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>Muricans fuck up GITS so much that the Japanese has to remake it

Damn it America

>shilling your site
Kill yourself fagboat

But I liked the Scarjo movie. Also thanks to that, more have been introduced to the anime

source? Fuck this screencapping a title. Don't turn this site into an agitator

The last animated movie was fucking terrible. GiTS should have been left alone after the 1995 film.

Go bck to Reddit

Fuck no. SAC is the best GitS.

This is just like DB super.
The American adaptation is so bad the nips have to make a new entry in the franchise to wash the bad taste from their mouth.

I disagree. Nothing good has come from the franchise since the first movie.

You do reddit hates the Scarjo movie so I have no idea what u mean

Arise is the best GitS

No idea why this gets hate

SAC had more action.

Really loved how they had Major meet Batou and seeing the team for first time together

>America does a shitty Akira live action
>Japan responds with a new Akira movie by Kyoani

>thanks to
>being thankful for the eventual surge of normalfags that will leak into Sup Forums
Didn't they constantly jerk off to Scarlet Johannson? Why would they suddenly change their mind like that? Did anything happen?
Are they riding the manufactured "whitewashing" controversy, and because of that, they have set out against her?

Nah reddit has turned against Scarjo and they are all for the SJWs complaining of whitewashing

Innocence is GOAT

>He doesnt like just Togusa and Batou going on assignments together
I want more like this

>then he proves me right

I don't watch trash.

Not sure nor miss flooding in is good.
> my sister is a "comic book fan"

Scarjo was fine. The issue was the source material. Watch the new anime flop.

>The issue was the source material
user, the movie doesn't even follow the source material, how the fuck can it be its' fault?

That's kinda cool. Reminds me of how Godzilla came back after both of the American releases.

Shinji Aramaki is co-directing so it's going to be full CG.

I know how you feel
>character design by Akio Takami
my penis is already in heaven

Well, they're milking the cow all of the time so I'm not surprised. Would be the third animated remake of the franchise.


Dear fucking god.

>They change they Major to look like Scarlett Johansson

Shit taste. Shit taste. Shit taste. Now fuck off.

The only good GitS is the first movie.
Go play on the highway, human joke.

If with GOAT you mean god-awfully boring, yes.

>The only good GitS is the first movie.
When will people like you seriously fuck off

It's real

This exactly how we got DragonBall Super.

We are probably gonna get more deathonote after the netflix movie


Arise was shit and flopped.
Why would this be any different?

Why do people hate Arise? I loved it

Any chance that they'll use the style of the original manga? Shirow's drawings are great even the hentai

>burgerland fucking things up so hard other countries are compelled to make it better
literally all they are good for

When plebeians like you will go play on the highway.

Have you even seen the Scarjo movie? I've watched the GitS anime movies and loved all the source material references.

The origin story worked well with it being a standalone movie

so basically SAC 3rd gig? Thank the gods, the live action was good for something

>forced philosophical quotes every 5 minutes
>autistic director literally can't stop adding random quotes he has to be stopped by everyone

please no lesbian major. batou can't stay in the friendzone for 3 decades

This is such a well engineered bait that i just can't hate it.

I remembered when you fellas said that Ballroom would be animated by kyoani. Whatever happened to that?

>people actually think SAC is the best GitS content
I find it a little overrated.

Arise was just perfect

The 2nd Arise film was the only good one. The first was a mess that tried to compress too much into a short runtime, and the 3rd onward followed a mundane plotline that wasn't terribly interesting. In general, the pacing was all over the place and evidence of a director that didn't know how to handle the content or format. The second one being amazing felt more like a fluke than anything else, though it was legitimately amazing.

I liked the 3rd one

You like the wrong things.

I have no idea how peoples opinions can be so horrible on Arise when it is really great. I guess actual great things aren't meant for this world

Kamiyama is best
SAC is the best GitS.


>SAC is the best GitS.
nah that is overrated and Major is too slutty with how she dresses in that

I have mixed feelings about this movie. It had interesting ideas and scenes, but it needed to be at least 50% more subtle.

>film will flop with $100+ million if you include the ad costs


It was really a spectacular failure on almost every level.
Why would you promote the movie with material that clearly depicts things the audience won't like? Like, they went out of the way to make sure every promo showed off just how much they had missed the mark.

It feels like this whole project was set up to waste as much money as possible. Nobody could have seriously believed this movie would be a success or recoup these huge expenses.

The only worthwhile GitS was the first film and all forms of it including the manga are overrated, especially SaC

Thanks Doc.


In other news, the live action GitS is doing even worse than we thought.

What if the GiTS movie was actually designed to fail as a way to scam the studio's chinese investors out of money?

Why would I be hyped after Arise. Are they going to make Mokoto more of a moeblob. If it's not SAC 3. I don't give a fuck.

Highly possible. Wealthy chinese interests have been muscling into hollywood recently and bait like this is a good way to get them to fuck off. It's hard to believe anybody could sign off on the amount of money this movie spent without looking at the way it was shaping up and saying "this isn't going to work"

>Shirow's drawings are great

They hit all the right fetishes for me, the weapons and tech, the girls, their hair and of course the excessive amounts of oil/lube on them





finally some taste in the thread

You underestimate the incompetence of mainstream movie industry executives.

Please be Pandora s2.

Why? 3DCG is the best medium for Ghost in the Shell, stupid manchild.

>innocence is bad
fug you and your terrible taste

>3rd gig
that was the name of the SAC movie

>live action movie doomed to fail the moment it was announced
>production IG just keeps quiet about their new gits
>waits until after the live action release and the inevitable bombing to announce their new gits
Best marketing plan ever.

they did it with godzilla too

>Kenji Kamiyama
Sign me in!

>Shinji Aramaki
I'm worried.

If it's just for mech design or handling stuff like the tachikoma then it's great news. If they plan on going full CG it's another disappointment in the making.

Where do you think you are?

>america produces a horrid movie after watching the Japanese original
>Japanese are angry their product got buttfucked by burgers
>create a new one fans can enjoy
>burgerwood knew this would be the reaction
wtf I love america now


It was probably made to be a tax write off

Whats the benefit in doing that?

Literally too good for this world.

I still want a new GITS that is closer in artstyle and tone to Shirow's original work.

So i guess we should be getting a new Battle Angel anime sometime after next year.

She was Bi in the Manga she had a boyfriend on the side who was full human working in section one. Was implied that they had frequent and loud sex.

>GITS gets yet another adaption
>There will never be a good Appleseed Adaption

was it? I'm hoping for a 3rd season, that's what i meant. Only know the movie as SSS

among friends

really? Can't remember that, i should rearead it. Only remember the lesbian sex panel

Gits has been shit once the sac tv series was finished

Newfags acting like it won't be even more dumbed down to current audiences just like Arise was.

Bringing the old director won't change anything when times have changed now

How does the Arise manga compare to the show? The action is pretty cool and Batou is based but I hate Motoko's design

that happened super early on, like 2nd volume maybe

Can you predict my future too, user?

Based Fucking I.G.

you're going to continue to waste time shitposting an anime imageboard while neglecting real life obligations, slowly losing sight of what once was important to you as you grow older.

keep acting like this has a chance to be good

This shit has been milked to death of all its good qualities

When will this crappy fetish die already?

Noted. XD

They could always adapt Man Machine Interface. Parts of it are already in the second season anyway. I remember wishing Oshii had have just adapted that instead of getting Innocence

>yfw when it's just more arise

>SAC director