Post characters that single handedly ruined thier series.
Post characters that single handedly ruined thier series
She's fucking horrible and turned the series to shit.
Not even.
>Impying she was not better than her shit older sister
What is that huge fucking watermark?
Lisana a qt
>Cartoon Network: Ben 10
Thanks google.
>Post characters that single handedly ruined thier series.
Ruined her own series.
You're waifu.
Shit taste confirmed.
She made her series, what are you talking about?
That brush scene was the best thing in the entire thing.
I understand wanting to have an actual villain, but Azami's just too overbearing.
>you don't like cute girls being abused
>hurt durr shit taste
Fuck off and die. I liked Yotsuba until I read the chapter introducing that bitch now I know it's shit.
Kazumi/MAO's dialect makes me nut
>That brush scene was the best thing in the entire thing.
everything about that series was bad though
The anime was bad.
The manga is good.
The whole point is that she's shit compared to her big sister and that's why she goes crazy.
I want to fuck Shierke.
This probably means she didn't ruin the series. This method has never failed to me.
>t. Rinfag
Holy shit are those his real ears?
when does she abuse??
>series wasn't a love triangle between Maou, Chiho and Ashiya
Pretty much ruined the series, along with the threat of being expelled since it was used as the bargaining chip for 90% of the battles.