Do you like blonds with big boobs, Sup Forums?
Do you like blonds with big boobs, Sup Forums?
I like red heads with big boobs.
Only when their boobs aren't deformed
Blonde is actually one of if not my least favorite hair color because 3DPD has permanently tainted it for me. I do enjoy large breasts though.
I prefer white haired brown girls with big boobs personally
Blue haired girls with blue skin and big boobs even moreso
of course
They aight
I like half of that.
big boobs?
I prefer girls with heads
I sure do
What of it?
I make it a point to fap at least five times a week with big boobied blonde material.
>Do you
Only if they have brown skin
I like any girl with big boobs.
Though blonds are top 3
Especially good hearted blonds! Gold Hair and Gold Heart! Lovely!
I do like blondes but those are tiny.
Kinda just enjoy big tits in general.
Of course
Shizuka is a ditz tits goddess
>Takashi and Fatty didn't spitroast her right there
Does she count as blonde?
i'll allow it
Only when they don't have blue eyes.
Brunets with above average boobs are the best.
Those are huge
Remimder that we will not get any more of these boobs
Is this blonde? Looks so on my monitor but I'm a mong that doesn't know proper monitor calibration.
I want to believe
>She asks to take a sperm sample
>The tube is her vagina
>If she gets pregnant then she'll confirm your sperm is good
How do you act?
it's the writer who died, not the artist
Cum on tits
What the heck is this?
Blonde hair works better with dfc.