Is this the most iconic political image of the 21st century?

Is this the most iconic political image of the 21st century?

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Did Ben Garrison design that float?

Is this the most iconic political image of the 21st century?

oh look it's the autistic germans daily anti-brexit thread.

also making the fusion reactor threads in the day time. Germans are so fucking autistic.

I see a white face in the crowd! Look center right just to the right of her trigger finger.

what's the story here ?
besides the obvious

Jews should kill themselves?

Why are Germans so autistically fucking obsessed with Brexit and British politics. Can't you keep your petty little minds out of our business?

Impossible, they cant have guns in Britain for fear their precious muzzies get hurt

literally one poster making the same thread every day

You're thinking of this one.

reddit must get passed this stage. it's fucking annoying

It's representative of most Germans though. Went to Germany recently and every person I met asked me how I voted in the Brexit election. I just told them "I don't tell people how I vote", because it's none of their fucking business.

Maybe they should focus on not electing that Merkel demon again and not allowing themselves to be outbred by arab rapists within the next few decades

>outbred by arab rapists

So true :^)

Brit on holiday in the German Alps.

Wat did you just post? Don’t you know you LOST the war?

>Not wanting to be governed by communists in Brussels whilst sending British tax payer money to build sewers in Bucharest and having your borders open to every poor shithead in Europe who can then drive down the cost of labour just so you can slightly increase your GDP as if an increase in GDP necessarily meant that there was a corresponding increase in living standards whilst your house prices become unaffordable and your public services become overburdened shit shows is akin to suicide.

What a mistake we've made.

>Brit on holiday in the German Alps.


Go ahead and write "JEWS" or "CULTURAL MARXISM" on the barrel of the gun and tell me how many people take you seriously, portubro.

That BBC sure looks like a gun.

No. This is, Mordechai OP:

Islam is not the main enemy. You are giving an excuse to the US to keep invading the middle east in the name of israel

Where did a britcuck get a gun? They didn't think this through very well...

Hello Mohammed.

Your governments and the EU government are opening your borders to let the Muslim hoards in, so why don't you worry about your own house? Muslims were pirates and invaders centuries before Israel existed, and if Israel disappeared overnight, they wouldn't stop being a problem.
>You are giving an excuse to the US
I am doing no such thing. The US government doesn't represent me on this or most other matters. None of that changes the fact that the west is committing suicide by liberalism/progressivism/kike tricks/whatever you want to call it, and the Muslims will happily play their role.

Not even close.

>german makes political post aimed at brits
fucking state of english people

> lose ww1
> lose ww2
> get cucked by 3rd worlders
> lash out at those who bested you

Ah yes of course! We should all accept criticism coming from a country where showing the union jack is no issue but your own flag is.

>Not the aesthetic art gallery shooting
>Not the glorious on-camera suicide

It is those things you insufferable retard