Do you hate niggers? yes or no
General nigger hate thread
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I just like white people rather than hate anyone. I'd rather live with white people. I don't hate anyone, and wish black people all kinds of goodness... living their lives in their own communities.
her hair is vegetals
i hate niggers, but i don't hate some blacks
>pic related
i hate myself,
i an negro
so i think yes
Niggers are literally the missing link.
Too smart to be animals, but far too stupid to be humans.
OP deep down hates himself more than anything or anyone so he compensates for that by degrading other races. OP has probably never even touched a mildy attractive women or held a conversation with anyone who isn't white.
You hate niggers coz they have big cocks, and you can't compete with that. Accept it. That's why white men hate niggers, they feel insecure. You don't hate the asians, coz you know that they have small dicks. The root of hate against black people in 2018 is penis envy. All the porn are about them, all the girls want BBC, so you're left hating them.
I hate niggers. I do think it is fair to say that not all blacks are niggers. That said, there are soooo many niggers.
Asians aren't borderline retarded.
Meh, whites gonna burger, nigs gonna melon. Whats the difference.
No it's the subhuman animalistic qualities that makes me uncomfortable with niggers. Asians don't have that, well the North Asiansa anyway. I'm also uncomfortable around flips because they are also subhuman. The Japanese should have raped them out of existence.
I do hate niggers so fucking much, but I'm fine with black folks.
is that what you think? no its because they are dangerous and stupid but we are forced by social pressure not to be honest about it.. thats why genius. i have a pretty fucking big white dick.
the root is the cock. White men can't be at the top of the sexual pyramid with niggers and their big thick cock being around. So you have to hate them, curse them, that way making yourself somehow feeling less secure. Hate against niggers is pure sexual.
their failure certainly wasnt for a lack of trying.
I don't hate anyone.
African, Muslim, Jew, Arab.
I don't care.
I just don't want them in Europe.
Whatever they do outside Europe is their own business, and good luck to them.
Holy fuck, is that an orc?!
>The Jews are promoting race mixing hahah that's why you love blacks.
I think I hate them because they're violent, dumb, boorish, and are undermining America, as tools of the Jews or of their own volition, and they blame everything on white people.
They are either malicious like animals, or useful idiots. I've got no sympathy for niggers.
>I don't care.
>I just don't want them in Europe.
what's your feeling on what americans. would you have us in europe?
ill just leave this here: Average IQ by country
i meant white* got raped by autocorrect
no but they, like the one pictured, should have died out.
american africans wont go away. they have too much modern human blood thanks to whites.
niggers? yes
black people? not all
Based Black
So simple minded, thinks all that life boils down to is cock size. And you wonder why we call you animals.
Americans are Europeans.
I mean, there are semantic arguments in the same way people will tell me that Idris Elba is English, but all the people who are American in the traditional sense of the word are white.
Obviously I don't want millions of Americans here.
Just like I don't want millions of French in Britain, or Millions of Germans in Italy.
The cultures and peoples are distinct, and I would like the to be preserved.
Americans have their own distinct culture, and I want it preserved in the same way I want Europe preserved.
Small amounts of any group of Europeans will just be absorbed by the larger culture in a generation, so small movements of people would be fine. Obviously that includes Americans.
All the white nations, we're all in this same boat together.
Lol. it thinks it's people.
Yes, but the worst thing is the American nigger hood culture.
What would it be factoring out the niggers and spics?
Smarter than animals ???
My dog doesn't poop on the floor
My dog is smarter and
Way more likable
As an Arab I say, thank you whities.
We will own your daughters soon.
You = giant black dildo
Sadly you really believe what your saying
I suppose ignorance is bliss and yoos happy as hell
Should I hate gorillas? Chimpanzees? Do I hate the fish for swimming and the elephant for wandering? Of course not. I am not a man filled with hate, nor am I a man filled with death.
I do not wish to kill those who are my inferior, I do not wish harm on them at all. I wish peace and kindness to prevail over the evil and brutality of nature. The black is our genetic brother, he is not what we are, but he deserves our kindness all the same.
I just want people to recognize that we are not all the same, that some of us are better than others, and that those groups of us who are better on the aggregate should not wantonly toss that away.
nigger from english speaking country speaks english like a toddler with down syndrome. gass all niggers
When will blacks be classified as a biological weapon?
Actually, it is your daughters, that will belong to the whites. Women in the west practice hypergamy. Which means they will only marry people of equal or above education. In the west, arab women get education, but arab men do not. Meaning that arab women have no one to marry, but... WHITE MEN.
