What do Americans see in this man the rest of the world doesn't?
What do Americans see in this man the rest of the world doesn't?
Someone to project their warped sensibilities onto.
Miyazaki and his films are well-liked the world over. It's only obsessives that either take his bitter comments too personally or just want to go against the stream that seem to particularly dislike him.
This sounds like a conspiracy theory all in your head to prevent yourself from possibly considering the fact there's people with actual taste disliking his movies out there.
A moneymaker.
>everyone who dislikes popular things are intentionally being contrarian
I'm pretty sure this is bait, but it's depressing that some people actually think like this.
I was thinking specifically of Sup Forums when I was typing that, but yeah, you're right, there are people that just don't like his films because it doesn't suit their tastes. I shouldn't have phrased it like that. Nonetheless, I would still say his films are generally well-liked beyond America and Japan, so OP's statement is silly.
>they just have the wrong tastes
again, you're going of the notion that his movies are actually good. Aren't you a tad delusional here?
The only 'objective' problems I can find in his movies is that he doesn't really know how to wrap up a story, but apart from that it is all just a matter of sensibilities.
I wasn't trying to say they had wrong tastes, I was specifically trying to word my post that I wouldn't be demeaning anyone for their preferences in film. Sorry if that's how it came across. All I meant to say is that assumption the OP's question relies upon, that Miyazaki is only popular in America, is untrue.
Are you fucking kidding me? Miyazaki is a living legend in Europe.
And for a good reason.
Or maybe you simply think you have good taste but instead have shit taste. They tell me it happens often.
Don't generalize, we're specifically talking about Miyazaki here. You don't like his movies? Fine. But if you go around saying Miyazaki is shit you're stupid.
His movies make me angry.
And you're going off the notion that his movies are actually bad. Aren't you a tad delusional here?
Monononoke Hima and Howl's Castle are his only good movies.
Spirited Away is overrated shit btw.
Wow I sure fucked up there, meant Hime obviously.
They all revolve around the 'but life is worth living, user!' meme but fail to deliver a reason for that because every troubled MC is getting saved by a deus ex machina.
Only good anime
And Cowboy Bebop (who is liked more by Americans/not popular in Japan)
And Dragon Ball Dub (falconer music is godly)
read the goddamn Nausicaa manga
>literally says that only Americans like Miyazaki
>accuses people of conspiracy theories for saying that people choose to dislike things because of their personal preferences rather than their nationality
>literally says that people with "actual taste" dislike Miyazaki
>declares people who say that it's ok to have personal tastes as delusional for disagreeing with him and then blames then of personally attacking him
Are you being deliberately retarded?
It's not the only thing he has ever worked on, you know.
I dunno, I have never watched any of his movies. Not even one.
>what is a fairy tale?
Fucking imbecile.
Miyazaki doesn't give a fuck about your meaningless life, he's just making movies.
If you don't feel heartwarm when watching his movies is because you're a shit human being.
>he's just making movies
>If you don't feel heartwarm
Pick one. Either he is making movies just because or he wants to convey something with them. Memezaki has stated multiple times that he thinks that life is ultimately worth living and he wants to tell his audience just that with his movies.
And your problem with this is...?
A lot of his movies feel half-made because of reasons I stated in previous Miyazaki threads, but that doesn't mean you can't have a good time watching them.
Sure, movies like Howl or Kurenai are quite half-assed but you can't say others like Mononoke or Kiki don't work at all on a plot basis.
>Either he is making movies just because or he wants to convey something with them
It doesn't mean he has to give you a reason to live, retard.
The enthusiasm and the courage of the characters in his movies should inspire you, you won't find any solution to your personal problems in movies.
How fucking stupid can someone be?
Pushing the boundaries.
Welp, the true face of people who dislike Miyazaki has finally been revealed. They're obviously not worthy of being taken seriously.
Remember that you have like miyazaki so you can pretend having superior taste and that anime is bad but miyazaki is different because he is art. It works perfectly since years with people who don't even watch anime!
Even if things like Totoro or Kiki are just like one of those slice of life you can watch every season...
>Because every troubled MC is getting saved by a deus ex machina.
Not true at all. I mean:
>Ok, I'm gonna stop making war because war is BAD you know.
