Fuck one
Marry one
Be magically transformed into one
Fuck one
Fuck all
Marry/become none
Fuck Sento
Marry Sento
Become Sento
Fuck Sento
Marry Muse
Become Latifa
>Still not translated
What the fuck.
Fuck Sento
Marry water
Become fire
Fuck salamander
Marry none
Become myself because I am perfect
Fuck the porticullis
Marry the shrubberies
Become the castle
Be magically transformed into Sento
Fuck Kanye
Marry Kanye
Can I have the ability to transform back and forth between one? Cause I want to fuck/marry the 2 others as a man (most of the time at least)
If that's how I could have it I'd
Fuck Sento
Marry Water
Become Wind
Fuck Red
Marry Blue
Become Blonde
Be magically transformed into Kanie
Mary this user
Fuck all the cast
I can't fuck if i become a pussy duh.
Fuck Muse
Marry Latifa
Become Sento
Fuck Sento
Marry Latifa
Become Kobori
100% this.
Cowtits can fuck off
This actually sound great.
So you rape and murder her, then wear her skin?
You fuck and marry her while wearing the bodysuit, obviously.
>not posting the gif
need cum tribute
If you turn into Latifa, what happens when you reset and return to a time before you were her? Would you turn back into user? Would you still be her, but forget that you ever were user?
>cum tribute
What's happened to Sup Forums? I leave for 18 months and this happens.
I'm seeing tumblr images, people not getting obvious pasta, endless Dragonball and Naruto threads.
Fucking mods I swear, get your act together.
Become sylphy
fuck muse
marry sento
kill Latifa
i want oldhag to leave
>become Latifa
>grow a dick
>rape fairies
>marry Sento
my answer is Sylphy. Just Sylphy
OP didn't say anything about killing user, you may have a problem there
Fuck Helicoptah
Marry Latifa
Become Earth
How else am I going to have control of the park by marrying sento? The obvious solution is to kill Latifa.
>garbage LN self-insert waifushit wish fulfillment
This shit went into the trash the moment it was announced, and hasn't gotten any better in hindsight.
Fuck air, marry fire, become sento
Become Salami
Fuck Selfie
Marry Moose
Fuck Fire
Marry Wind
Become Sento
The only one that matters.
Best taste.
Fuck fire
Mary water
Become Latifa and join in gangbang