Are you a Nazi? Why or why not?
Are you a Nazi? Why or why not?
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No. There is a British/Jewish "Nazi" meme that degenerate losers LARP too... but I'm a national socialist and pro-worker.
Nationalist, yes.
Socialist, no.
National socialism isn't Karl Marx's socialism. That's another Jewish meme.
I am a nazi cause I believe it will help the human race in the far future if people don't stop wasting their life,natural resources,time and animals. We can have a better future for all the people of the entirity of the earth. It will also prepare us for the next extiction age.It's a philosophy that holds no racist thoughts and has nothing to do with war. ( it does have some violence though).But (((they))) don't like it cause it will take away all their power and stop them from achieving their final goal of a global regime that has 1 figure controlling everyond. So they started ww2 and don't start me with the shit Germany started the war we know who started it.
national (((socialism))) and because they want to kill slavs
Because my dog can't salute.
No, while I sympathize my personal political beliefs are more a blend of Autocratic & Monarchist ideals meshed into a Fascist framework.
>muh might makes right
>muh germanic racial superiority
>muh tabula rasa
>muh pangermanic nationalism (wtf?!?)
>muh edgy atheism
>muh beta fag wet dream AKA lebensborn
No, it's shit, their antisemitism were their only redeeming quality.
Nah. I like a lot of the values they hold, better than most modern ideolofies. That said theres a few problems with the nazi doctrine that clash with my own ideals, but i wouldnt be upset if i were to ever live under nazi rule
>did they really
some people are really this brainwashed
but when you are told the same time over and over again of course you'll believe that
germany went to war not to kill slavs, but to stop Jewish Bolshevism from taking over europe.
In a way they did stop it... for awhile.
Jews were just profting off the german people selling their daughters from age 12 in jewish owned brothels as a bread which costs 5 marks in 1920 would end up costing by 1925 5 trilion marks as you would pay with buckets.
Hilter didn't kill central european slavs, nor balkans slavs.
Not an argument.
Socialism is the institutionalized policy of aggression against private property and contractualism; whether its aim is egalitarian (Soviet socialism, democratic socialism, etc.) or conservative (national socialism, corporatism, etc.) it still moves wealth into the hands of nonproductive citizens and, therefore, incentivizes less productive lifestyles, less savings for the future, and less investment in human capital.
Nazis may have different criteria from the leftists about who to redistribute to (and from), but they are still redistributionists.
>it haz socialsm in da naem, mus be comunizm
>want to deport all the Slavic people from the territories acquired from Poland and the Soviets in order to create more land for Germans
>we totally love Slavs you guy
I can sympathize with fighting communism, but don’t act like the Germans were friends to Slavs
hitler was a christian...
>i did not understand a thing maybe because im subhuman gypsy
But there is a simpler answer
First off stop using nazi, it's natsoc or National Socialist, dont spread the meme just for dreams.
Second off National Socialism is to create a socialist society where people don't waste away and work together as one in the name of their nation for themselfs being ruler by their people and not others.
The whole jew thing is was simple... in what world, do a nation of 65 milion people gets perveterd destoryed and owned by a minitory of less then 1 milion jews.
Jews owned the media
Jews owned the banks
Jews were in control of the gov
Jews owned the Brothels
While germans... wanted things to be good
They hated the French for fucking them over for a war they which was started because germany wanted equal share of the world colonial trade pie.
French fucked germany so bad because they were jelly
No, I'm a monarchist, but I support many economic and social policies of fashism.
I think that most modern "Nazis" are just retarded mutts larping about:
>"muh 1/124 white heritage"
>"muh paganism"
whoa, that's pretty intense, he dealt with questions really well imo.
no, because i am a bisexual drug user NEET soon to become a trans woman.
The ideology is great but it really is against me.
No. Because capitalism works and a powerful centralised state is a single point of failure.
>deport all the slavs from the terrtories of Poland
No wonder germany wuz pushing for like 10 years Pro german-polish alliance, to unite the people of germany and poland.
