>ywn have a white mom
Any ideas how the rest of the plan will go? Was leaving Phil behind part of the plan?
of course not, baby nigger just want to suck mama's tits and ruining people's live...
dump you!
I thought so too, but Mama's reaction to seeing Phil seems way too shocked. If anything, she should be happy that she has a bargaining chip for when she catches up with Emma's group. It also doesn't make sense that Phil was left out of being told about the plan, since during the explanation they said that they told the rest of the kids.
>just want to suck mama's tits
well who doesnt
So what's the deal with this kid? Is he actually the evil mastermind or did they really just forget about him so that Mama and Emma can have one last showdown?
>let's take your tracker out
>lobbed his whole ear off
Wew Emma.
>all those anons were right about Phil having his own keikaku
Dammit Phil
Is OurGuy Phil gonna bomb himself now?
>I was totally able to acquire materials like gasoline
Hack writer, even kubo accomplished more in the first 30 chapters
He's cute thou, leave him alone!
Post that picture, you know the one.
Chop her toes off of one foot, my dude.
He caught her off guard. That's what shocked her, but she will be happy to have him as a hostage.
Despite knowing that little kids are retarded, I have to point out that Phil is a dumb cunt.
Whats your mom like?
Oshit, Phil is actually a demon and grandma's spy.
When Krone is speaking with grandma and she says she managed to stop Mama from running she would have to be sure of 2 things:
- Getting a replacement from Mama, she rebeled, could rebel again, that is why Phil is "where is Emma? Where is EMMA? WHERE. IS. EMMA.?"
- Monitoring the most promising farm, you have a fcking huge festival for your benefit, why would you let someone who rebeled take care of that alone? You need to keep an eye on them to make sure the festival goes right. If Phil is a demon in disguise even in its baby form no one would even bat an eye.
I thought it was just an in-joke and a meme. Turns out I had the wool pulled over my head the entire time.
Next chapter Phil takes his mask off and says IT WAS ME, DIO
White moms are big on feminism, so they would want to kill you just as much as this one.