opposition
We don't stand a fucking chance, Kraut and his band of retards were a bump in the road compared to this guy. WHAT THE FUCK CAN WE DO?
I love when you talk, please say something more.
>Is there anything JF can't do?
Have custody of his son
he is a guy who btfod a manlet streamer in a debate about race realism, since manlets can never learn destiny (manlet) started to slander him (the manlet is leftypols last hope, if destiny gets btfod Sup Forums could take over the internet hence the heavy shilling)
How'd you know about whats posted in his stream chat if you not from there yourself?
so whose words are they?
If you are in the pestiny squad you must have a link to the doc?
These things are quite important in legal terms my underage friend :^)
Pol will NEVER recover from this beating
Uh JF is alt-right and believes in race realism so there was no chance of him being a well adjusted individual from the start. Every single Alt-Right e-celeb is a disgusting hypocritical faggot and probably a real faggot in the sense that they fuck men and would be ovenbait in nazi Germany with no exceptions.
you wish buddy :>
You'll find entire books about home delivery. Millions of people are born like that. His wife was just flipping the narrative against him because she was divorcing him.
Believe it or not, turns out that when controlled for mothers that are not at risk, home birth was found to be safer than hospital birth. Likely giving birth at home makes your brain feel responsible for what you are doing, while blinding letting your brain trust a doctor you act more recklessly in regards to your body.
Imagine being blown the fuck out so hard you resort to smearing some French doctor as a rapist or a pedophile or a retard fucker or whatever the fuck they're saying just to damage control your ideology being completely shattered on video. Density and those septic community faggots are more pathetic than the most libshitty commies could ever be.
Also why won't he debate Mike Enoch? If he thinks race realism is so dumb then he should have no problem arguing against the most prominent voice in the alt-right.
Why would you quote my post when I was defending JF? Can you read?
someone can watch a stream and browse pol at the same time.
destiny is smearing JF cuz he doesnt want to debate race
JF is smearing himself, read the court documents. Form your own opinion.
This is just gold how these people still defend JF to the death HAHAHAAHAH
races exist, yeah, but the definition is still not strong and in many cases artbitrary. We can say that a new race of amerimutts is emerging right now.
>Not detecting sarcasm
>Bad Amerimutt, bad!
reading court documents is smearing?
Destiny is still prepping for his R-R debate. Althype is next.
Will Andy kick him out of his stream now? Lmao the retard bet on the wrong horse
all he accusations are from the other sides lawyer though right?
And JF hasn't lost a case so in essence destiny is just reading out the losing argument of a legal case. lul.
>this guy is the best alt-right has to offer
No? He's doing a lot more than "reading court documents". You're not really this low-functioning, are you?
Why would he kick JF off the stream? Because destiny is lying and slandering him?
docs google com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/1S9KShDLvU7C-KkgEevYTHXr3F6InTenrBsS9yk-8C5M/htmlview?sle=true#gid=1530077352
is this jf harassing other people?
inb4 these truths are actually enough to make him andy or JF himself withdraw from the talk lmao
then JF will have no problems with his cease & desist that destiny apparently is not scared of at all at the moment, he is going even harder atm
That pic is fucking Nasty, just like the retard raper JF
reading court documents and posting quotes from those documents?
he has the memes from him vs his ex wife and the memes with the retarded mexican girl he tried to kidnap and impregnate
>being this mad
He is smearing him, but based on the truth. How can you deny this. Nothing about what Destiny is doing is slander.
I know this was made ironically, but literally who cares
You can't Cease and Desist facts from Court Documents LOL
I thought JF was a American now
Destiny admits that races exist, but what he doesn't admit is that we can draw some conclusions based on that. So if we admit that races exist we shouldn't jump on "race explanation" to anything that we can explain with income and education differences. Racists want to make it look like race realism gives them easy answer for anything. See different crime stats? Thats because its race. See something else and you don't want to research its true reason and source? just say its race related because some JF guy told you that races are real.
The liberal courts are against white conservative men, so the system is already rigged against JF. Just look at his history of legal action. It's disgusting that the system is this corrupt.
When did I ever do that? I can't think that JF is insane without defending Destiny?
Destiny fancucks, explain this please imgur.com
Arguments made in court are not automatically truth, and resorting to smears is overtly admitting he lost the debate so fucking hard he has to abandon his arguments completely.