/srbg/-Serbia General

Welcome to /srbg/-this general is for everything Serbia related.

Belgrade-Mayor and city council elections, early 2018(exact date still not known)

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Why do you want kosovo back and what value it will give to your nation and what is kosovo historical importance for serbs

>Why do you want kosovo back
mainly churches n history n shit. there are also some mines and gold there, but this is a much bigger deal.
>what value it will give to your nation
none, but we can't just leave it to albos because as soon as they have a chance they destroy christian monuments. letting them have control over pic related for example just means they'll either destroy it or claim it as their own after some time.
>what is kosovo historical importance for serbs
battle of kosovo, 1389 and a lot of churches, monasteries and similar that was built during our old dinasty
also, are you an actual iraqi?

forgot pic cause i'm autistic

Yes the falg say that and thanks for answers but two more question please wasn't serbia founded on today Bosnia and are Bosnians serbs or Croats

holy fuck, with those digits you've just opened pandora's box with your questions

nigga survivor reporting in

fuck, checked, and it's 2 satan digits in a single thread.
>wasn't serbia founded on today Bosnia
most of the original territory was in bosnia, but the core itself was in raska and partially montenegro. kosovo got conquered in 11th/12th century, but was later heavily developed by the nemanjic dinasty, during the brief period serbia had an empire the capital was prizren which is in kosovo.
>are Bosnians serbs or Croats
i'd say they mostly originate from serbs, but some are probably croatian in origin too. today however if they had to chose a side they'd probably go with croats because their recent memories with us aren't that nice.
since i rarely see an iraqi here, could you answer some basic questions which i hardly can find online:
>are people in iraq(besides kurds) into the entire iraqian national identity, or do they split along shia-sunni lines
>are you shia or sunni
>what do you and iraqis in general think of saddam, syria and assad.

glavni grad dušanovog carstva bilo je skoplje jebo te on.

bio je i prizren
>srpsko obrazovanje

Every Serb should state his ideological and political party preference.

A very good question, actually. Historical Bosnia, region around river Bosna, was attested as Serb land.

The catch is that everything west of Vrbas river WAS not considered or called Bosnia, it was Croatia proper, Croatian crown lands.

As a reference, try to search for Šubić and Hrvatinić noble lands held in present-day Bosnia and Herzegovina.

economically pragmatic nationalist
>political party
no fucking idea, there isn't a single decent political party in this god forsaken shithole

>Wanna be friends with Serbian bros
>Get kicked from discord

Ok then.

>Natural resources are abundant in Kosovo. Kosovo is mainly rich in lignite and mineral resources such as: coal, zinc, lead, silver and chromium but also productive agricultural land.[1][2][3][4][5][6] Kosovo is also rich in forests, rivers, mountains and soil; it is among the richest countries regarding natural resources in Europe, based on surface.[6] Kosovo is especially rich in coal, being aligned among European countries as the third with the largest coal reserves.[6] Kosovo possesses around 14,700 billion tons of lignite in reserves, which aligns Kosovo as the country with the fifth largest lignite reserves in the world.[5][7][8] It also has reserves of other minerals at an approximated value of 1 trillion dollars, reserves such as: aluminium, gold, lead, zinc, copper, bauxite, magnesium, etc.[6] Kosovo also possesses rich reserves of asbestos, chromium, limestone, marble and quartz.[9] While the majority of Kosovo’s natural resources remain unused, its large reserves are a great potential for future development, as assessed by the World Bank.

You think this isn't worth much?

1- Yes and no sunni-shia division just creat distrust but people still identifie as iraqis expect kurds
3-different opinions shia mostly hate him mostly sunnis love him for a one I have no opinion on him syria we love to be honest for assad it depend on person you ask but many believe that he is better leader than "rebels" who are all foreign owned

I have pro-tip for you.

Judge them on trading performance, export-import ratio, GDP, debt, strength of army and promotion of heatlhy nationalist ideology and mentality.

Leave everything else aside.

That was the redpill I swallowed when I embraced HDZ over those meme "right" parties, liberals and commies.

i'm well aware that kosovo is filled with resources, it keeps my economy going in eu4. however, most of the mines have either been sold off already either due to many (((cathes))) and """lack of funding" can't be properly used by us(or albos). if it wasn't for the churches and other historical monuments, we'd probably talk shit a bit to try and gain something, but wouldn't give a fuck in general.
thanks, m8, good luck to your country, hopefully you'll one day manage to free yourself from all the shit that you have going and prosper.
are you that vucic shill with the croatian flag?


