Warau Salesman

Let's talk about this masterpiece of the season.

The OP is lit

More like a masterpiece of hipstershit

*tips fedora*

The ED is even better.

that poor ol didn't deserve such a harsh punishment

she had it comming.

>formulaic show about fucking people over
This is going to get boring fast.

>what is schadenfreude

You say that like it's a bad thing.

>I have ADHD

It just works

Warau is just a giant asshole who delights in setting people up or dicking them over. I like him. AOTS for me so far.

Love me some harmjoy

SHe was punished for her greed.

His name isn't warau

Wew. Call me back when the writing isn't trash.

>setting people up

The first guy got set up because he's retarded and didn't ask his coworker how much that club costed. There's no setting people up, he literally just fucks them over and leaves. Repossessing the spa treatment would be returning her to how she was before the treatment.


>MC helps people, but ends up fucking them over
So basically Franken Fran, but MC is an ugly motherfucker?

How's that different from Franken Fran?

say that over my face and not over the internet you fuck

>sets up and breaks rules in the same episode

>returning her to how she was before the treatment
she didn't look 80 years old before the treatment

She looked 6/10 before the spa treatment. She looked 1/10 after he repossessed everything. She should have gone back to looking just like she used to.


But Fran is a cute girl!

>unreliable narrator gives the rules
>breaks them because he's unreliable

I'm impressed you noticed.

That's literally what I'm saying retards.

>MC is an ugly motherfucker

Rude. Moguro is beautiful at every size.

Moguro always has looked great.

The art style doesn't do much for others though.