>We are sorry. Dont worry, valley faggots, we kill a lot of you guys but know we are gonna help you to rebuild this shit. We are sorry.
>Wow Porco! Lucky you that the pirates did not really take the children hostage, the fascists didn't shoot the women and in the duel with the american not even one bullet hit the public!
>Do not worry, you surely gain your powers at the right time to avoid an accident in which no one is going to die anyway.
>Dont worry girl, the bad guy is gonna betray the soldiers so you do not have to get your hands dirty!
Perfect plots devices every single time.
Watching them feels like someone trying to say something which is very important to them but lacking the ability to word it correctly. That being said, aside from the story his movies are a joy to watch because they feel alive, somehow. I mean, just watching how they usually animate simple actions and hands is quite hypnotizing.
The voice acting is great and the female characters are a breath of fresh air compared to all the fapbaits the industry usually churns out.
Voice acting is top notch as well. They more often than not sound like actual people.
Contain your autism, friend. I never said I expect his movies to give me a reason to live.
>Remember that you have like miyazaki so you can pretend having superior taste and that anime is bad but miyazaki is different because he is art. It works perfectly since years with people who don't even watch anime!
>Even if things like Totoro or Kiki are just like one of those slice of life you can watch every season...
No one has said that, retard, and you're too stupid to understand that people who usually say that are trolls.
>his movies are bad because they're not realistic!
Why do you have a problem with Miyazaki not making realistic movies? He can do whatever he wants, you know?
>Contain your autism, friend. I never said I expect his movies to give me a reason to live.
Yes, you did?
>They all revolve around the 'but life is worth living, user!' meme but fail to deliver a reason for that
Just because you dislike something, that doesn't make it shit. What are you, a child?
Oh, you thought by user I meant myself?
You fucking tasteless nigger Nausicaä was a fucking masterpiece.
Everyone except bitter otaku love him
>I like Miyazaki and also seasonal anime
Is this allowed?
Hayao "I love little girls" Miyazaki
Everyone loves little girls.
It doesn't matter if you menat yourself or someone else, what you said would be wrong inn both instances.
You don't need anyone's approval.
The enlighted individual likes good anime, being it seasonal, ova or movie.
>No one has said that, retard, and you're too stupid to understand that people who usually say that are trolls.
Yeah sure, "trolls". You are just too young and stupid to see reality but since you like miyazaki that doesnt surprise at all.
He said it himself, you dingus. And even without him saying it, this message is so prevalent in all his works that even a toddler could see that.
I don't have an issue with the message itself, I do have an issue with how he tries to weave it in his work. He always needs a plot device for that.
Not really
Italian here and nobody knows Miyazaki here except for Heidi, and that's because it's set in the Alps
On the other hand everybody loves Go Nagai
Man, this thread is so lame. Shitposters trying to bait for replies by using controversial opinions, everyone accusing each another of being a troll and the use of passive-aggressive snark.
Not everyone with a different opinion is a shitposting troll. But since people are being conditioned into only accepting positive reinforcement and nothing else nowadays actual discussion happen less and less.
You know that he's internationally renowned, right?
>You are just too young
I'm 28.
>since you like miyazaki
I don't "like Miyazaki", I like anime as a whole. I'm not a fanboy like you.
That's YOUR problem, it doesn't make the movie bad or good, retard.
Thankfully not everyone is ignorant like you.
I'm Italian and I live in the Alps and I tell you that even people who don't watch anime and think it's for children know who Miyazaki is.
Must be a regional thing
People I've met and known think of Go Nagai or Akira Toriyama when anime comes up
Then Anno and Tomino
>That's YOUR problem, it doesn't make the movie bad or good, retard.
So? What's your point? Or do you want to tell me a movie is objectively good because the majority thinks so? Guess what, any experience is subjective and people experiencing the same can come to different conclusions. That being said, a heavy-handed approach is usually considered a bad thing when it comes to telling stories. A good story doesn't need a character inside the story tell you what the intention of the author is.
Nigger I've also lived in Milan.
Everyone and their mother know who Miyazaki is in Italy, his movies are in the theatres and on tv.
My point is that your, or his, critique is not a real critique.
The opinion of someone doesn't magically make a work good or bad.
