Energy Drinks and Junk Food Are Destroying Teenage Brain Development

Why are you still falling for the liquid Jew?

Junk food sure but I drank at least two Redbulls a day all throughout high school and I'm doing just fine. It was actually Michelle Obama who banned energy drink vending machines in schools so I can only assume based on her other work that energy drinks are good

>two a day
>$4 +guesstimated 8cents per dollar in taxes every single day
>high school is 4yrs
>4yrs is 1460 days
>$6,307.20 in redbull
I am going to call bullshit on your user.

>implying you arn't worse off than you would have been otherwise

I didn't buy it at school my parents loved me and got me flats of it from Costco.

>browsing Sup Forums
>just fine

Idk, I've been trying to kill myself slowly for a long time.

This world is tiring

did a fucking roastie write this?

The only people ive seen to drink that shit are manchildren and le gamer dudes xd

Their are brainlets already probably

Unrelated but this makes me think of something funny I saw in the comment section of my local news discussing the flu shot. I'll try to find it and get pic but the gist of it was

Stupid Bitch: It was so bad this year I almost died my throat completely closed up and I had to be rushed in an ambulance to the hospital..I can't imagine how much worse it would've been WITHOUT the flu vaccine

You're posting on Sup Forums
None of us are doing wel

I only drink my own semen and rainwater to be perfectly healthy and natural

but also piss

is it mostly the sugar in the content of the food/drinks? is sugar really that bad for your brain?

Fun fact sugar is highly necrotic to living tissue

Then maybe you shouldn't hang around your NEET friends all day retard. Energy drinks have been normie drinks for like 10+ years now. It's caffeine and sugar. Quit spazzing out and acting like it's some vastly different drink than sugared coffee.

>brain development

Just drink some coffee

Finns start drinking coffee at age of 5 and we are just fine.

2 a day

Enjoy your diabeetus

then you're parents are retards

i have bad news for you

That explains why I post on here

>just fine

>Not buying in 10 packs for 14$
They deserve it then

>4yrs is 1460 days
YOu stupid fucking retard, school days are 5 days a week, get off of Sup Forums you beta calculator, also not accounting for holidays or absences. You're not fucking professional and fooling no one, everyone knows you're a talentless retard with a low IQ too.

I drink 7 - 8 Cans of Red Bull every day, and have done for nearly 8 years. Actual serious post. Feel free to ask me whatever.

kek what the fuck is wrong with Nords

wow someone is pissed

Then YOU ARE parents :^)

autism . especially finnish people . i don t know how they can even reproduce

Does your mouth still boast any teeth?

>going o school every single day for four years, including weekends

Any S I P P E R S online?

American Education?

That's serious. You gotta stop or die. I'm seriously addicted to caffeinated beverages as well but I limit myself to maximum one can a day. Your heart is someday going to stop or your veins are going to clog. It's hard to see how unhealthy it actually is when you're addicted to it. And yes, you are addicted and caffeine is the most normalized drug in the world.

My parents didnt allow pop in the house till we were in our late teens. By then we were already used to not drinking it.

Hmmm I remember seeing the same paolini troll shitposting against scandis and whites, whroing for you's as if he has the small man syndrome (honestly he probably has).

Tell me, Paolini, where did Sven touch you?

My friend has a heart condition from doing that.

hey hey, know the difference between aesir and jotuns

aesir = shit
jotun = based saunabros

Yes, Gnashers are fine. I brush and use those floss thingies regular.

>not drinking sips in current year +3

kek, this desu


What the fuck did you drink then? Water, like some kind of homosexual?

Completely agree, if I go without I do get quite shaky. However, I am dealing with quitting smoking (2 years so far), energy drinks are next on the list.

Britbong it's 2018, stop posting Mutt memes Mohammad.

I have high BP, doc put me on Ramipril. Doh.

Right. It's energy drinks and junk food. Not the electric ADD-inducing jewboxes every child carries around, so they never have to concentrate on any one thing or be alone with their thoughts.

Juice, milk, kool aid, gatoraid. Stuff without caffeine even though the sugar could be just as bad

You really think that this isn't possible? People waste their money on dumb shit all the time, and it adds up

Juice has more sugar than soda. And KoolAid is literally sugar.


Thats what i said but my parents would water it down


Well unlike YOUR parents they encouraged literacy and are financially successful so either keep being a jealous poorfag with mean poorfag parents or get booklearnt and strive to do better so that maybe one day energy drinks will no longer be considered a luxury item to you.

Better than I would be if I were a Facebook, Tumblr, and Reddit poster. At least I have the level of self awareness to know that response was coming but fuck me right


>drinking any coffeine drinks at all
you goys deserve it

Here's the thing...

This shit has been going on for generations, ever since Corporations have taken over our gov't and kept forcing deregulation and trying to close the FDA, Food Inspections, and the EPA.

Now, that the conservashits, who are the primary benefactors of Corporate interests (far from the only, but easily the majority) have taken over and found the ultimate patsy in Trump to force deregulation and closure, now Corps will get to freely pollute and put poisons in our food and drink.

You idiots wonder why we have a rise of degeneracy? Simple...the combination of all the chemical substances in our food and drink have an unknown factor in how our bodies age.

You want better food, better drink, and better people? We need to kick the Corps out of our gov't.

At least they aren't swedes.



Redbull makes me fart a lot

No we need to kick the shit out of the government. Corporations haven't taken over the government it's actually quite the opposite.



Go check those chemtrails homeboy. I think they're right above you.

Hahahaha he’s just upset that you have to have a permit and pass several background checks to be able to buy energy drinks in britbongistan
