Thoughts on Dragonball Evolution, Sup Forums?
Thoughts on Dragonball Evolution, Sup Forums?
its fucking shit
Creator should commit seppuku.
If you look in a pile of shit that is live action anime adaptations, you won't find this movie there because we've done everything in our power to completely eradicate it from our memories so that it won't ever be spoken of again. But then fags like you have to go dig it up and bring it back to the forefront.
Best fucking movie ever
Better than GitS. Seriously.
The best anime live action adaptation every
>director guy apologized
Kinda feel bad.
Guyver got a better Hollywood adaptation.
Stop this meme. That is like saying dog shit tastes better than gritty kitty liter shit. Both are garbage.
Better than any shit Toriyama ever made.
this gets overwhelmingly trashed even with normies. Ofc it's shit. Why? Did you think some contrarian faggot here would say it's good?
Kek everytime. Snyder needs to apologize.
I liked it a lot when I was younger and I think they did a better job of portraying Piccalo than they have in Z and Super.
It's fucking hilarious in a "so bad it's good" way. Definitely worth watching as long as you don't pay for it.
>Thoughts on Dragonball Evolution, Sup Forums?
It was what made Toriyama get of his ass to make Dragonball Super. Whether that is a good or bad thing is up to you.
isn't worst than dragon ball super
>Guyver got a better Hollywood adaptation.
Cool irony there.
The writer admitted he had never seen or hear of dragonball before being asked to write the script and that his only information were a couple of names and descriptions of the characters.
He said he did it merely because he needed a job and money. There was no enjoyment or passion for his work. Simply trying to make some money to survive a little longer.
Definitely bad.
>Directed by James Wong
How can something be right about a movie directed by Wong?