And the democratic socialist of poland feared that germany would annex them the way they did austria, making them push anti-german propaganda and banning the national socialist party
Germany attacked Poland TOGETHER WITH SLAVS (hated slavs i guess)
But to the German mind, and National socialist party. some of poland wuz RIGHTFUL GERMAN CLAY.
The war was started when Britan gurateded the indepenced of Poland, and Hilter saw NO otherway but war.
Either you believe that Germany army faked the deaths of their officers to start a war, or Poland actually did those crimes... eitherway. It was the only way for Germany to reclaim rightful german clay.
Might i remind you that for a period there wasn't even a Poland as it was annexed by Russia and Germany?
If you don't believe me, I recomand you check all these things ive said on your own in your free time. And consider "what if"
I'm a Christian and I don't believe in race.
That being said I'm sad Hitler didn't believe in Jesus, would have liked to see his face when Jesus sends us after the kikes, fags, and degenerates.
fuck you, who do you work for?
The Nazis wanted a Europe under 1 flag 1 anthem 1 leader 1 language 1 culture 1 parliament with 1 Army 1 currency 1 tax system 1 bank.
And were willing to do anything to achieve it.
Useing media to produce fake news to hide truth to achieve there goal.
To destroy cultures and languages in there way.
The European union now repeats the same thing as history repeats itself.
The new European union are the new Nazis which are winning.
Lmao this meme again
You alt-lite faggots really are thick
i would've been a nazi if it weren't for the jew thing
They wanted a France for French
A hungary for Hungarians
A germany for germans
A romanians for romanians
A europe for europeans and its NATIONS
If there are no germans in italy... how the fuck politically could germany claim Italian clay in their NATIONAL intrest... "NO GERMANS NO HUR HUR HUR"
>it still moves wealth into the hands of nonproductive citizens
Source for this in NatSoc? The only people who benefit are those who are working.
The problems of Capitalism are much more glaring. It incentives making the population stupid and nonwhite, because then you can pay them less and sell them more garbage.
ok, evil nazi lost. soviets the saviours saved the world from the biggest evil in the world - nazi. you were in alliance with soviets and us. can you tell my, why is russia bad now, if they saved the world from biggest evil?
>i would've been a nazi if it weren't for the jew thing
you can join us shlomo kun as long as you are against anti white zionists
Do you love Isreal?
Will you die fighting to protect Isreal?
Are you working to make Isreal great again?
Are you ok with helping your jewish brothers inside Isreal, economically speaking?
Do you believe Isreal is only for JEWS and nobody else
Do you think that non-jews should own jewish land, own jewish business, and be in office and make policies for the jews?
If you answered yes to all
You are a National Socialist
National Socialism is not about killing inferior people, most of the greman high comand look like shitty people they wanted to create "superior aryan men by using eugenics"
But it was to create a germany for germans
Same way as Isreal is for jews
If you believe is Ok for a ROmanian gypsy to be allowed in Isreal right now make make whores out of your Jewish children and slowly convert your men into women so that I can profit off them then you are not a National socialist.
But if you think thats wrong, then you may understand why everything happend.
The rest is just brainwashing so that jewish people can profit more.
They were in early stages of there plan.
Just like how European union are in early stages now.
Italy would become part Nazi empire as much as Italy now becomes part Europe.
The new European union is just copying and finishing the Nazis plan.
But in a updated modern sick twisted way.
The Nazis took french flags down replaced them with there own,
European union now does the same.
Hitler quotes on Slavs:
>When one contemplates this primitive world, one is convinced that nothing will drag it out of its indolence unless one compels the people to work. The Slavs are a mass of born slaves, who feel the need of a master.
>In the eyes of the Russian, the principal support of civilisation is vodka.
>Nothing would be a worse mistake on our part than to seek to educate the masses there. It is to our interest that the people should know just enough to recognise the signs on the roads.
>Unless other peoples, beginning with the Vikings, had imported some rudiments of organisation into Russian humanity, the Russians would still be living like rabbits.
It takes some truly impressive mental gymnastics to pretend that Hitler wasn't extremely prejudiced towards Slavs.
