When Hina wakes up.
She will win the Hayatebowl
Hayate no Gotoku finale in less than 12 hours
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everyone is just going to move on from hayate, just like we should
Yes we will move but for now a closure is needed.
I'd watch another season desu
Gonna buy some Hina-figures when I go to Japan at the end of the month. This looks good enough right or are there even better ones?
Why is Hinagiku such perfect rapebait?
She was made to be raped
She's only good for mindbreak not rape.
What season is that artstyle
Hayate no Gotoku! Can't Take My Eyes Off You
I completely forgot this even existed. Last time I remember reading it, Nagi was kicked from her mansion, they're living normally and Hayate had something funny happen with him, the girl that crushes on him and that tiger. I vaguely remember something involving a door or a doorknob. I haven't read it in so long. I think it was some time after onemanga.com went down. Remember that?
Why is it considered "winning" to have the girl end up with one of the worst harem MCs in recent history? Don't you feel bad at all for the girls?
fuck man is this 2007 all over again?
Everyone responsible for that atrocity should have been drawn and quartered, starting with Hata.
Too bad it's impossible to go back in time and kill Hata to prevent him from ever drawing this shitty manga.
well, that main character is the projection of the readers that still follow the manga.
What's the odds of A-tan winning?
just as high as Isumi winning. Aka, zero. Yes, a big fat ZER0.
>school captain
I guess there's a limit on what a wooden stick to defend herself could do.
I'm gonna miss this series.
Guess Zettai Karen Children is the next to go?
Just check this site incase for uploads of the said chapter.
Im confident Nagi will win,
I have a feeling that no one will win
or maybe the notorious ambiguous/implied ending. Seriously though, Hata stated someone will eventually becomes Hayate's love in the end, this is just a bait to keep delusional readers happy. Seriously though, don't, EVER, take the bait and stop encourages his bad works. It really hurts my eyes.
Ad Aspera or something was terrible anyway, doubt he get any more followers if he fucked this ending.
>tfw Hayate became shit
Will she ever win saimoe?
When Izumi opens her eyes
She will win the Hayatabowl
I think you mean Hamsterb owl.
I doubt it. The Japanese readers (or Asian audience) are really easy triggered by baits. If he does fail, fans will still eat this shitty bait like usual.
it is boringly generic at best in the beginning.
>he cares about the end of this series still
do you enjoy pain and suffering?
user plz, its gonna be a maria end and everyone will fuel hatas tear collection for the next 10 years.
>for the next 10 years
People don't even remember HnG now, what makes you think they're remember it 10 years after it finished publishing.
I just wish there was more doujins
maybe people will bring it back to life in the future to squeeze more profit, like school rumble and ichigo 100 few days ago. Really though, those fans really have NO standards. Just leave this steaming pile of turd on the floor and never picks it back up. What a waste of time.
This is one of the most heart warming chapters.
>bring it back to life
>like ichigo 100
What? Did I miss something?
I mean, I've had this image saved on my hard drive for almost ten years.
If Hata some how pulls off pairing these two together in the last chapter, I'll pretend I like the series and claim it's good.
Granted, I'll have to catch up, because I haven't touched it since the second anime.
well, stay tuned. Spoiler, incoming!
How can other girls even compete?
and here~~~~~~
>there are people in this thread who thinks Hina will not win the Hayatebowl
oops meant for DID HINA REALLY WIN?
And when she turns around she gonna see Hayate r-right?
Wait so Hata is posting the losers first?
keep replying folks. I am gonna play left 4 dead and uses jockey to face hump the survivors, just like how this manga treated the readers 13 years ago.
>That first panel
What was even the fucking point of those two girls
You can pretty much pin point where the manga completely died as the point where they started appearing
Both Hayate and ZKC overstayed their welcome ages ago. Hayate became stale in the doujin Namek arc and completely went to the shitter not long after. ZKC became shit when the white haired dude became a good guy, instead of staying as Magneto, because fujobucks.
Is Hisui raping Hayate's evil mom?
Wait so Christmas episode
>non-permaflat Nagi
Thread theme: youtube.com
What the fuck is wrong with her legs
Winner theme: youtube.com
Did Hayate just disappear for two years?
Looks like it.
I'm glad it's over.
If Nagi doesn't win, we riot.
Pretty much. I'm only here for the nostalgia and for closure. Hayate's prime time long since passed by.
Well Manglobe kicked the bucket so you kinda got what you wanted.
Nagi already had her OVA user.
just needs to wrap up the everyone moves on with Hayate somewhere else and not coming back.
Will it be a pie end?
I really hope so.
He comes back to see Nagi
Nagi end is inevitable
Also looks like his brother wrecks their dad's shit
I dunno what's happening, but it looks like
Does Japan even care about this series anymore? It'd be amusing if Hata got shit on for the bullshit they've pulled over the past several years
>Nagi playing lacrosse
Looks like best girl material deserves the win
Winning by default.
Is the ride finally over?
You're just pulling my leg, r-right user?
If not FUCK THIS SHIT. I was fine with any ending, absolutely any ending except the Nagi end.
Are you actually fucking kidding me?
>X will win
What if nobody wins and the final chapter goes back to status quo?
>You're just pulling my leg, r-right user?
I wish I was.
Toppest of keks
Ended up in sexual relation....
That's how it goes?
At this point, it's meh anyway you slice it. Just comes down to some morbid curiosity.
>Generic ending
Glad I dropped this shit years ago, not even Hinagiku could make me read this garbage
The steering wheel is on the wrong side of that car.
Nagi won m8
Had this happened 5 or even more years ago I'd be platinum mad. Now? I can barely bring myself to care.
>Nagi winning
>Not generic as fuck
>Original heroine won
That's pretty much how every single manga ends
Tfw my life's role model is the winner.
Thanks Hata for doing the right thing.
You can't get more generic than that.
I bet since Maria is now free off Nagi she is going to need a butler
So next week we get the alternate (true) ending with Hina, right?
So does the end namedrop the title because we love when that happens right?
Wow, after all these years, I just realized Hata is a fucking hack.