I don't think anyone's telling you to like his movies, just to stop being an antagonistic idiot. Like, you're gonna have to get over the fact that he's popular and most people like his movies. If I were to go somewhere people talk about movies and start calling everyone out for operating under the assumption that Orson Welles is good, I wouldn't right or wrong, I'd just be a jackass.
People I've met and known think of Yu-Gi-Oh or Pokemon when anime comes up.
Also Orson Welles IS good, just like Miyazaki. Orson Welles literally changed the way movies were made, whether you like it or not.
I said I enjoy them. The only thing I really dislike is him pushing a narrative that has no foundation in his works and that he needs to rely on plot devices to actually make it work.
Disliking a single or several aspects of a product doesn't mean 0/10. Also I have no problems with other people not caring as much about the aspects I personally dislike.
You have to learn that not everyone who disagrees with you is attacking you.
To many Americans (and some other Westerners) he is a messianic figure for making negative comments about otaku and modern anime, neither of which he knows anything about (just like his disciples don't).
>you are just too young and stupid to see reality but since you like Miyazaki that doesn't surprise at all
Among others. If these aren't you, then I apologize, that's who I'm aiming my comments at.
I think his criticisms of the industry are irrelevant to the mainstream. That aside, not sure how he could not know anything given that he's been working in anime since 1963.
He is a westaboo endorsed by Disney.
All otaku secretly know he is right
He's a westaboo? You know he's a big reason anime film broke away from the Disney pattern, right?
>he's been working in anime since 1963
except he does mainsteam movies and not on cartoons that sell few thousands copies tops
it's a different world and he criticizes otaku aimed shows that they aren't disney enough when they literally can't afford to and there's no niche to fill
Hayao "Everything that doesn´t try to be Disney is trash" Miyazaki.
Miyazaki cherishes life, nature and planes, among other things. What he dislikes about the anime industry is that the people working there don't observe life and human beings to get inspiration for their projects. Instead, they look at other anime and mimick them. Which leads to the point where anime are usually as disconnected from the real world as the otakus who consume them.
He stopped working on TV anime in the early 80s or so, and has been making movies in his Ghibli ivory tower ever since. The only way he'd be familiar with modern anime is if he watched it and also watched enough old anime to be able to make accurate comparisons. To be familiar with otaku culture he'd have to likewise immerse himself in otaku culture. There seems to be no reason to think he's done either of these things. Much like his disciples haven't.
>You know he's a big reason anime film broke away from the Disney pattern, right?
That was something that started with Astro Boy.
Where has he ever said something like, "they're not Disney enough"? Actually, he's a big detractor of the industry for that exact reason, as it's so unfair to animators. If you actually read anything by him you'd see he's sympathetic.
Yes, he says that. The problem is that he is wrong.
He's been marketed well as a leftist/feminist in order to appeal to western film critics. People don't realize that he's actually just an otaku who loves planes and cute anime girls.
How is he wrong?
>The only thing I really dislike is him pushing a narrative that has no foundation in his works and that he needs to rely on plot devices to actually make it work.
And I told you this is not an objective problem, it's just a problem relative to you.
It's not a realistic movie, why is it so hard for you to accept that he wants to say what he wants to say? You are obsessed.
I feel like it's not necessary but if I wanted to respond to your void criticism I could say that in his works a positive attitude can have the strength to rectify a negative person or situation excatly because of the superior value of positive things that's finally recognized by the antagonist.
Again, you don't like this? Fine. But if you start saying that he can't write movies like this because you don't like them or because they have no logical ground you are retarded.
Again, have you ever actually listened to him? I'd love to see you cite an interview where he behaves in the way you say he does.
This doesn't mean he wasn't influenced by them. That's how art works. You copy someone and add your personal touch.
>Watch a Miyazaki's movie
>The movie ends
>"That's it? Really?"
No, he's not.
Sup Forums hates him because he rightfully hates moeshit as it is the bane of anime. And the faggots here can't cope with it
fried chicken
The only point of comparison between Miyazaki and Disney that I can think of is that their movies are well-made and popular. Why do you think he copied them?
I bet you faggots haven't even seen Miyazaki's magnum opus.
They don't even realize Miyazaki is THE king of moe.