Nemoj me jebat da postoji

>USA flag
>glupi netočni Youtube video

Kill yourself kike.

Thanks hope the same for you hope you have a nice day peace


Slovenians> Croatians> Bosnian Muslims> Serbians>Bulgarians>Albanians

From my experience

da, srbin sa hrvatskom zastavom. ako si implicirao da je sns dobar izbor, nazalost nije, njihov "rad" po pitanju kosova je dovoljan da to pokaze.

>Muslims before Serbs, Bulgarians and Albanians

Es-selamu alaykum, Al-Britani

Jokes aside

>Croats, including our subhuman and serf diaspora, second right behind Slovenians who were ruled by Germans for 1200 years.


You listed Serbs 3 times.

Ustaj brate :^)



Neznam kakva je kod vas situacija, ali mi imamo isti problem s HDZom. Potajno guraju progresivne zakone jer glavni u stranci rade sve što EU hoće. To ne znači da je HDZ loša stranka, samo da grupa koja trenutačno vlada njom treba biti izbačena.

...zašto nitko nije atentirao Vučića već?

>Ustaj brate :^)
Netrebam, Austrijanci će to napraviti za mene :^)

Mislio sam neki DSS i ti. Oni su za EU, NATO, Zapad i ekonomiju bili, i dobre ekonomske stvari napravili, najveći standard mislim je pod njima.

Vas je sjebao DS 2008-2012, nas (((Koalicijska))) vlast od 2000.-2003.

""""ju nov vat tu du""""
le sebitchian enigma machine

Funny story from a couple years back, this Croatian lad went to a British far-right protest, all the skinheads debated whether Croatians were white enough to join the rally. The guy wasn't even that brown. This was like 2005ish

imagine being 1200 years under germans and still not a german
while roaches that lived in germany for 20years are considered german

>southern Europe is brown
Worst meme t.b.h.

>To ne znači da je HDZ loša stranka
sorry shta?

666 beats 66


>imagine being 1200 years under germans and still not a german
There's a reason our population is half of yours. One of the top three Hungarian names is Horvat. Our aristocracy, if you look at them, often live in Austria. There's also a Croatian belt in Austria and Slovakia.

Kaj ni jasno? HDZ u pozadini ima BASED ekipe, ali premjer je za vrbu spreman.

Here they are not considered brown or white, but "tanned" or "Mediterranean". Greeks are definitely not white, for Slavs it depends on the person.

nema niko dobar u nasoj politici
cak i oni koji zele najbolje za narod se flipaju kad skuze kolko para mogu uzet za sebe
francuska revolucija 2.0 nam je potrebna sad

Do any of you braco Srbi have family who fought in the wars? Do tell

Moraš shvatiti da je Hrvatska svoju slobodu i neovisnost, homogenost dobila zahvaljujući prijateljima na Zapadu.
To znači da im moramo na određeni način pušiti kurac, preko predaje i prodaje banaka, prihvaćanja zapadnih tekovina i pederluka.

Reci mi koja bi stranka bolje uspjela odigrati karte od 1989. do 2017. I koji ljudi, vođe.

quadovi potvrduju

ta sloboda i neovisnost nam je kako pomogla....
meni je ok al gledam na mlade kojima bas i nije super


Davno prošlo. Danas možemo igrati Ameriku i Njemačku protiv jedna druge i približiti se Višegradu. To Kolinda pokušava. Ali ju idiot Plenković blokira.

Do you like Russians? Asking for a friend.

stop being religious

jbg hdz je ipak pomogao hrvatskoj, a vucica nema interes niko da atentira ko moze
yes, hillary
fuck you russian faggot

ako ne volite vucica zasto ste glasali za njega?

Kupio sam evro-krem i ima samo trećinu bijelog, gori ste od jevreja

Slavs hate or like us based on politics, or in case of Slavs on tribalism. They're completely pre-modern in this sense and cannot explain their attitudes. YOU DID BAD TO MY GRANDPA KURWAAA.

