>The absolute state of white people
The absolute state of white people
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great thread tyrone
Slavery was the biggest mistake the US ever made, ever. Exhibit A- Atlanta Exhibit B- Baltimore Exhibit C- Chicago Exhibit D- Detroit...
This tbqh, you should've picked your own cotton or castrated all the niggers just like the arabs did.
No link???
But do you have a link??? A lot of these are literally shopped.
The absolute state of white WOMEN. But you're right and that's why they are the sexual laughing stock of the world and everyone knows it too.
The mistake was being convinced by (((some))) that it would be more beneficial to allow slaves to breed, rather than purchasing new stock each generation.
> lonely roastie.
> white.
You could have castrated them like arabs did, dumbass
Sure thing, here it is:
You guys need to keep your niggers under control, they're getting too uppity and acting too entitled lately.
Their anti-white bs is getting out of hand recently, they're getting too confident.
This cuck OP posted the same exact thread yesterday
How's that sea going?
This probably shopped. I want a link.
I like how this is the exact same thread that was posted yesterday. is this funny?
>black person taking advantage of a mentally ill woman
why are people laughing at this
Lmao I did not you mongoloid faggot, do you have any evidence for that?
check out archives of Bolivia's post, there's nothing of this.
>fat white dirty roastie
Checks out lol
>Mans twitter comes from Washington D.C
You can’t control White people in general there. It’s the most liberal place in the country. Also has the most aids per capita it’s 47.7% Black. Though over 45 and under 18 the city is still majority black. It’s 36.6% White and getting whiter but that’s just because the majority of people 18 - 44 in the city are white.
I swear to God, shit like this only happens in USA
I wasn't replying to the OP, why would I give a fuck if he did or didn't post the same OP yesterday?
Are you okay?
Landwhale with a boofer, imagine my shock.
Should’ve picked our own fucking cotton
I'm Somali and even im cringing wtf is wrong with white people these days..
really sweden
>Dirty elbows
You know she doesn't shower well and probably smells like every man she's been with
Low class people.
Truth is she is a kinky slut getting her rocks off.
Stupid nigger is doing it for free.
White woman have had this sexual fetish for awhile now.
Offering themselves to thuggish young black men as "reparation"
Some call it "RAPE-ARATIONS".
It's an evolution of their BBC fetish.
god i fucking hate this humor that minorities have
*posts a gif of a black person laughing*
social media was a mistake
>fighting back
My fucking sides.
>coming up with a fanfic for your budget backpage liaison
>Posting the corpse on social media
They never learn
If there is no toll paying the fat pig is making out!
As a white cis male.
I have to thank you. These women are a disgrace and should all be treated like op pic.
I don't understand. He made her fat?
Right there you are off because most the people in any point in time in this country did not own slaves and white Europeans mostly Christians from the Union wanted to end what a small percentage of people mostly Jews were doing and that was slaving black people and bringing them over as such conditions so on so forth. White people fought for the Union aka the USA and to end slavery. NOT for the Jews and Masons who were mostly doing the Southern Plantations. Not all were bad but that is all blacks and the Jews who owned them care to talk about. Pretty fucked up how they blame the people who freed them for slavery. They are ignorant and dumb and might be a nigger. I'm just saying.
This is the average white woman's weekend. You virgins have to understand that almost every day, black men approach and flirt with white women and so white women end up accepting black men as mates. White men are too scared to even talk to women. Just deal with it.
Poor girl just wants to get laid
Coal burners actually approach blacks because they know they'll get sexed and not embarrassingly rejected by a white
You sound dumb. Maybe you should speak for yourself. No decent white guy would go up to this land whale with intent unless they were hard up. Guess what the black guy in the pic is? Don't fuck with me!
The point is your a little baby dicked nigger who's insecure about his sexuality and hasn't been laid ever so you shitpost on Sup Forums with cuck pictures that for some reason you have saved to your HDD
The OP pic is just about worth saving it just needs a good phrase to go with it.
>This tbqh, you should've picked your own cotton
We tried really really hard to make Irishmen do it but they kept dying of malaria and direct sunlight.
Leave MN, it's my home not yours. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
with this slavery has been repaid
> you
>nigger fucks a fat white whale
water is fucking wet
Ok, Agnes.
So that's a 'no' then.
Weird. Seems like if that were the case the most popular 'hookup site' wouldn't be reporting the exact opposite.
and nobody will touch this niggers nappy hair because white americans live in a abusive relationship with blacks. and they love it. i swear to god if this would be my sister i'd skin this nigger alive then set his mother on fire.
Hahahahaha fucking baizou have no depths. hilarious
Shut the fuck up mohamed before i rape you
kek okay buddy hahahahah
son of a whore
I sea it's going whale
>Rostie Coal-Burners
Nice try gay pride flag.