Is this true?
Is this true?
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Of course, it's true. Gotta keep those niggers in check one way or another.
No. Muh war on drugs isn't what destroys negro lives. It's the fact that their entire "culture" in this country is routed around glorifying crime, drugs and dindus. The war on drugs is just yet another way to offload the failings of the black community to everyone but themselves
Pretty much.
The south has been using extreme sentencing laws to incarcerate black people for the better part of 100 years.
For a long time it was basically just an unwritten rule that whites got reduced sentencing for drug charges and blacks got the maximum.
Seriously, go look up the data for most of the 1900's and you will see how blatantly obvious it was what they were doing.
the word just in the second clause renders it false.
>black people have less impulse control
>i can say that because i am black
There is no such thing as "brown people" as a cohesive racial category in the US. Anything that lumps together South Asians and blacks (for example) is meaningless and only exists for purposes of anti-white political signaling.
>implying this is wrong
I mean some 20 yo white smokers are destined to a life of crime and some 20 yo black smokers are about to go to college and turn their life around, but the law should assume the most likely outcome.
1 post by this ID.
NO YOU FUCKING RETARD. Want to know how to not go to jail for drugs? Don't use drugs. It's pretty fucking simple.
Stop smoking ((( funny jew )))
Certainly Mr. Ellison isn't insinuating that a certain race is more likely to abuse drugs?
Wasn't the war on drugs, it's just the fucking drugs that ruined peoples lives
>blacks just can't help shooting up and smoking up shit and it's rayciss to punish them for it
The absolute state of dems
No. Sessions is just a retarded boomer.
>Only black people use illegal drugs.
Completely untrue, and that's highly racist of you, Mr. Ellison. I know plenty of degenerate whites that consume all sorts of illegal substances on a daily basis.
Where the fuck did this sessions racist meme come from?
I've talked to people who act like it was a well known, established fact.
What did he do that got everyone's panties in a twist even before he allied with trump
Stop jailing and start executing on more than one offence. If caught dealing, automatic death, no exceptions.
The first sentence is correct, the second isn't. Sessions legitimately thinks marijuana abuse is bad for that nation. And Sessions is right.
The problem is you can't fight marijuana with cops. You need to fight it culturally. Unfortunately, the cultural war was lost with programs like DARE that were actually determental to lowering drug use. Ultimately, the forces of degeneracy won and pot is demanded by the masses. Now legalization is all but inevitable.
get rid of the brown people so we won't need quite so many laws
WTF I love the War on Drugs now!
If drugs were legal, what would happen to all those trap houses?
>NO YOU FUCKING RETARD. Want to know how to not go to jail for drugs? Don't use drugs. It's pretty fucking simple.
but but but.....muh culture?
We should just kill them. Is it so unethical? I don't think it is.
ZOG programming
That's an excuse, not an explanation
These people have been ruling by edict. That's why Obama's legacy is so easy to wipe out. The only way to change federal law is through congress, not by arbitrarily deciding what to enforce.
>Sending murderers to jail ruined lives
Rouge elements of high level political strategist convince executives Senators and Executives mostly to fall for their plans which always use narcotics and addicting fellow Americans.
White/Black/Latino/Asian it doesnt matter the victims and the addicts are the downside of black operation planning.
>shipping heroin in the coffins of Vietnam DOAs
>shipping Cocaine into the Nation to support anticommunists with little support considering the amount of money made in the 80s and 90s
>then entire heroin epidemic of the 10s resulting in homelessness and degeneracy as fewer are dying keeping the epidemic going
Everyone likes to take a side with this issue using race as a token or shilling, either way this was our government.
Black and brown people don't really dabble in legal weed distribution, though. Where they may be users, they are not usually smart enough to start these kinds of businesses, they just sell pot out of the trunk of a buick, on a street corner, or to their friends/vatos.
Just more leftist idiot wind.
protip: drugs ruined a lot of lives
also this guy is a fucking meme
one community has more murders
I love getting high but I hate this Muslim Antifa fuck so I'm conflicted. Sessions and this guy should just fuck each other off a cliff
Yeah it's true and there's literally nothing wrong with. Don't like it? Stop smoking drugs. Illegal means Illegal.
If you want legal drugs then legalize them, don't issue bullshit wormy 'directives' to ignore the law.
Is Comrade Ellison implying that only black people use drugs? kek
Get out of here with that shitskin(&nigger)-sympathizer.
