Oda just fucking confirm that she's joining the crew already
One piece thread
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Yeah, just let the furry join
noice cant wait
Best girl and best couple!
Jinbe has to die first.
Carrotfags are even worse than Bartofags. At least Barto was somewhat funny.
One third of the year is gone, where the hell is the spin off you were going to release, Oda?
"Judas" Carrot will betray the straw hats
Are we going to see her in the next episode?
I'm more hyped for Jimbei to be honest. Hopefully he doesn't job.
pls no
She's the next kin'emon
Jinbe won't die because he's the guy that is perfectly suited for saving the SH from drowning and saving (make it easier to dominate) them from battles in the sea against warships.
>wanting cleft lip Nami
why did Oda feel the need to ruin the designs of some characters like Franky, Robin, and Chopper?
>franky no longer has that 50s haircut which made his coca cola (often associated with popular food spots in 50s) gimmick make sense
More like best girl and worst ship
*The Kaido
sana shippers btfo
It will only be Carrot AND Pedro or neither of them. Pedro has always been included with the Strawhats but Carrotcunts always conveniently forget about that.
>Jinbe dies
>Carrot joins instead
How mad will people be?
>She's the next kin'emon
A perfect choice for a new nakama that won't happen because oda is already struggling to keep focus on all the characters he's introduced and his impending death from stress related heart attack?
not at all. The straw hats need more gals on board for the drunken orgies.
frankys new design helps him stand out. i agree that the hair is a mistake and he looks the best with the old hair
but franky being this over the top tank robot is so so so cool
he needs to keep up with the kemono shit "trend"
so she is a lock
I don't know, I really liked old Ace Ventura + Popeye Franky, every time I see new Franky I just see these
>We're about to hit chapter 862 and there are people who can't conceive of a world where Jinbe and Carrot coexist on the Straw Hat crew
>There are actually people who don't want to see the energetic young girl slowly develop a friendship with the aged veteran
Any Carrotfags and Jinbefags who fall into the above categories should be ashamed of themselves.
Tfw you'll never be part of the Mugiwara Bukkake
>boruto gets an episode
>hero adademia gets an chapter
>one piece gets jack shit
thanks oda
>one piece fags will defend this
I think the reason why people don't think it will be Pedro is that he seems to have no personality. If they wanted someone like that they could just get Marco who will join them in Wano. He already has history with Luffy in that he saved his life just like Jinbe did. Frankly I'm not bothered either way.
One thing that has been hinted at in the past is that there is a need for an information gatherer. Shakky told Luffy how important it is. I'm thinking the next nakama will need to fill that role.
Pedri with "no personality" seems mu, MUCH more interesting than boring old Carrot. Muh genki, muh brawler, muh naiveity, muh same body type as every other woman, muh other chracteristic that isshared by multiple Strawhats that does it infinitely better.
I may be biased.
Best pairing! Incredible chemistry in the manga and great doujins!
Wasn't it meant to be just a light novel about Ace written by someone else?
some of his hairstyles like that cannon or that Zou Whale are similar to his old one so its fine.
This video just invoked too many nostalgic feels
Where did the idea that Marco will ever become nakama come from, people who take this seriously must be more delusional even than monetfags
Who the fuck give a shit about boruto?
I'm curious.
Has anyone tried to stimate how long would be Zou's legs?
It comes from the same area where people list Pedro, Carrot, etc... meaning characters that are allying with the SH and people hoping they get on. Not sure how people thought Monet would be one when she was evil from the outset and didn't help out once (in contrast to Robin and Franky).
There is no way of knowing who is after Jinbe apart from Oda.
Momo most likely.
Seeing as he's supposed to learn how to read the poneglyph (passed down, but stopped at his father) I can see him learning from Robin. The only way for Robin to teach him is if he stays with SH or Robin stays in Wano ( I doubt).
Now that I finished typing that, I feel like that is the only way for Pudding to become good and be useful. She's not needed with the SH because Robin is there. Pudding is supposed to allow (through her ability related to the 3rd eye) Big Mom to be able to know what the poneglyphs say. If she turns good she can also help Momo learn.
What the shit?
I hope that disgusting piece of meat dies in a horrible death. It has been a good movement from Oda to turn the typical Damsel in distress into a hearthless demon, I hope he doesn't fuck up now making him good.
I could eat it with Baby Five because she was just traumatized as fuck. But fucking Pudding?
I feel like pucking.
I was merely discussing the idea of Momo joining the SH and there were 3 options I could think of.
>momo joins to learn how to read poneglyphs from Robin. He was supposed to learn from his father, but his father died.
>Robin stays in Wano to teach Momo
>Pudding somehow turns good and stays in Wano to teach Momo. Her 3rd eye is supposed to allow Big Mom to be able to know what the poneglyphs say once she is able to fully learn that ability.
Either way, I am confident Pudding doesn't join the SH. I don't think she'll turn good either.
