I'll start with a common one
ITT: First Anime/Manga Faps
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Why the fuck didn't xebec make a anime adaptation of this one
Some really old NGE doujin back in 2002.
I don't know but it definitely was a mistake on their part
It changed me as a person
How would they even censor it enough to make it to air? It's not like it's hard ecchi like say Qwaser, there's actual sex is practically every chapter.
>La Blue Girl 5 VHS (eng dub)
>bought it off a friend in school
And that's how I learned I really REALLY liked tentacle porn
the twin loli scene in seikon no qwaser had me rock hard and I never usually jerk off to stuff in actual anime
chapter 23 of this, I'm pretty sure. The one with the herm
spanish dub
>2010 manga
Get on my level
I've fapped so much that I've begun to forget things, but it was probably Gunbuster.
My first actual fap was to Bible Black, which I found by accident on Limewire. My kiddie dick literally exploded everywhere.
Now that I think about it I guess I was a sick little fuck, most kids would see the dickgirls and instantly be turned off. Oh well.
Too bad her current manga is hot garbage.
>hot garbage
There's hardly any chapters and I'm pretty sure is on hiatus
Hows that related? Its a terrible read for what little there is.
Kaede's barrel scene made me diamonds and gave me a permanent fetish for tall girls. Thanks, Ken.
That one la blue girl clip that wasn't a disguised trojan.exe
would be too hot for tv
a big mistake
bought one of the dothack manga when i was young, saw her sideboob and nutted hard
forever ingrained delicious brown girls into my brain
What part of "do not lewd the loli" did you not understand, little user?
Fuck you I won't do what you tell me.
Go fap to the dragon loli then
go to sleep kiddo
how fucking new are you
That one badly drawn image of Meowth getting a tit job from Jessie with a human shaped dick. February 1999, printed in black and white.
Who old here?
Honestly, this set the bar too high. I can't fap unless the art and writing is good.