20 minutes of two autists making vague grunting noises.
Tsuki ga Kirei
>Dazai once said
>How to talk to girls : The anime
Japanese propaganda to fight declining birth rates is in effect.
all anime are like that
>install LINE
>get gf
>Facebook Messenger
This anime is about joining the botnet?
What about secure VOIP services like Tox or Wire or Signal?
As long as it has JCs I'm good.
>2 extremely shy people
>having to talk over a messaging up
>20 minutes of two autists making vague grunting noises.
But that's Sakurada Reset
LINE for cute grills stickers
Would Sup Forums join a LINE group for shitposting?
>exposing your identity
No thanks.
>first minute have nice visual and hand drawn animation
>switch to cgi characters
what a shame.
Your number and name are not given out. Join the official Tsuki ga Kirei LINEā¢ group chat.
actually, the user who owns the LINE ID featured at the end of the episode made a group chat for anyone who adds that ID.
i..its not doxxing if i'm posting an episode screencap, right?
Just how lonely and full of faggotry are you anons?
I couldn't keep up with all the WeChat and Line groups people forced upon me, let alone interested in a new group that full of nothing but faggots with no taste.
>people forced upon me
How do you even get into that kind of situation?
but user-kun, i was trying to contact the girl in the anime, i thought her ID was real desu
instead i got catfished and put into a group with the rest of the curious people, have mercy on me
SakuReset is nothing like that.
It's actually 20 minutes of two autists grunting and trying to be philosophical.
1st step would be getting a job.
No wonder it hasn't happened to me then.
Social and familial expectations.
Political ones are also forced upon me because my ambitious and foolish friends wanted my IT expertise.
It's an app made for Japanese by Japanese.
You'd be alone and talking to yourself l m a o
I would. Post an id.
Use the qr code above
is MC the gay?
Fuck, that was the purest shit I've ever seen. Too bad they'll probably get to high school where the girl becomes a slut and the boy becomes a chad.
Also I remember in the promotion to have 4 MCs, where's the other boy and girl pair(I know the tan tomboy is one) but whose the other person? I hope it's not the fag or the fatty.
Where do you get that impression?
How many are in this group already?
This anime tries too hard to portray normal behaviours of background characters and it comes off rather cringy.
>tfw you just want to eat dinner with your family but one of your female classmates that you're an sperg around is sitting right next to you
>4 MCs
5. Ayane Mizuno (main girl's sister) has a crush on themain protagonist in accordance with the Animage magazine February 2017.
>Seiji Kishi directing
>repeated mentions of Dazai
Who wants to bet this will get edgy?
You gotta be shitting me right. Also after rewatching the episode the chad-looking guy cheering for Akane in the training session seems to be the 2nd guy. Drama confirmed.
Nah man, he's an aspiring novelist, of course he's gonna quote some Dazai
>just wanna write
>all these sluts want my dick
Okay, but is the girl cute?
You're clearly not familiar with Dazai.
Yes she is.
Thanks, picked up.
I find this show really pleasant to the eye.
That's what usually happens when autists are unable to confess
>sister has sidetail
Best girl sighted.
Sister is a bitch who ruined her sisters phone for no reason
normalfag spotted. Fiction isn't reality.