DARE wasn't a problem, kikes subverting European culture was. Without Jewish media influencing children and teenagers to be rebellious against order at every turn, we would be much better off.
i think weed should be fully legal, but I do agree its a good way to keep fucking niggers in their place. (in prison and in poverty)
I don't disagree. My point is that subversion was effective, DARE wasn't.
So he's saying black people are poor and incapable of not using drugs? How racist.
I wish it was
Glorifying crime is a poverty problem, not a nigger problem
Success to poor people looks like exploiting people when you get the chance, because in their circumstances that's the only option they have. There are no alternatives to getting ahead, so crime to them is the rich upper-classman's "starting a business."
That's why poor people see rich people as evil as well- they can't imagine anyone getting out of their scenario without doing fucked up shit.
this wasn't glorified until prohibition started
> culture destroys nigger lives
No. It’s not the culture. It’s the fact that they’re niggers. The culture stems from that, it doesn’t cause it.
> melanin is a hormone.
> every species we have ever injected melanin into became more aggressive, more violent and more sexually active - including humans
> blacks have lower average IQ. The sweet-spot for criminality and IQ is 80-85, which is the same as the average nigger.
> low IQ inhibits the ability to process abstract thoughts and connect concepts together in a cause-effect chain. Particularly multiple levels deep in regard to future effects of current actions.
Niggers cannot be fixed with money or culture or programs. The only program that would work is to send them back to the natural habitat in which they evolved, Africa.
This is the truth, the Leftists complain about how legal pot businesses are all White and niggers still get locked up for illegal sale and use. Legalizing weed doesn't prevent muds from going to prison for it, they don't commit crimes because there is no legal way to do something but because they are too stupid and impulsive to follow simple rules.
Keith is mad Sessions said no more clit removal doctors in the US.
This. They are trying to make "people of color" take off as the new politically correct racial terminology replacement for African American. The it lumps together groups that have little to no cultural similarity. American blacks and first generation African immigrants dont even have much in common.
In this case? Yes.
MS-13 ain't gonna arrest itself.
he made a "WTF, I hate/love ______ now" joke once in the 80's that someone took seriously. Oh and some black dude that once worked for him claimed he once called him "boy" that's it.
They have a resentment towards Whites in common, and a desire to loot White America. That is enough to bind them together in many situations. 'People of color' is Jewish rhetoric designed to pit the whole world against Whites.
Blaming niggers for the drug problem when people only give a shit about the drug problem when to many whites take them. It's like everyone talking about the opiod epidemic which mainly affects suburban shits and not as much in the poor neighborhoods.
the federal government was designed to work a certain way. the obama administration patched in 'shortcuts' to bypass the legislative branch, which creates a slippery slope for compromise of government. the DOJ decided to now do its job properly, rather than doing what is politically expedient or convenient, doesn't have to be a form of racism.
if the representatives who care about racism and the drug war want to stop those things, they should start by...doing their jobs and changing the system to work the way they want it to through the processes they were voted in to execute.
> There are no alternatives to getting ahead, so crime to them is the rich upper-classman's "starting a business."
There are plenty of ways to get ahead--do you realize how much easier it is for poor blacks to get into good schools and training programs than middle class whites?--the problem is they adopt the crime-doing, society-blaming, school-hating, victim-complexed culture of their single moms.
>Glorifying crime is a poverty problem, not a nigger problem
relative* poverty is a problem, ie stupid ghetto blacks living with rich educated whites. Crime is lower in 97% white Clay County than ghetto L.A. even though they're even poorer.
Funny, I can't think of any places where blacks are richer than whites or asians and the whites or asians chimp out...
They adopt the 'culture' of their single moms because they are sub-Saharan West Africans. They live the same way here that they do in Liberia, with the only difference being the insane effort Whites put into keeping them from eating each other.
kill yourself shill rat
>The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.
of course this stupid fucking nigger is implying that there aren't whites doing heroin. I beg to differ. what an ignorant race baiting nigger politician.
can't even stop appealing to race for one tweet
>There are plenty of ways to get ahead--do you realize how much easier it is for poor blacks to get into good schools and training programs than middle class whites
Every college accepting 3 or 4 bonus niggers doesn't give purpose to millions of lil negroes who see their lazy mother grow up on welfare, and just feel in their gut that a more responsible "better life" is out of reach.
Of course there are people who work hard and do move on, but this poverty mentality is one grown up out of an environment. Schools near ghettos are going to be SHIT. No one in those institutions care like they do in rich white kid areas.
>Funny, I can't think of any places where blacks are richer than whites or asians and the whites or asians chimp out...
