Genetics: White Americans are VERY white
>A recent genetics ancestry survey by 23andme found that White Americans (European Americans) on average are: “98.6 percent European, 0.19 percent African and 0.18 percent Native American.”

>According to other studies, more than 95% of White Americans have no African or Amerindian ancestry and the 5% who do seem to have very little, so it is probably this 5% of White Americans who might be adding the 1.4% admixture into the average.

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what race is this though?

>Portuguese immigrated to California

that's why it's so trash.
yeah, sorry about that.

And you sent us your best.

Nice map. I suppose it's using genetic data (or just surnames?! - Probably cheaper, and would get the same results!) to chart how different regions were settled from the initial 13 Colonies. What's the number of generations thing about, exactly?

The black borders seem to match various ethno-cultural divides that have been proposed, as in pic related.

My 23 and Me has it at 99% white and 1% African