Yeah, it was you fucking burgers who are responsible for my country being filled with these subhuman savages, speaking their goddamn gibberish in the streets my ancestors built.
Man, fuck the J*ws and fuck Am*Rica
That's reddit tier but it's funny. Saved
There are good and bad people in every race. I do not hate any race as a whole but dislike the bad individuals.
That's true actually.
Niggers in Equitorial Guinea have an IQ of 59 and border collies are estimated to have an IQ of 60
Ghaddafi had it figured out
Asians actually have culture and traditions
also the BBC is a meme,stop larping faggot
yeah fuck you fag shove that hippy bullshit up your gaping anus
>the white guys just had sex and are pumped
>the nigger is fully flaccid
I'm sorry but niggers do have bigger penises. There are some facts we have to accept.
7.25 here. how much fucking bigger do you need it?
KEK! Thats awesome!
Next time the chimps chimp out, this should be the response from shitlords in the dead of night.
>pygmy and bushmen IQ is 54
>dog IQ is 60
>we're all one race the human race
Serious question though, how does one measure the IQ of a dog?
Yes, I hate niggers.
I have an unhealthy obsession with blacks. Rather than focusing on my own shortcomings I choose to deflect to the lowest common denominator. It's pathetic and Im sad.
Not really I dislike them strongly, I don't like to be around them since they usually ruin everything for attention from growing up fatherless. The ghetto "culture" of the last 50 yrs has not changed much at all and no one ever seems to notice. When it comes to "hate" I almost hate white wiggers and mudsharks more because they should know better than to idolize their monkey lesser's in the ways they do. Makes it hard to take them or the blacks either one seriously when many of us know it's all an act when they act hard.
I should start studying the Bible immediately to start finding a way out of such a shameful and loathsome existence. There's no reason why I shouldn't be as happy as the people it pains me to envy.
Y u mad? Keep it real.
From what I understand, the tests were done in a way that could measure the adaptability and ability to solve problems.
So basically very strong on spacial reasoning. There is some literary measure as well, but with obvious barriers. Basically can the dog understand orders?
I have a lot of respect for your opinion.
I hate niggers
but I don't inherently hate black people.
How is it possible that niggers have a lower IQ than dogs and chimps? That's fucking weird. I'd figure they'd at least have a higher IQ than chimps.
fucking animals
chimping out on anything
are loud and are crackheads in mind
nig nogs pounding every women accross globe
they already are
Chimps tend to have more stable heirarchies than nogs...
Funny that the super primitive bushmen resemble asians so much. Especially now that they say haplogroup E entered Africa from Asia despite being the most common haplogroup among Africans. The Bushmen mostly have A and B though which are basal and primitive. Bantus are obviously part Porto-human/ape though so it’s obvious sub Sahara Africa is full of hybrids
Honestly no. As a white guy who grew up in poor white black neighborhood, i leaned that charactor is the only thing thst matters.
Most people would rather have brain cells than dicks. Niggers are nowhere closer to achieving what anyone from any other race achieved. Look what being proud of their dick size has gotten them.
Why the apes lip so thin.?
Looks like white lips.
Also you know that image is somebodies model right = FAKE FUCKING NEWS, mate.
>Try harder.
65 is too smart for niggers
haha XD that was a really silly post,, glad youre here friend :D
Muh cuck porn says so so it must be true.
I'm starting to think women are the enemies of all races...
no fucking shit africa is retarded they have fucking sticks and eat mud
not much worse than the average white amerifat tbqhwy faggot
Makes sense to me. Wonder what my GSD's IQ is
The older I get, the more I hate them
I don't hate rats as long as they stay out of my house. If they do make it inside they, by definition, become vermin who needs to be exterminated or they will destroy my property and shit everywhere. Well, some people keep them in cages as pets for their own amusement too.
Same thing with niggers and wogs. If they enter Europe, they are vermin that needs to be exterminated.
>A society can rise no higher than the moral standard of its women
(((Fashion media))) knows/exploits this.
no, i've never seen one. I only hate gypsies.
I stopped at a small rest stop one day to take a piss. Just one car in the parking lot there: a shabby looking car with bulgarian licence plates. An equally shabby looking man sitting in it. Bulgarian gypsie, clearly. Then a van from a pest control company parked just as I walked to the men's room. When I came out again, the bulgarian gypsy car was gone. I thought "well that was fast?"