In Mein Kampf, he implied that Slavs weren't even human:
>Even in Pan-German circles one heard the opinion expressed that the Austrian Germans might very well succeed in Germanizing the Austrian Slavs, if only the Government would be ready to co-operate. Those people did not understand that a policy of Germanization can be carried out only as regards human beings.
If you support Hitler, you literally support White Genocide, the mass murder of tens of millions of whites.
卐╰༼ ・ ͜ ʖ ・ ༽╯卐 RAISE YOUR SWASTIKA
But not a Russia for Russians apparently
Yeah. It's the only thing that makes sense to me anymore. Nations/governments don't work for multiple ethnic groups.
Khaz-Aryan NaziJew Coin to celebrate the end of 1929 global economic crisis
>Falling for the shitposting on Sup Forums
I seriously hope you guys didn't do this
The Russians want there own flag culture language traditions and people to be safe protected at all costs.
From Nazis and European union who both wanted the same thing to destroy them intergrate them into a greater union.
Were the nazis bigoted or were they tolerant people?
good point
The problem is that i am a zionist, look up the definition
>define russia
from a nationalistic side
watch this
Germany went to war againts Russia to stop Jewish Bolshevism that they ALLOWED to be created under Lenin which was send from Germany's prison to Russian to cripple Russia and kill the eastern front during world war 1.
Tolerance is the sign of a society in decline.
No, they destroyed Europe and tainted white ethnic nationalism forever. Anyone who supports it is either being an edgelord or a young teen who does not know any better
No. I'm a patriot.
This, in a strong society you hate those who would threaten the peace.
>Source for this in NatSoc?
From Hitler's 25-point Plan:
>3. We demand land and territory for the sustenance of our people and colonization for our surplus population.
>13. We demand the nationalization of all (previous) associated industries (trusts).
>14. We demand a division of profits of all heavy industries.
>15. We demand an expansion on a large scale of old age welfare.
>16. We demand the creation of a healthy middle class and its conservation, immediate communalization of the great warehouses and their being leased at low cost to small firms, the utmost consideration of all small firms in contracts with the State, county or municipality.
>17. We demand a land reform suitable to our needs, provision of a law for the free expropriation of land for the purposes of public utility, abolition of taxes on land and prevention of all speculation in land.
>Germany went to war againts Russia to stop Jewish Bolshevism
And how did that go for them? Pic related
If their goal was defending Europe why did they invade Russia and kill millions of Europeans?
I like beady nationalism.
Fascism with a democratic parlament. Most people shouldn't vote anyway.
>he said that romanians, hungarians, croats, and other europeans non-germans are shitty... but atleast they have a country where they can be send them too
Jews didn't have a country thats why the were put in concentration camps and two plans were created to deal with the jewish problem.
Madagacar plan to move 70.000 jewish familes from Poland to you guess it
And the Havvaar agreement to relocate jews from germany to Pallestien
where does in hitler qoutes is anything that has to do with mass murder of the slavs?
I've read them a couple of times
Best i could get from them ... and english isnt even my main language, is that GERMANY SHOULD FUCKING EDUCATED THE FUCKING SLAVS BECAUSE THEY ARE BORN FROMS SLAVES
(thus the term slav)
Russian, Kiev Rus, genetically are closer to Germans then you think. Not even hilter would have killed those perfect examples of german aryanism.
So once again, when you "define russia" ethnically you'll see that "rus" people are one of lowest populations there.
You have loads of chinese, mongols, chechens, cossaks, ukrains, chechens... the list IS HUGE for russia. You can't really say "russia for russians" But for germany was more important to fix a mistake them made when they send lenin.
No, I'm not white nor German.
>behold the master race
No, because I'm unironically a genocidal white supremacist. I don't want lebensraum in eastern Europe, I want it in South America, middle East and Africa
No because I am not a socialist and I am not an authoritarian
Post yourself scary loser \o.
>kill millions of Europeans
they killed millions of jewish Bolshevik mongrel khazar communist partisan scum you fucking nigger
That doesn't say that unproductive citizens would get free money and other such benefits. Also, what is said here doesn't match up with the reality of what happened.
It IS generally accepted that the NatSoc economy would have eventually failed because of a few of the choices they made, but this was the fault of Capitalist nations that refused to trade with them.