He's stereotyping otaku as shut-in loners, even though they work professionally in various industries like anime and work together to produce doujin works, so obviously they're interacting with other people. Otaku are just the Japanese variant of nerds/geeks and are comprised of all kinds of people.
Late night anime doesn't consist of just stereotypical "otaku" anime, there's also shows like Orange, Rakugo, Amaama to Inazuma, Shirobako and Sakura Quest. Even those "otaku" anime can have real truths and observations in them. It's also really pretentious and narrow-minded to expect all anime to be based on reality.
Miyazaki's own movies are full of girls, and "moeshit" is just a meme.
I wish I had a/the source for it, but didn't he also dislike mecha because the protagonists operate machines they couldn't have possibly built themselves? Or something equally outlandish.
Some user posted a bunch of quotes a while ago in a Miyazaki (or maybe Tezuka) thread, and those made him sound like he basically hates everything not made by himself.
Nothing is an objective problem. For a circumstance to be identified as a problem, there needs to be an observer that is able to do exactly that. A problem is a subjective judgement of a given scenario.
A story doesn't need to be realistic, but it is considerend bad story telling if you are not able to convey what you mean to say through the story itself. Again, I have no problem with the message itself, just that he is unable to deliver said message without any kind of deus ex machina.
I also never said that he can't write movies like that. He obviously has and was quite successful with them. That doesn't mean that there isn't room for improvement.
Anime can be moe without being moeshit
The only meaning moeshit has is "this anime has cute girls in it, or at least I think it does, and I don't like it." That covers a huge spectrum of anime, which is nevertheless claimed to be all the same because it's all moeshit you see.
>He's stereotyping otaku as shut-in loners
He's not, though. His point, broken down to a single point would be is that anime characters don't reflect and resemble humans but other anime characters.
That point is wrong too for reasons already stated.
I'd recommend actually reading the interviews/writings that his quotes come from, context does wonders.
>Dude anime is art lmao xD
Senile old faggot.
Moeshit means vapid anime which has no appeal beyond being kawaii
Still better than haremshit and ecchishit though
And what qualifies as "vapid anime which has no appeal beyond being kawaii"? Anything with cute girls in it.
>Still better than haremshit and ecchishit though
This is just the same memeshit.
Yeah, that's why I wrote "make him sound like", and why I wanted a source for these claims.
But even if I found the thread in the archives, I'm not sure if one was given.
All three of those is why I watch anime at all. Only retards expect
>muh serious
No, you're missing it entirely. You can have your truths and complex topics but still have characters that are meant to be humans but aren't acting or behaving like one. Also, I'm pretty sure he didn't mean every anime that has ever existed and will exist in the feature. It was just a broadside against the industry as a whole.
Also, this supposes that there is something wrong with watching something just because it's cute. But why should there be anything wrong with that?
K-ON belongs on the left
Some anime with cute girls have intersting setting or themes
Then you are a shit eater
>muh serious
Just because I have quality standards doesn't mean I want everything to be dark and serious
A lot has been published in the books Starting/Turning Point, but you can probably try googling parts of the quote. Lots is available online.
I bet you also think you have superior taste to Narutards and fujoshits
Sounds like you're a normalfaggot.
>Nothing is an objective problem
>For a circumstance to be identified as a problem, there needs to be an observer that is able to do exactly that. A problem is a subjective judgement of a given scenario.
Will a tree disappear if a person is not looking at it?
You are simply witnessing the problem, doesn't mean it wasn't there before you noticed. Also not every person will recognize a problem or some will think there's a problem where there isn't one.
>it is considerend bad story telling if you are not able to convey what you mean to say through the story itself. Again, I have no problem with the message itself, just that he is unable to deliver said message without any kind of deus ex machina.
Ever heard of fairy tales? Good is good and will always prevail? No?
>That doesn't mean that there isn't room for improvement.
The only thing we agree on.
First "moeshit" is not a real word, if you didn't notice. Second the term has come to have two meanings, the first one being the one you've mentioned, the second one being "bad moe", whatever that might be.
Never said moe is bad.
I've spent all the thread stating that there are only good anime or bad anime.
Sounds like you have shit taste
I don't think I'm superior to anybody. I just want my preferences enforced and not theirs.
>I just want my preferences enforced
Because you are entitled