Read the guide.
Buyfag Thread
>26,784 anime dollars
Thank god im not into idoltrash of any kind. You guys get jewed so hard, atleast the figures look good.
am I the only into gunplas here?
Yes, go back to /toy/.
Selling figures
Opinion on Sentinel?
Nothing on this manufacturer in the guide.
Selling these figs [email protected]
They're okay. Been around quite a while. Not great, not terrible.
No. But this isn't the best place for it.
Glad I have no interest in this character or design.
>potatoes more detailed than the helmet
Pure I R E L A N D
This one looks great. Though I thought its price could just be around 20000.
You guys have a robot or something with potatoes in their helmet?
What piece of artwork would you want to be made into a figure???
Yeah something like that.
No bully!
Kudelia has emotions!
re: Avarice, greed, envy, jealousy, etc.
>Single most fanservice-y scene in the show gets a fig of Kudelia
>Atra is just an accompanying chibi-accessory
So unfair.
On one hand I really like the amount of detail and craftsmanship. And she's cute.
On the other I really don't give a shit about idol stuff.
But she thic tho
>No fig of MILF Atra ever
>Shiny hair
>Shiny skin
>Shiny swimsuit
I actually love it
Is this the first good figma ever made? I don't really care about Portal that much but I want it.
>start collecting figmas in late 2016
>all the figmas in my wishlist that were too expensive on the aftermarket are getting a rerelease in 2017
Feels goods.
Hotglue looks better on shiny things.
>most fanservice-y
>not any of the turbines anything
She's supposed to be wet.
>tfw imagining hot cum dripping down her hair and onto her butt
I think she's supposed to be underwater user.
Nobody cares about these sluts though.
>$250 for a 1/7
Good thing I'm pretty much over collecting figs, it's just too pricey now. One fig or two max a year for me now.
Solid Snake figma was even more expensive, the details we-re hand-painted.
I need this
Why didn't Figma do one for red outfit Arise :(
Looks like trash.
Sweet, I didn't know they were doing a rerelease.
Shit base. Shit face. No details.
The face resembles the anime so well and what you mean the base is shit?
And I thought Burd was expensive.
It took me by surprise too. I just saw this today when checking amiami, I don't think they announced it in advance.
The base is pretty cool man.
Thank God I never had anybody to play the co-op mode with, this is really nice.
Figmas tend to look amazing when they're not humans.
I know what I'm gonna fap to today.
A few beads of sweat materialised during that preorder purchase
>not Muscle Victor
What is wrong with you.
Now that you mention it, Victor had just as amazing guns as Lisel, didn't he..
A weird mix of cute and lewd and fat.
My march order arrived today, oh boy but do i enjoy paying the import taxes.
I need it now.
>That one video of that guys room filled with dakicovers, lewd posters and figurines is deleted from youtube
The anime looks like shit.
Her hair looks like something you'd find on a 5 dollar prize figure. The face is very unflattering.
wasn't it announced as 1/8?
this is the first figure I'm going to regret not buying and I know it
She's fucking expensive but I'm still tempted to cave, because damn she's gorgeous.
Guess I'm kind of lucky that Anya and Kaede won't get quite as elaborate figures, at least they'll likely be cheaper. I don't necessarily like Ranko enough for 26k.
The figure itself looks good, the wing tail thing looks like shit though.
hope your Momohime is ok and not fucked up like mine
Nope, was always 1/7.
Good news for you then, preorders are back up.
>Hunting a 2015 prize set for a year.
>The only time it shows up its 150$
>While thinking if its worth it, it's already sold.
I'm dead, dead inside.
Just noticed the cast-off butt thrusters on the bottom. This could take an interesting turn.
What can be wrong with her? I haven't unboxed her yet.
I would great if i get a immaculte figure, i don't want a repeat of the whole headless lancer debacle.
For that amount of dosh, Alter better up their quality checking
Hair issues.
Mmm, all that glorious technology. I'll be more compelled to experience the game if I get him, which I just may for myself and little brother. Looks great and I can get the price way down thanks to my usual shop.
The game is quite fun, user. Go for it. Unfortunately I never managed to complete the co-op because I have no friends.
As far as i can tell my Momohime is fine.
That's good to hear
What weirds me out a bit is how this only seems to have happened with the rerelease. My original version is fine and I don't recall anyone having problems with her back then. Why change the packaging for an identically sculpted figure?
I liked all of them though. They at least as good as Attach and better than Kuudelia, for all that means.
I know my underwear are right now.
>I know my underwear are right now.
No girls allowed. Take the fags with you.
>He's never been so excited he dripped pre all over the inside of his boxers
That's just sad. It's like you've never truly bonded with your dick.
>Doesn't know guys can get wet as well
You sound like the only girl here user.
FtM aren't real boys silly.
Shut up and post chest butts.
>he does it for free
>buy a 1/7
>can't enjoy my 1/8s as much anymore
This is the worst kind of feeling
Are these kind of figures targeted to woman? Shits not lewd at all just over detailed like some porcelain doll.
I would rather buy these 2 instead.
I had this problem after getting my first 1/4th.
Then I ran out of room in my second case and started appreciating smaller with quality figs again.
Why would figures targeted at males need to be lewd? Everyone likes cute girls in cure clothes. Besides, with her midriff exposed like that and a hint only cleavage it's not like the figure isn't in any way sexual.
Was reading the guide, and was looking at the Australia section and read this. Does this mean i cant buy figs like this one:
Or is it referring to loli porn shit.
I'm consistently surprised by the number of people who find 1/8 too small. I think it's the smallest a good figure should be (1/10 a shit), but not bad in and of itself. Many fine details can still be accomplished at 1/8 scale, and a good number of 1/8s can be displayed together on a shelf.
>Why would figures targeted at males need to be lewd
Haha-ha y-y-eah right is not like we all buy with our dick or a-anything
i think it's the loli porn one
>Everyone likes cute girls in cure clothes
You might as well buy dolls if you're into that. I'd rather see feminine curves than a bunch of frills.
I need to open the box I received from Ami Ami on Wednesday when I wake up and make sure my Momohime is okay.
wel list nut and ill tell yo(why lew d figures are targetd for men. you really cant potty ignored the fact that echi anime sells and why not produce figures like that
namefags a shit (also weird as fuck) (no (you) to anyone this time)
We all buy with our disks (well, most of us) but it's not all dick all the time.
>You might as well buy dolls if you're into that.
This is not mutually exclusive in the slightest. You can have dolls in cute frilly clothes or slutwear and you will see both; the same holds true for figs.
>I'd rather see feminine curves than a bunch of frills.
You're getting both here, it's just not bare skin in the usual places with tits and ass shoved in your face.
I just buy cute girl figures ( if they're wearing cute dresses, the better ). I don't care if they're lewd or not.
>it's just not bare skin in the usual places with tits and ass shoved in your face
Personal preferences I guess.
If I'm going to expend more than 200 hundred on something then it better have the decency to shove her butt in my face.
Cute girl figures (optional lewdness if it fits the character) > Male figures > Super lewd ero figures >>>>> Cute girl figures with tiddies and butts just for the sake of tiddies and butts
>Male figures > Super lewd ero figures
Looks like you're just gay.