Not necessarily "blacks are richer", but Eastern Europe (Poland, Romania, Hungary, Czek, Russia) is full of full-on white niggers. (along with gypsies)
If it gets Democrat voters off the streets during election time I'm all for it.
Roughly the same could be said about the war on guns. It didnt stop Gun crime, and it was only effective in raising the crime rate because the illegal could still buy the guns the legal now couldnt.
Maybe those people should strop doing drugs?
I'm as alt-right as they come but I agree. We really need to legalize marijuana in this country, not all drugs.
It would do so much sense, and economic benefits from taxing it!
YEAH only poor and brown people do drugs
I was with him until the racial and brown people horseshit.
Yes. The only reason to keep drugs illegal is to keep the prices high. The 80's economy was funded with massive sales of high priced illegal cocaine.
Yes, it is.
Legalization lowers usage. Look it up.
Yes, it's gonna get Democrats out of their houses and into the voting polls. TX blue next election guaranteed.
Sup Forums is fucking retardation when it comes to drugs. What happened to state and individual freedom? Even Hitler was a drug user.
freedom to do drugs is literally in the constitution
>it's asking too much for "poor people and brown people" to not brake the law
>we need to make crime legal instead
>only then will equality be achieved
You should cry about it more. It worked for the SJWs.
Can't you read between the lines? This has never been about brown people, it's all virtue signaling. This has always been about two things, white people wanting to do drugs and white people wanting to monopolize the drug industry, cutting out the middle (brown) middleman.
You're fucking stupid for being against legalization, this is wealth redistribution from brown to white.
>brake the law
>brake the
Maybe if darkies didn't use drugs, they wouldn't get in trouble. Just a though.
>war on drugs failed is bad
woow okay so lets just make all dangerous drugs legal I'm sure there will be no consequence or downside
why is this terrorist criticizing sessions?
what does he have against sessions giving states more power to police themselves?
I don't want money made off drugs. I wast drugs eliminated.
I have no problem with dumb fucks going to jail because they feel the need to smoke weed in public places, at work, and in their cars.
Why can't people stay at HOME and smoke? Pizza and Chinese food deliver.
This guy gets it. Pic related is what the colored community needs to fix the situation
No amount of yelling at them will fix them. They are incapable of functioning in a White society. They need their own countries where they can ook and eek without raycis polees telling them to stop.
If the Left would accept federalism as a compromise on abortion and gay marriage, then I will accept it on weed usage.
Nope, it's because drugs are fucking horrible for people and thus horrible for the country. Marijuana causes/triggers schizophrenia and probably other mental problems.
That is, let people decide what morals they want their communities to uphold when it comes to abortion and gay marriage, and then we can talk about letting them decide on weed too.
Is he implying brown people and poor people can't help themselves but do drugs?
Why do they have to make everything about race, yes the war on drugs is fucking retarded, but it isn't what keeps niggers down.
Right cause it's not the own persons fault that they're poor because they're spending all the money and drugs and their lives didn't get ruined because the of the drugs they decided to partake in
Also who are brown people, what's that even mean lmao
If they are poor, how do they afford drugs?
Black man here.
When I was a youth white people from the government came, forced me to do and sell drugs and that is why I am poor.
He is 100% correct.
so shouldn't we call this guy a racist and a guy who claims that only brown people do drugs, and only poor people do drugs, also lumping poor and brown into the same category? whew lads. this guy is a real bugger.
No, I cannot read between the lines of your opaque generalization. Legalization is wealth redistribution, or the reverse?
>too stoned, or likely just stupid in general, to offer a rebuttal
>attacks a minor spelling error instead
The absolute state of welfarebois ITT
Crimes still happen. Maybe shitskins should suffer instead of committing them. But building character is for racist whites, I guess.
You absolutely should, user. Fire up those liberal/lleftist sock puppets and hold them to the same standards to which they hold everyone else.
he's right about the war on drugs being shit, but wrong about race having anything to do with it
>If the Left would accept federalism as a compromise on abortion and gay marriage
Can't have states choose their own path on CONSTITUTIONALLY GUARANTEED RIGHTS you fucking imbecile. Argue all you whether privacy and marriage should be considered constitutional rights, but that's the law of the land and no can possibly have the power to take those rights away. Period.
Don't like it? Then you don't like America.
>Protip: There's no constitutional protections for weed usage or prohibition, and that's why it -- not marriage or reproductive rights -- is a state issue. Dumbass.
Lol welfare? I'm worth over 340k