Telling the kikes to stop bullying Iran makes him even more /ourguy/
This is literally more proof that French Hitler is based.
What?! Since when was Macron /ourguy/?? I thought Sup Forums wanted the French woman be president?
t. Abdul Mahammad
No, thanks.
>t. Abdul Mahammad
The absolute state of nu/pol/, being against Israel burning down the region makes you a Muslim now
>Hating Jews
Oh my sweet, brainwashed, foreskinless goytoy.
Who the fuck do you think you are, that's me, my greatest ally, and my greatest ally's greatest enemy you're talking about
We did, we didn't realise that Macron was running a stealth campaign and was actually way to the right of Marine on almost every issue.
He also said that Bachar was the "ennemy" of Syria people and that Islam needs a structuration in France
The Bog is strong with this one.
lmao it's incredible how all the mutts with no clues comment that he's /ourguy/
Macron is a liar he will say whatever firs the current way
The Guy is a Centrist. Yet pol Sucks his cock.
Imagine if it was the 80s and Pol was sucking Francois Mitterand's Cock, oh wait, Mitterand was a Socialist faggot who is the reason why france is fucked up.
So many fucking shills. You've all been trying to push this Macron bullshit all day. Why?
this, you stupid kyke.
Looks like we were right, fuck Israel
Macron understands the need of a strong Shia geopolitical power to keep mudslimes fighting among themselves.He's /ourguy/ alright!
fpbp fuck off back to president trump general
Fpbp. Checked and Kekd.
He is just a meme for those guys.
Fine, since you cunts insist on continuing this.
Morons think this way.
No. Macron simply isn't stupid. The left is a shambolic clusterfuck, and won't unify.
The French right and "centre" in the last election got 65% of the first round vote.
Macron knows that his main weakness will come from a challenge from the Front National.
Solution? Clear out the fucking migrants and squirrel them away, out of public sight, and appear to be somewhat of a dick to le minorities. This should rob Le Pen of legitimate issues to challenge him on in the next election.
If the Republicans get into the 2nd round: "Do you want austerity back lefties?!"
If the Socialists get into the 2nd round: "I'm not a communist"
If Le Pen gets into the 2nd round again: "I've brought the hammer down on immigrants and made things better, you just want to be Hitler"
All this proves is that he is more politically attuned than most political mainstreams across the western world.
It does not follow that he is in any way /ourguy/. He is a man whom would crown himself king if given half a chance, and is actively seeking to forge for himself such an opportunity.
>Be Rothschild
>Make fortune funding every side in conflicts
>Control every side in every fight
>Always win
>Be Sup Forums
>know the Rothschilds control every side in every conflict
>Notice former Rothschild banker
>Like the things he says
>Fall in love with him
The absolute state of Sup Forums
top bantz
>no archive
Hello businessinsider journalist
Dafuq are you talking about? FN is literally the most Zionist party in France, like Geert Wilders PVV. Marion Le Pen's father is a MOSSAD AGENT FFS!
>again a mutt with no clue
kek. Mitterrand advocated for the re-patriation of illegals during the 1988 presidential campaign
Good analysis.
>anti israel
>not Sup Forums's guy
Fuck off reddit
>Fils de pasteur pentecôtiste1, il échoue à obtenir un diplôme de prothésiste dentaire2. Il commence à militer au Front national en 19853 à Nantes4. D'après Christian Bouchet, il est brièvement militant de Troisième voie à Nantes durant la seconde moitié des années 19805.
What the fuck Urgul Turkeycan? Can't read? Get that through the translator nigger
Hitler hated the Jews before Israel existed. It was people like the Rothshidls that he hated.
Macron is literally ((their)) banker misdirecting people away from the Rothschilds who are the real enemy.
Well, that's the best choice. We don't want Iranians in Europe next.
>Opposing ZOG, Israel, and Saudi Arabia and wanting for peace with Iran
That is /ourguy/ Fuck zionists and fuck Israel.and their call for war against Iran. I don't want more mid east quagmires.
Then why did he support the Coup against Gorbachev?
putin owns macron and le pen
who cares who wins
lol if by our you think Israel then yeah
How did that fuck up France?
Like a roman god.
when the first post is also the best post
>thinks saudi arabia are somehow not muslim
Well it's the human thing to do .
Saudi has been cucking us for a thousand year.
Israel.. Well do I even need a reason to hate Israel?
The fucking guy fooled everyone, including us, Le Pen would have probably ended up taking less right wing policies than this guy.
Macron actually gets shit done right now. It's something that did not happened for a long time.
That. Thank you.
>rebukes US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia
>mutts, kikes and salafist sandniggers
I didn't vote for him, I even voted against him, but it's hard not to defend him on this topic.
Pol is a muslim board now, so macron is /ourguy/ just like Merkel inshallah
I've chosen her name 3 times on a ballot.
But she was really disappointing last time. I can't even stand hearing her and now I'm sure she would have become a terrible president, much like Trump is in the USA. Someone more competent needs to take over FN. I dislike most of Macron's policies but at least he has the caliber of a president.
this...OP is a confirmed kike shill...these people dont even try, i could spot a kike a mile away at this point holy shit
U dumb fucking mutt muslims hate chiites more than anything.
Frogss, redpill me on the Romanians, are they really worse than Africans in your country?
Burgers got seriously upset when France and Germany didn't support them in the Iraq war effort. I was reading old articles and many harsh words were said, sometimes from those same people that today are arguing about non-interventionism etc
Negative sentiment against the EU stems from this 10-years-old "how dare they" too.
Not at all, they are just aggressive beggars. Niggers here are worst than anything.
So muslims actually dont hate jews now? Bring them in! 10mill more muslims please
yes people from the balkans are literally the fucking worst, everyone that is not 50% french and doesn't have a french name must be kicked out
Long Live the King
Gypsies Romani people are lower than Nigger for sure
What is he doing that will benefit France?
Most africans assimilate pretty well and get jobs
Roms all end up living in trailer parks and live off burglary
But I wanted to move to France :/
He actually started to create investment pools that gather foreign investment (especially from the US ) In France.
He actually managed to have people come here and create new companies under french laws.
The pools revolve around Energy storage wich will be a major thing in the upcoming century and production.
That's pretty awesome if you ask me.
He also kinda told Trump to go fuck himself and he is trying to organise a first unified reform for GLobal European fiscal laws. (which is very important if we ever want to become a federation, like the US for example)
Don't listen to that retard,
It's pretty hard to get to live in France nowaday though.
If you're not a Gypsy then it's ok
Even for people from other EU countries?
I'm not :D
He's been Bogdanowoke now, impossible to stop him
Okay, shitposting aside is macron actually based?
Can he make up le pens shortcomings?
I mean
He's done some good things
dunno if completely """based""" or not, but still
For me the absolute worst are arabs and mudslimes.
The worst is that their subhuman culture is getting trendy amongst the youth thanks to kike media pushing Ahmeds & co in the music/kino industry.
I've heard my 15yo sister say stuff like "mashallah" or whatever the f*ck those shitskins say.
That's pretty much the same as ghetto/negro culture being shoved down Americans' throats, resulting in white girls twerking.
>managed to have people come here and create new companies under french laws
only some cuck would send their company to a foreign country and think it was a 'good thing' for their home country.
fuckoff schlomo.
Burger reading comprehension