Sun-Ken Rock

Should Sun-Ken Rock ever become an anime or should it be left as a manga.

If a studio really tried it could become the anime John Wick. Badass

Leave the sit as it is.

It should be forgotten about and never spoken of again.


Did the author die or something. In the middle of story tae-soo sudden take over the group. The guy was pretty much worship Ken but then betray him for no reason. Why did the author just throw Ken under bus like that?

They should change the ending fuck yumin

I agree. Maybe he just made that the ending to be edgy and original but it came off weird.

It was super rushed also

I'm still pissed off about the ending.

>gook artist
>ever get animated

It was fun for quite a while. I've gotten a lot of fitness motivation from this manga and I'll always love it for that.

By the way read Origin, it's pretty cool so far.

left as a manga

I think tae-soo knew it was the only way to go against the yakuza even though he said it was a 20% chance of success. Ken is too straight forward and suicide attacks. But yeah that arc was kind of weird.

got some good faps from this series.

Same artist?

Hollywood live action.


Just seeing that fucking cunt makes me rage. Boichi should never write again. How weak willed do you have to be to let a Facebook post and a fan letter completely fuck over your story to the point where you change it at the last second because you wanted to shoehorn in a message about how revenge is bad and forgiveness is good. Fucking gook hack.

>to let a Facebook post and a fan letter completely fuck over your story
What and when?

Black God and Freezing. Oh and Shin Angyo Onshi


It's speculation but there are strong hints that Boichi changed the ending at last second due real world happenings.

The France terrorist attack that killed a hundred a year and half ago, one public letter from a guy who lost his wife in that attack went on how the widowed guy said he wouldn't let hatred overcome him because that's how terror wins.

Boichi himself references the letter in the omake for Sun Ken Rock's last volume, saying he was touched by this event, saying that Sun Ken Rock shouldn't be overcome by hatred as well.

It really seems the case of an altered ending because the final arc literally started with Ken dropping all of his morals about killing, yet in the end he chooses to let it go, that's really weird.

It should be forgotten for extreme fuck it turned out to be in the end.

Authors who are influenced by events that didn't even happen remotely close to him is a display of utter disrespect for anyone who actually paid money for his series.

Tae-soo didn't betray Ken, are you retarded?
He became the boss so he could take the blame once the yakuza messed their company up.

It should be buried and forgotten as the piece of shit that it is. I was promised the deconstruction of society's ideals and gangsterisms, not a bullshit shounen fightan with a Gary Stu MC and a supporting cast that exists for no other reason than to worship the ground he walks on.

No, Wolf Guy did Akumetsu, which admittedly features a Gary Stu with a similar hairstyle.

>Gary Stu
- His actions aren't universally supported.
- His actions don't have lasting results.
- He isn't infallible.
- He and all of him dies.

this guy can't write anything good
he is a good artist though
if you ignore the same face girls

His actions aren't condemned by any of the "good" side characters either.
The results of his actions aren't shown.
He is infallible, literally never fails, even the ambiguity of the future is something he foresaw and that was part of his plan as he didn't want to rule after giving the people a new chance.
All of the clones die because that was their plan.
I mean shit, creating an endless supply of Gary Stu's was basically his stated superpower.