Hating people for their immutable characteristics, like skin tone, ethnicity, and gender, is cruel and stupid
Hating people for their immutable characteristics, like skin tone, ethnicity, and gender, is cruel and stupid
this is a race hate board for mentally ill people
don't come in here and start big-timing people
I agree with this thread
Shut it, nigger.
>implying we hate blacks for their skin and not their actions
Is it ok to hate chestlets?
I don't hate them, I just don't like them
Nothing about what you said imputed any sort of positive duty
Agreed. I didn't choose to be racist, it's immutable.
I can rephrase “hate” to “not like” if that would make it easier for you
They aren't synonymous
I don't dislike them, I just don't affirmatively like them
Or better said, there's no inherent reason to like them
Name 1 real city that became better after niggers became the majority of the population
No one chooses to be born and I do think it's mean to judge someone solely for their physical attributes but certain actions of a person can be attributed to their physical attributes which makes prejudice serve a purpose: to recognize patterns in human behavior
I don't hate them for that, I hate them for their proximity to my person.
Maybe, but they deserve it.
I don’t hate them for their characteristics, as you put it
I hate them for what they choose to do with those characteristics
Is it a choice to steal?
How would you prefer people to “use their characteristics” in a way that doesn’t offend you?
Why hate certain people when you can hate everyone?
We hate them because:
1) They trash our neighborhoods and schools
2) They're more criminal than us
3) They suck down our wealth, pic related
4) It's our fucking country, we didn't invite them, let them go fix their own country.
Because only hating certain people upsets more people than hating everyone.
if blacks had white skin we'd just call them trailer trash
Dear god.....what have I done????
How much longer is there left?????
Hating people groups having different characteristics and insisting everyone is all the same is cruel and stupid.
I agree, I only hate blacks because they're dumb and violent.
What would your ancestors think of you dimension mixing?
If you havent been paying attention, the world is cruel and stupid
My whiteness is immutably racist, deal with it
This. Hating them that way is libs projecting as always. If blacks, Muslims and so on all behaved the way whites do, we wouldn't even be having this discussion. The good ones face suspicion because of how many bad ones there are, how bad they are, and how subtle society requires one to be about mitigating the problems from the bad ones.
If we could just say to each other, "Are you one of the good ones?" we could rip off the bandage and get along. Prejudice is just the suspicion and other defense mechanisms needed to get by.
> There are bad whites too!
Yes. We openly call them trailer trash, methheads, juggalos, skinheads, and any other applicable term. We do this publicly, with no more evidence than a glance, and we treat them differently. This limits their ability to create problems in civilized spaces. They are also less common on a per capita basis than the bad examples of some other races, but the focus should be on our mutual acceptance of their quick and open identification and ostracizing.