This boycott involved politicians, large cities, and continued until the war. The Jewish controlled U.S and capitalist nations wanted war.
If NatSoc Germany had been free to trade with other nations, then they could have had the economy they wanted. The one they had was the best of a bad situation.
get rekt filthy khazar swine
>>he said that romanians, hungarians, croats, and other europeans non-germans are shitty... but atleast they have a country where they can be send them too
You're ignoring the fact Hitler viewed Slavs as near subhuman. Considering his views on his fellow neighboring Europeans can't you see why people would be against Nazis?
>Madagacar plan
Which was never really a viable plan nor solution:
>The idea of deporting Polish Jews to Madagascar was investigated by the Polish government in 1937,[1][2] but the task force sent to evaluate the island's potential determined that only 5,000 to 7,000 families could be accommodated, or even as few as 500 families by some estimates
>where does in hitler qoutes is anything that has to do with mass murder of the slavs?
Never claimed those quotes were about genocide. These quotes are meant to show Hitler DID NOT have any good intentions for the native slavic population and considered them less than human. To suggest he wanted to help them is idiotic
lol how is murdering millions of their civilians "educating" them? Come on now user don't be dishonest.
>Not even hilter would have killed those perfect examples of german aryanism
Look at the civilian causalities on the Russian side, they clearly did kill a lot of them
>when you "define russia" ethnically you'll see that "rus" people are one of lowest populations there
What do you mean?
Are you a gambling man?
Sometimes in life you take risks.
It doesn't matter how it went, their intentions were pure.
Sometimes you roll the dice and what comes out is not in your favor
Imagine you trying to save the princess, in D and D, you know that if you fight the boss at that current moment you cannot win.
You wait and watch and you see that the boss is going throught a great purge of high officials, and during those moments you think ... HOLY FUCK I've got a chance since the boss is weakend admistratively.
You go win push as much as you can just to over overun by the bosses milions... like MILIONS OF THEM... you keep pushing but you cannot make any more progress for 3 years. You are very close, yet there are too many... and then one last atempt to take the boss out ends with you getting overun compleptly, as you keep fighting.
Hitler may have failed, his intentions with Russia was this, but even in his failure with russia... the west understood family the dangerous of communism.
Murica was moblized to fight a cold war againts communism and half of europe was saved.
Even in his failure he did manange to safeguard parts of it.
And now history repeats her self... communism once again rises... and this time nothing will stop it.
When you start living like cubans do, poor as fuck working on 0.34 cents a hour. Then give me a call, would totally like to have a chat.
underrated post
>they killed millions of jewish Bolshevik mongrel khazar communist partisan scum you fucking nigger
So you think Russians are not real Europeans so it does not count?
chill out man
don't try to make sense of their edgy nazi rhetoric fellow judean. they make up whatever crap they want about nazis and jews and believe it because they can't accept their countries are shit because it's their own fault. it must be the evil jews who control everything, millions of them didn't get genocided they just disappeared to the special jew planet!!!!!
When kikes took over, it was supposed to be all over for Finns. But it didn't, FUCK YOU JEWS!
I am socialist, and I feel spanish till the world fixes his shit and a sincracy-free globalization is possible.
So yeah, i'm kinda a nazi
>their intentions were pure
Somehow I doubt that considering all the genocide and whatnot
>the west understood family the dangerous of communism.
If his goal was merely to curb communism then why did he kill millions of Russian civilians?
Everyone keeps calling me a Nazi so I guess I am.
who would that be out of curiosity
>why weren't central europeans slavs put in concetration camps if he hated slavs soo much
>your opinion, it was a plan they were considering, from there could have been refiend if Stalin didn't go full akbar on its people
>where does your qoute say anything about killing slavs, where are the slavs deportation from central europe and where is the slavic genocide from central europe... once again its your opinion, history doesn't show it, your qoutes dont say shit, and while you have proof of a "final solution for jews' where is the final solution for slavs?