Carrot annoys me and she's only been with the crew for one arc. Pedro would be the superior choice as he's not completely naive
But Pedro's life span is like 2 seconds.
I think carrot will be a thing, we like it or not, because 3 girls. And we have seen her taking a bath with nami. That's determinant lel
Where's my boy Marco?
Would rather have Bonney. She's much more different from Nami and Robin. She's vulgar and eats a shit load. I'm just wondering what's her deal with the government and why she has very strict views on what a Pirate is and should act like.
Pineapple is shit. He only survived as long as he did against Kizaru because of his devil fruit. As soon as he got cuffed he became useless.
All of whitebeard's crew are shitters who are worthless at haki and use their devil fruit as a crutch.
You gonna need to wait. Because Oda is taking a break! NO ONE PIECE FOR ONE MORE WEEK!
A funny twist of events will lead to Buggy joining in the role of the guy that knows how to enter Raftel.
Fucking Oda.
I'm pretty sure He, or me, would be dead before that shit is even close to an end.
Dead and his fruit went to Stronger
>tfw want to talk about One Piece but there's nothing interesting left to talk about.
I'm in agony.
Leave Rufi to me.
Where does the idea that whitebeard's commanders didn't know haki come from? The kairouseki also drains energy from df users. Just look at how Luffy gets when he touches it.
We have to wait a week my nigga.
I've got an idea guys. If they were able to add 3 more members after Jinbe who would your dream new SH members be?
>war brewing in Syria/Russia
>Moreso thanks to Trump firing missiles into Syria, possibly hitting those Russian troops
We're not getting a chapter next week gents. Prepare for conscription. WW3 is acomin'
Bon-chan, although he's already an honorary member as far as I'm concerned, Caesar for bants and Bellamy for some heart warming character growth.
But above all, definitely Bon-chan.
I'd rather remove 3 member from the crew desu.
This so fucking much
>There will never be a One Piece fighting game by Capcom
I need an OP Fighter.
>best girl
Why don't people like burning blood?
Posting best jolly roger
Leave Mugiwara to me!
its pretty much unplayable on PC.
Was the translator having a giggle here?
If roger was the first one in carrying a the straw hat, why the shit wasn't he called "mugiwara no Roger"?
What do you mean?
He didn't wear it all the time, he stopped wearing it, he gave it to Shanks very early on, it wasn't the most striking part of him. Or something like that.
I really hope we have a saga of Roger's life.
Yeah it was probably just some normal hat for him that he didn't really wear all the time. Luffy wears it all the time because it means a lot to him (due to Shanks).
Shanks isn't known as that either because his red hair probably stood out more.
Guys, what's your favourite song in the whole show?
There's way too many to pick one. Overtaken, Luffy's Fierce Attack, Luffy vs Ratchet, Karakuri Stronghold take off, Luffy vs Saga, the Auction House, vs 3 Admirals, the depressing one in Strong World that was used when Ace died, Caesar's theme, Doffy's theme, Fujitora's theme, The Colosseum soundtrack (official soundtracks are on Youtube for the last 3 btw).
The list goes on. I fucking love 99.9% of the soundtrack in OP.
That's something I miss about the anime. The animation is often shit, and the pacing was shit in dressrosa, but the music is great which adds to the moments.
Not going to watch until this arc is finished though as I don't feel like waiting week after week for an episode.
Fucking masterpiece. Best character so far in One Piece, imo
A light novel?? Please God, no...
We are just less than a decade away from its ending. We can all endure it, user.
dubs confirmed it my dude,
That scene where he just screams HONMOU (long cherished ambition/satisfaction) as Magellan is bearing down on him is one of the greatest lines in the series
What are you talking about user
>everyone clamoring about which character they want to be true Straw Hats
>they're all just going to end up as Grand Fleet shitters
That would be the best possible outcome.
I don't want any nakamashitters to win.
Look at how many outfit changes Carrot has had.
Cannot deny that is Nami and Robin level of treatment.
So did you just completely forget about Vivi
Vivi was never a real strawhat. Did she travel with them? No. She remained at Arabasta as a queen, under self imposed rules. We're talking about pirates here.
Last sbs.
I'm disappointed how her legs were never show in the manga.
>Real strawhat
Entire morale of Vivi's story is being a strawhat at heart.
In her terms its not about pirates, its that she is a Strawhat. Not a crew member, not a fleet member but she is a strawhat. She is accepted by them, she was with them, she loved the adventure and she loved the crew.
She is the single person who has this rock solid bond shared like everyone among the crew.
And she didnt travel with them?
Are you stupid?
Whiskey Peak, Little Garden, Drum, Arabasta.
She did travel with them.
>the thing you're trying to do because you don't want it? we're trying to do the opposite because that's what we want!
Hopefully this shitty arc will end soon so we can move on to more interesting stuff like Kaido.
i guess that's bait
Year of Jinbe's death
Post Best Boy, please!