Anyone else surprised this didn't get a season 2? It was really popular

Anyone else surprised this didn't get a season 2? It was really popular

I'm still hoping it'll happen some day.

It felt like they were starting to run dry 3/4 of the way through. They had to introduce new characters with new gimmicks because we can only chuckle at Konata referencing anime so many times before we're tired of it.

I can't get enough of Kagami though.

And now it's 10 years old

Well the anime ended with graduating high school, and the manga fucking sucks after they graduate, so they'd have to take some heavy liberties

I'd accept it if it meant more Kagami.

Just throw away the source material and make a season about Konata and Kagami's slow, awkward romance.

What's with the Lucky Star threads lately? .

Finally a proper encode came out so people finally got to watch it. That's my guess.

>the manga fucking sucks
But user, that's what KyoAni does best.

What's that? All I've got is the lowdef DVD rips.

I used Kuchikirukia's

I have the higher encodes but it still feels strange not using a.f.k's.

It'd be really weird to see Konata referencing post 2010 anime

It was mediocre

Sweet a proper encode that'll put me to sleep just as fast as the old DVD rips.

It was without question the most boring thing Ive ever watched

Takes a special kind of person to enjoy it. Gladly that was me.

keep the fiath alive

it go an ova were hiragi was miku hatsune and admited to wanting to fuck konota in here sleep while her little sister overheard,
or something


The Bluray is shit compared to the old DVD release.
Unless a new Bluray release came out.