>should i look civilians casulties in poland... ive already look and guess what 5 milion polish civilizans died. BET YA WAS THAT GERMAN HATE for the slavs... or maybe that the people refused to abadon the cities and fought a urban warfare againts well trained soliders which lead to a fucking massacre
>Russia is a multicultural, multiethnical country, saying that Russia is for Russians then you would have to deport 90% of Russia.
The National Socialist's economical plan is not set in stone. Money is simply not the main doctrine of our ideology, National "Socialism" is an umbrella term. There's nothing Socialist about National Socialism.
His goal was to stop it
He failed, but in the failure he mananged to curb it keep it at bay awhile
Wanna go another round? Hows dem antifa treating ya ?
I’m not a Nazi, but I agree with almost all the positions of a national socialist.
You think you guys have won, and that it's all over... well FUCK YOU ALL. Everybody in my local Antifa is on a special diet and training to be expert fighters WE WILL PUNISH ALL OF YOU
Im what i need to be for the meme.
National Socialist
Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a democracy?
I would not try to argue with lolbertarians all they want to conserve is their shekels.
the Red Army was mostly full of mongrel Asiatic scum from Soviet states in Central Asia and Siberia , and khazar communist swine.
It was not fucking Russian at all
Russia will always be the Third Rome, The Russian Empire, not some shitty communist Marxist satanic kike state.
Fuck you and fuck your JEWviet Union fucking faggot.
>>why weren't central europeans slavs put in concetration camps if he hated slavs soo much
I claimed he was prejudiced and killed millions of Russian civilians which he did. Never said they were put in camps
>>where does your qoute say anything about killing slavs
All I claimed from these quotes was that Hitler was heavily prejudiced against Slavs which he clearly was
> proof of a "final solution for jews' where is the final solution for slavs?
Never claimed such a thing existed, however it is clear that Germans killed Russian civilians in the millions
>BET YA WAS THAT GERMAN HATE for the slavs... or maybe that the people refused to abadon the cities and fought a urban warfare againts well trained soliders which lead to a fucking massacre
I don't know if you noticed but the Germans weren't exactly anymore fond of Poles than they were Russians
And if you IDIOTS think soy is bad you are so wrong, but your all too dumb to realize it. Soy is our secret weapon, you nazis can keep drinking milk and never be as strong as us.
No. Because i dont subscribe to leftist ideologies.
I'm not a Nazi but I respect what they were trying to do
People don't know that the reason the word socialist or socialism is in NSDAP is because they were pandering to the working middle class to vote for them, and it worked since they got most of the vote.
there were socialists entering the party, but hitler hated them and did not like them.
So on the night of long knives, he REKT every socialist faggot out of the party.
Just like how based korea has democratic in their nations title even thought it's a dictatorship.
Complete bullshit.
He viewed slavs as a weak race for succumbing to communism.
If he viewed them as subhuman then the Ustaše doesn't exist anymore and many other slavic squadrons and battallions used in his army.
Hell he even had Hindus in his army you complete swine.
>but in the failure he mananged to curb it keep it at bay awhile
Due to Hitlers war Communism took over most of Eastern Europe. Considering that Stalin never had any aggressive maneuvers against Germany or Europe as a whole in mind I very much doubt the alternative would have been any worse
>Wanna go another round? Hows dem antifa treating ya ?
"Everyone who disagrees with me is the ebil shill."
I'm a white nationalist which may as well be a nazi
Do you even understand what any of those words mean or are you just a typical underage /pol larper.
>Third Rome
>believing the title of Roman Emperor is absolutely and exclusively inheritable when half of the Emperors seized the title by force/backstabbing
Cuz I don't play for cointel
I love them. Nazi a Cute. Hitler was right. I can't stand kikes
>Are you a Nazi?
>Why or why not?
I have had sex before
Real nacional socialism IS socialist. The state intervenes in the economy, you liking it or not. It's a RENTABLE welfare state for his citizens, not in a delusional communist way, which we hasn't yet seen on earth btw because of you fucking libertarians.
"National socialism" term made up after WWII was done with the intentions of making it a taboo.
> what is Vladimir marrying a byzantine princess thus making the claim of being the Third Rome true
kek fucking brainlet
because antifa are SUCH CHADS