Sve države su prošle tranziciju. Hrvatska je jebena s obzirom koliko se radi.
Pogledaj koliko stanovnika su izgubile Rumunjska, Bugarska, Poljska, Estonija.

To i radimo. Prati malo. Karamarko je htio malo i Ruse ubaciti u priču, sad će vjerojatno igrati s Orbanom.


Serbs are Turks

zato sto smo autistican narod a i zato sto ima vrlo malo boljih opcija.

dijaspora ce nas drzat na zivotu dok se ne pojavi neki rat da nam boosta ekonomiju


Sam ruski. zivim na Aljasci

Father was a colonel in the JNA, later in the ARSK, fought in Croatia '91-'95. Was in Knin in '95 during the planned surrender initiated by the higher-ups and Milosebitch. He was among the last to leave. Too many stories to share.


Was he from Krajina originally? or Serbia proper

thank god for this meme
finally something to counter amerifucks that actually triggers them

This is the funniest picture I've seen in a long time and I can't share it with anyone because they'll realize I'm a sperg.

Krajina, near Sibenik. Not sure when our ancestors came there, but there's a long history. However, according to our last name, we're descended from a Montenegrin tribe from long ago.

>says the muslim

zato se i zove EVRO(pa)-krem

Ratovi nikad ne boostaju ekonomiju, samo je slabe, kao i revolucije. Pogotovo naša koja je valjda 30% turizam i ugostiteljstvo. Nismo mi SAD da ratujemo na drugom kontinentu dok prodajemo oružje i tehnologiju, potrepštine objema stranama (WW1, WW2, Iran-Irak)

Reci prezime.
Tell the surname.

I feel bad for you guys. While that moron Billy Clinton was getting his dick sucked by Monica you guys were protecting yourself from bombs.


Fucking hell

>you guys were protecting yourself from bombs
this is what (((serbs))) want you to think
in reality serbs and croats were just slaughtering each other and Clinton used his opportunity to destroy Yugoslavia while larping as peacemaker




Nigga you know what i meant.

Is vucic a rogue politician?

he larps as a modern Stefan Lazarevic


How much do scientists earn in Belgrade Uni? I want to go there and teach after I am done with my PhD.

500 USD per month if you're lucky.

you will earn just enough to survive the month,but why d o you want to move here anyways???

not much unfortunately. We are currently much broker than we appear on pol, but we are hard workers nonetheless. Youll be able to make a living wage for serbia prices but not american prices or western euro prices

Fuck. I can get more money in Russia.

These fucking D I G I T S holy shit!

To make srpsko obrazoanije great again.

its more like 1000 euros

>dia*pora thinks he teach someone

he can*

>none, but we can't just leave it to albos because as soon as they have a chance they destroy christian monuments. letting them have control over pic related for example just means they'll either destroy it or claim it as their own after some time
Karma is a bitch but thats what Serbs get for destroying Croat and Bosnian churches and mosques. Your cuckening is just beginning, enjoy it.

Not dia*pora. Native Moscovite and proud. Just here for a degree.

noice, reconquista when?
that's tops, tho to be fair 500 USD is pretty much certain unless you're really unlucky/retarded as a university professor, and it means a lot more here than in usa/russia

Soon, my friend, soon.

I feel you
These fuckers are elitist lul

>battle of kosovo, 1389 and a lot of churches, monasteries and similar that was built during our old dinasty

Battle of kosovo is not a reason. Our heritage yes. But battle of kosovo is trump tier sloba propaganda that was good for nothing.


then why the fuck would you go to serbia over russia anyway?

To help my bratski narod. I will eventually come back to motherland.

Read Kaczynski and then Ellul if you have not, my brainlet braco.

i doubt you were kicked, you probably were too autistic to read the rules and guidelines
you need to be accepted into the chat, which we do to filter out shills and neighbours. however, you were probably too autistic to wait a few minutes so some admin can see that you logged in. whichever one of you two has the nickname alien for example, just came in and left. fucking retards
eh i agree, but it is a reason for many of the people. still if it wasn't for churches n shit, we'd get over it easily.
bretty gud, what would you be a proffesor of?


Do not compare that mongloid subhuman to based Stefan,who killed Mongols.

noice, wish you luck regardless of where you get employed.

>Stefan worked with V!@#&