When will the ride end?
When will the ride end?
Mid '20s or early '30s. Maybe that's just me being optimistic though. I'm not ready for it to end.
what stories can still be told?
10 Years later 10 years after that and 10 years later it will end in 10 years for sure. By then Oda will confirm that the show is 3/4 done and it will be done in 10 years but first let him explain this random character's tragic backstory for 2 months.
>HxH and OP are by far the two oldest WSJ manga now
>they'll probably end long after all other currently running series
is oda immortal ?
When they reach Raftel and we find that the One Piece was the journey and friendships they made
Oda already debunked that One Piece isn't something like the journey or friendship
Never ever.
>ib4 Oda dies with lung cancer and Luffy never reaches Raftel
>Believing Oda's lies.
One Piece is One Piece.
Oda had said that he has the basic plot and endgame roughly outlined, and right now we are connecting the dots.
It's actually been moving fairly faster these days.
be he has already written the ending, so its ok
if he is in too much pain. take the easy option
>Getting so mad about a possible subpar ending after the years of memories we already have
I wouldn't be mad, just slightly annoyed.
oda is as liar, soo many characters should have died, were supposed to die, but still live :S
the ending is already written s
Give how oda has already though the backstories of many characters, some of those backstories never used in the manga (example: the short story of how law found his crew), im quite sure that when op ends, oda will release light novels of those stories.
>wanting an ending written by another author
>wanting an ending drawn by another artist
people like you make me sick
Wall Street Journal manga???????????
>The journey was the one-piece
Oda has already drawn the final panel user.
I don't know, I watched like 10 episodes of One Piece and dropped it because it didn't seem interesting at all.
Around episode 1300
Weekly Shounen Jump my man
the manga only really finds its stride with volume 11 so I can't really how many gazillion episodes that'd be in the anime
Wrong! One Piece is the ultimate FREEDOM!!
freedom to roam anywhere in the see with out any hindrance anywhere in the Sea(mainly) and said land aforesaid in the story. And Pirate-King freest man there. Simple ~
When it stops making money
I wonder if people 100 years from now will look back on this manga. Will they treat it like a classic or will it get lost by the way side.
when do u think one piece fans will accept that oda ruined this show 150-250 ago?
watched it once either because i liked it and didnt stop because i thought oda just had no ideas at the moment and that he will might return to older greatness, although i knew it got a fault after the great pirate war, but he just doesnt, he completely leaves characters behind and pushs his favourites so badly and abuses cliches too damn hard
any other anime where shit like that happened so badly?
When Oda dies of cancer.
When Oda decides he's had enough Toei will sign a deal to make more episodes. As long as One Piece's brand sells it will continue to run. If Nardo and DB have new series, One Piece will inevitably get one once it ends.
Imagine the demand for a One Piece Super with actually decently paced episodes and a director with an actual understanding/ability to give a shit of the manga
We already have One Pace to fix the egregious pacing of the anime.
It be interesting if Toei did a One Piece Kai like they did with Dragon Ball. Problem is there are too many episodes. Even if they did clean up the filler it would still be like 700+ episodes. Would be interesting if they did this and aired it online. Make it a stream only version of the anime.
One Piece is probably THE most lucrative anime in the entire industry so I don't think this will be too difficult to have done
I dropped One Piece after the shitshow that was the Dressrosa arc. Is it worth catching up again?
No it's terrible and go away
Feels like it will keep going on.