You know if you're gonna bitch about normies you could at least have the decency to not be COMPLETELY FUCKING AWFUL AT THE GAME!
You know if you're gonna bitch about normies you could at least have the decency to not be COMPLETELY FUCKING AWFUL AT...
also god damn. very nice.
Nothing wrong with specializing in a cosmetic build
Not if you don't mind your party bleeding to death
She plays it so much but she's so bad. If I didn't grow up playing games with people like this I wouldn't even believe it.
Oh the horror stories I could tell you from my table top gaming days. Ive met players who have been at the game longer than Ive been alive who don't know their ass from an elbow
Spending a lot of time and obsessive energy doing something doesn't actually make you good at it. In mmo games maybe more than most things. If you look at the actual accomplishments of someone in a game who's spent some unhealthy amount of time playing, they're often pretty terrible, even.
Being maladjusted doesn't mean you are automatically good at something else.
>tfw been playing video games since before I could spell but still shit at every genre
You don't need any kind of useless experience to bitch about normalfags, your /cuck/chan crendentials will be enough.
I played every Call of Duty from MW to MW3, but I never got good, my k/d ratio never reached 1. Also I've been playing Europa Universalis IV for over 800 hours, but I still feel like I'm a noob.
Do people actually have fun playing games when they're bad at them?
dota 2 player here
Wasn't she actually great at FPS though?
Shadowverse player here
Sure, as long that I play with people that I know.
I play Overwatch and I always end a session more pissed off than when I started. But I still come back to play it.
That said, this applies to any multiplayer FPS.
Overwatch is a super easy fps though. I've played the game for about 4 hours and my KD ratio is 9.something.
Not that guy, but I really am not into team based shooters where I actually need to follow a role, assuming I play with randoms.
>shitters in the thread
good lord find something else to do
the above and the mobile crap being made to try to sell to you is nothing but cancer
That's the thing Satan, despite it being super easy I still get pissed off.
What's next? You're gonna build a team for esports?
Ah, I missed Ako triggering Sup Forumsirgins. She's too cute.
>try games
>be shit at them
>go whine while causing problems for other players and quit
literally (you), you really are better off doing something else
It's the right of someone invested in something to completely shit on others regardless of skill level. Ask Sup Forums.
That's what matchmaking is for, so you're playing against people that are as bad as you.
>Play various fighting games on and off for years, probably have 500 + 800 pure gameplay hours
>Still can't get out of pools
Just don't be shit online or whatever. Unless you're against bad players in pools too, then git gud if it makes sense to you that you can beat them.
The guys I get fucked by are good players like kbrad, Chris G, jrosa, flux, etc. but also some no name randoms as well.
I would probably git gud if I really devoted my time but SFV doesn't light up my competitive fire. ;_;
President was kind of nice.
Am I only one who thinks that this anime's pandering is downright sinister? Like, literally every character trait of every girl is specifically designed to be cute and to pander to NEETs. MC is just there to self-insert.
Like, their character traits are straight up just pandering.
Fuck off PSO2fag. Go back to ERPing for money.
Tabletop is such a varied medium of gaming. There's social players who just like to have an excuse to leave the house for something fun, there's the competitive (tryhards), painters and various others. I kind of understand being shit at the game in tabletop due to it being a laid back "gentleman" kind of hobby.
It is however beyond me how MMORGP healer girls can be SO shit at the game after years of daily practice. Even understanding simple math is sometimes beyond them. Women play MMOs for the drama and attention.
A story about an otaku scoring a cute otaku girlfriend through a computer game, and the other players also happen to be cute otaku girls, is pandering to otaku? Shocking.
she's good at fpses
>You know if you're gonna bitch about normies you could at least have the decency to not be COMPLETELY FUCKING AWFUL AT THE GAME!
Tell that to our friends at Sup Forums.
MC is not otaku, just an average guy. he seems to care for his real self a lot.
>just an average guy
He spends most of his playing computer games. When the girls are have a sleepover, he sat in the game waiting. He cares about 3d because of being traumatized by the Nekohime thing.
Pretty average in japan.
Maybe stop playing a kusoge
Pls tell me when the KoF or GG scene blows up
What if it boosts charisma?