Guess who binged on picrelated after a demoralising day in London seeing lots of Staceys while being an ugly autist beta 27 year old who has had no attention from women ever, no friends since school, no social experiences even through university and no passions in life and who sees everything as work and has an everythingstential crisis?
Guess who binged on picrelated after a demoralising day in London seeing lots of Staceys while being an ugly autist...
Is crossposting r9k threads accidentally a meme now?
This kind of thread is posted regularly and always from a British flag. Just kill yourself already and stop shitting up the catalog. Your spam has no power here, shill.
I'm glad my self hate is dedicated towards fasting
Least it's good for me
I would be your friend if I was close by OP. You remind me of myself
>crunchie rocks
>bongs eat candies literally shaped like corny shits
Forgot pic.
I don't buy that shit anymore because I know I'll eat it all when I get home.
O man I miss those. They don't sell them were I live anymore.
What's in them?
good god man , I see you ever few week. And I think my life's shitty its nothing really
Why don't you kill yourself cunt, or kill some pakis.
at least you have edgy political views
If you want someone to yell at you and call you a faggot post discord
oh man i remember this shit from a few months back, he’s still doing it lol. what does this kid look like i wonder?
Take this bullshit to Sup Forums
Does not belong in Sup Forums
We are the same age. Stop being a faggot.
/r9k/ = Sup Forums
crunchy rocks
If you wouldnt eat that shit you wouldnt be such an ugly fat slob
It’s not just one guy. It’s a popular shill thread to get people posting advice and not seeing other threads (like threads about Hillary being investigated again for her e-mails).
binged? what are you a fucking woman on her period?
quit being a fag be a male.
fuck you.
Jesus you goofy looking gamer soy boys really are autistic .
Oh no . Waaa haa haa Boo hoo . I'm Pinocchio I'll never be a real boy
Instead of spending your allowance on junk food, save a couple weeks worth and call in a rental.
Perhaps after your first time touching ,smelling,tasting a REAL girl youll discover something worth improving your life.
Couple hundred $$ American gets you an hour + of some fine young Roastie.
Go to back page
See women seeking men
Pick one
They even deliver themselves to your home like pizza, hot and juicy
Pay one
Lose virginity and enjoy rest of life
Keep stuffing that poison down your throat and continue crying into your pillow and crusty spank sock
>thinking that he’s so much better because he fucks hookers
Paul Joseph Watson, why?