The Multi-Cult: Collective Insanity

Multiculturalism is literally multipule-personality disorder, but on a societal level.
If 51 or more % of America is fat, what do people say? They say "America is fat", pointing out a genuine issue collective to America.

But if a nation suddenly finds itself with multiple cultures within its borders, it's only named 'progressive'.
The reality is, that nation is severely sick, it's suffering from multiple personality disorder (and it truly is a DIS-ORDER), for what is a culture other than the personality of a given nation?

And indeed, what is the ultimate goal of a therapist dealing with a patient that has multiple personality disorder?
It is to get one of the personalities (preferably the healthiest/original) to take over once more and reassert its dominance.

Fight the multi-cult at every scrap of land.
Fight them over every meme, every molecule of dirt. Everywhere at every moment.
The multi-cult stands for collective insanity, and the demise of your lands, wherever it invades.

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"America for Americans" for some reason that statement turns every yank into a stealing pile of lard, they flip flop about like it has either no merit or is a long-lost pipe dream.

I probably should have made this more controversial so as to stir discussion.

I guess posts aren't very good if people just agree with them and continue scrolling.

Lel so true!

updooted! :)

Great insight.

I'd tell you to kill yourself, but i already know you're dead inside.

Burger here ignore fleg. The reason America's dream is over is because we no longer believe in it. Public acceptance of government corruption along with corporate collusion has split America again into separate factions with very different visions as to what the country is and where it's going. Typically you had 2 separate dreams up until the 90s- the pioneer/cowboy vision: pull yourself up, earn your place, blend in and similarly the immigrant vision: elbow your way in, work hard, blend in. The 2 visions had basically the same endgame- become American because that is viewed as the superior to whatever individually they were before. With the rest of the world rising, the American way being the best way is now no longer viable. They are now treating America as a dying thing they as a individual or a group can exploit to high heaven. The anti-immigrant streak the US has as of late is a natural immune system reaction from a troubled culture.
Honestly I can't see any straight answers. I live in Europe now so all I can do is wish for the best.

Honestly OP that's something I'd meme the shit out of: the multi-cult. It's fitting and needs no explanation, even for normies.

>Honestly I can't see any straight answers


good analogy, it cannot survive as multicult, it must evolve to something else.

LOL, you guys all know we did this to you, right? We're doing it to eastern Europe now, too. Latvia and Lithuania are getting the treatment western Europe got years ago. Our CIA and NSA use their millions of fake social media accounts to disseminate propaganda about the wonders of cucking your own country in an effort to keep any of you from ever competing with us. Warfare is always changing, this is the new shit. Feels good to be this far ahead of the curve, yet again. God bless the USA, LOL.

I never understood why these idiots on the left think that putting cultures that are completely different together would be a good idea, sure the leaders are aware and this is actually their plan but the lower ones really believe in this.

If everything was "as good as it used to be" America would be T.56% in no time. Things being bad opens the shutters.



Fucking hell.

Daemonic Trips aside, America is more multicultural than any other nation.

This, so fucking this.

This is the fucking crown of this thread.

you have no idea what MPD is.
MPD aka DID is an illuminati invention in which programmed multiples aka "alters" or alternate personalities are created by traumatizing a young child with sexual violence and satanic ritual abuse. These personalities are inserted for the most part to blackmail politicians after having sex with small children (whitehouse pornographer michael dante / larry flynt) this is called beta sex kitten programming.

they don't use satanic ritual abuse vs advanced harmonics equipment designed by NASA (huntsville AL) as it produces more favorable states (orgiastic state etc)


Hey bongbros, has there been clashes between Blacks, Muslims, Hindus, East Asians, etc? I know it's not just Whites vs non-Whites and I know they aren't harmoniously diverse, either.

There have.

The muslims are the common cause of chaos here though, They fuck with the Sikhs, they fuck with the Hindu's, they fuck with the native brits and everyone else.