Kemono Friends
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Why does she pour from such altitude
She's a tea bae.
You would too if you could.
i could listen to this for hours
It helps to cool off the hot tea.
>he doesn't know about decantering
>he doesn't know about teh tarik
I want to mate with Alpaca's voice
Fuck off
Don't fuck off
It's the equivalent of folding it a 1000 times.
>western people in charge of pouring tea
Safari LIVE is go.
Time to watch big cats.
Is Kaban truly human?
Or just a mockery of one?
Alpacas love high altitudes.
Have they found Karula yet?
There is a new episode?
I want to rape Shoebill.
Ep 12.1 broke 1 million views in under 3 days on Nico.
How can other spring anime even compete?
>consuming food or beverages touched by third-worlders
Boiled stuff is ok.
It's when it's not that you're in trouble.
Based Tatsuki.
American coffee and British Tea are exported from third world countries
You merely adopted the brew
>Celebrate 1m views!
i kinda skipped over eps 11 and 12 because I wanted more sol
whats this wild release skill?
If you refuse to face the pain of the final 2 episodes, then you are not a friend of ours
>kind of skipped eps 11 and 12
You've made a huge a mistake friend.
One day I will learn how to use Niconico comments to their full ability.
>skip episodes
What were you thinking and why are you here explained in ep 11-12
Why would you think he was serious?
Because we get non friends that's worse than happy meal heads all day every day.
By selling BDs
>OST release date
only suffering now
>selling BDs
That's a dead end.
Believe in Tatsuki.
I believe that Mine and Tatsuki will find a way to save us throughout this Spring season.
Decantering from such a height!
Old Sup Forums would have said this in the first ten post. Are we in neo Sup Forums now?
You just beat me to it
Let's play a little game, you are offered a chance to be suddenly transported to Japari Park and you are also transformed into male equivalent of the same species as your favorite friend, sounds good right. But here's a little catch, all other posters from these threads are ported there (somewhere to the same area) too and if you want to win that sweet female all to yourself you have to compete of her with everyone else with the same choice. This usually means by strength and combat or any other way of the species, but there is only 1 of each female and you have as many competitors as people who have the same favorite.
Would you accept? How do you think you would fare against others?
Where have I heard that before?
>male equivalent
you are still female cause sandstar.
Literally the second post was a play on that, user.
no thanks
I'd rather not have this cyoa gateway shit
fuck off
Too many words, I can't read them all
My waifu's not in Japari park
>fucking your daughteru friend
Which one of you faggots did this?
I thought you fags had a dedicated website for your crappy fanfiction
>Thread has 37 posters
I bet none have the same choice so no competition, easy waifu
Her Tea was made from her spit. Would still accept Alpaca X's Tea?
japan friend
Could the owls read? They seem to know the question maze was as such, and what cooking was, but weren't able to cook.
Because they are afraid of fire.
I prefer if it where made from her pee but spit works just fine
The first 10posts are literally joke about decantering
Thus friendo here can't into basic humour. Time for you to go to the library.
From the ep, they probably tried but were likely blocked by fire and/or tools.
I'll take two
Most Friends seem to lack the fine motor skills to perform dexterous tasks that require the movement of fingers and thumbs. Just because they got human bodies doesn't mean they actually know how to use them, like with Toki struggling to figure out how to sing properly with a human respiratory system.
The Owls can probably read but not manipulate the tools necessary to cook themselves. They probably also lack the problem-solving skills required to take various bits if disparate information and figure out things like using fire to create a heat source for cooking.
How wrong you are
Can someone post the images that depict the type of friends? there was the deep fag, the furry, and three more.
I'd have it if it was Alpaca spitting Toki's piss directly into my mouth.
>people still underestimate the owls
These episodes were fucking awesome. Don't be a happy meal, go watch them. Also there is SOL in the second part of episode 12.
I don't accept, I want to be a female Friend
I'll fite you.Top choice friend
Always loved them after reading one good article about them as kid and design is just spot on
I wonder what else Tatsuki has in store.
Well, she's on a tall mountain anyway. It'd be from a high altitude no matter how she pours it.
Came today, will stay in their packages until apartment renovation is done
What are those? Keychains?
Kashikoi no desu
Keychains with coin pedestal
>the things you'd do for Japari Coins.
I dont know what friend to love, there is so many of them I want to love them all!
They seem to acknowledge that the anime is a dark horse.
Also is this shit real? KF being in Music Station Live?
>I want to love them all!
That is the reasonable and natural choice.
>Also is this shit real?
That's adorable user.
friends are for hugging and protecting and helping them achieve self-actualization by running the service establishment of their dreams
This looks like some kind of evil overlord broadcast.
Go read the last thread.
It is real. There is also another life event after japariket so go if you are in Japan.
It's a friend, who can travel in time.
Sorry I always though Lamas, and Alpacas were the same, but they're only related I'll fix it!
4月14日20時〜『MUSIC STATION』出演が決定致しました!!!
Christ, that height difference. They'd have to stand on their tippy-toes to even give a standing blowjob
Get your mind of the gutter.
I haven't read the last thread yet. Off to the archive.
>fennec is smug even in 3d
This is heavy, doc.
I guess not even Japan can let go of him.