Yu-Gi-Oh! VRains

The Final Fantasy VII of Yugioh.

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Which one was the far superior VI then?

None. Yugioh doesn't have that sort of budget, and most of the staff never went to college.

Arc-v ofcourse.

So, This is magnum opus of YGO series?

That's what we hope for.

I'm gonna try something.
Every thread until Northwemko gets support and appear in anime/manga.

What's wrong with her jaw/mouth?

The original would be FF7 as it is the most beloved and popular part of the franchise.

I've been watching DM on crunchyroll and it was real nice, at least on battle city.

>battle city
pleb taste

The artist made a mistake?
I didn't care too much. I loved this pic and it was enough for me.


Post user's tale of 5D's, please.

Looks like a deformed cosplayer, Northiefag. Have some standards, man.

You shut your mouth.

This movie was much better than the DSoD, holy shit. Aigami and that plot is pure fanfic.

if each protag ace wre in battle royale, which one is the most usefull?

Neos and dark magician are definitely in the bottoms

Alone? They're all equal, they just crash into one another.

You get a new protagonist, you get a new show, you get power creep. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out which protagonist is the best. The answer is: Always the new one.

Every scripted duel ends with the earlier protag winning, though.

>This movie was much better than the DSoD, holy shit. Aigami and that plot is pure fanfic.

This must be a joke. Paradox traveling through time to save the world from the advent of trading cards is about as fanfic as it gets.

Well there you have it. You can even write summon skull axe of despair defeating firewall dragon solitaire for all I know.

Isn't that the whole plot of 5D's part 2?

You may be right but Im not used to rerequest. Feel like a kind of disrespect to the artist.
The art and coloring is good enough, face aside.

Yes which is why it was shit.

I liked it for what it was. Still better than all other series.

>we're people of prana, everything is according to our mutual conscience, including controlling dimensions, reality and memory cause why not
>our mission is to reunite all the seven items so that we go to a better world even though they already were reunited and nothing happened for them
>that box being a 8th millenium item
>the evil on the millenium ring even though atem got rid of that in DMs ending

m8 at least the paradox time travel made sense on 5D's plot and on the own movie, half of that fag was saying just confused me and my friends while trying to tie the series with the movie. Just an 1 hour long OVA with Kaiba vs Yugi would be great (not amazing because every summon and monster look like ass with that Zexal CG shit), but they had to fuck up.

All I wanted from DSoD was that it tied in with Arc-V somehow, at least subtly. It was a pretty movie, but it lacked something...

I miss him already.

It really wasn't that confusing.

Prana's goal wasn't to gather all the items. It was simply to reach a higher plane of existence, instrumentality one could say. A state of being where everyone could understand one another and be connected. It's basically Evangelion lite. Their powers of eliminating those with weak consciousness and sending others to dimensions kind of play into that overall goal. Aigami wanted to kill Yugi because he was afraid he would resurrect Atem by solving the puzzle as he was the fated vessel. That would make him lose his power.

Cube is "like" an 8th Millennium item. It's never outright said it's an "actual" Millennium item.

Atem got rid of Zorc. He never got rid of the residual evil in the Ring. That's what corrupted Aigami. The eye and the rod have a similar type of evil.

Sure the origins of Prana and where the cube came from aren't really explained, but it's not really that important. They tell you what their purpose is and what they do which is enough to understand their role in the movie. You can infer that Shadi obtained the cube through some otherworldly means. The millennium items were basically made the same way. This is also the same guy who managed to be 3 people at once in the final arc. He's always been shrouded in mystery.

>CG bad

Please. The CG was phenomenal and the best that YGO has ever had.

While BBT ties into the 5Ds plot that whole second half is pure fanfic that contradicts the first half so it doesn't make much of a difference.

DSOD at least expands the lore of the original and makes sense given the dark, occult magic the series has always revolved around.

It's good that it didn't. We definitely don't need Yuya or any Arc-V characters showing up and ruining the movie.

>nostalgiadicksuckingfaggotry. Za Postu
Reminder that nostalgia always kills everything

Arc-V makes me so mad, they had some really good and interesting concepts and completely and utterly failed due to lack of shits given by the key people. Vrains is gonna make me mad because in 140 something episodes we know what's gonna happen and how its gonna happen because of Yoshida's usual style and worse yet, no other summoning methods period because the main duels are all fought in speed duel format.

Ready for new character reveal and more Duel Links shilling?

No. Never ready.

Dude, at least I knew Dennis returning would happen within a year or so.

I'll miss her.

I know that. Just wanted to try it too.
On second though, maybe I shouldnt, because if it end happening, can you imagine if everyone start doing it?
Yeah. Better stop.
Still can't believe she was a grill. And Ray was another wasted potential.

So, Vrains will be the true cardgamekino?

Or you could end up like me and have her commit suicide 2 episodes after (re)appearing.

He is still alive though. You achieved that, dennisfag.


Dennis getting the best ending of the bunch is still nothing short of a miracle.

I heard there's a cute trap now


Sure there is

Can we talk about the son of Sakaki Yusho?

Kana Hanazawa confirmed for Aoi

Who dat?

No, that is XIII

He has a son!? But I thought Yusho was a virgin.

DSOD Loli. Kensho Ono's girlfriend.

Also known as Iris Heart from Nep. She's also an IM@S Idoru IIRC

Nah, he just never had sex with his wife.

He was cucked by 1/4 of his own son. How does a man recover from that?

By cucking the entire goddamn show at the last possible moment.

Kosaki Onodera, another best girl who lost, and Kuroneko Ruri, another best girl who lost.
That's what they say at least, but Oreimo was always bait shit and Nisekoi was kind of good? At least all the girls in there were best girls.
Oreimo is overrated, Nisekoi is underrated

ARC-V's both with a Pendulum Scale of 6 and 13.

GX is obviously VIII.

No clue for 5D's and ZEXAL.


you lying piece of shit.

5d's is IV zexal is X.

Who do you think it will be the 3000 ATK monster in the first episodd?

Do you think there will be "But you still take the damage!"

Jimmy Neutron-Eyes www dragon

that's how Yusaku will lose duels, the damn Proxy Dragon effect doesn't negate battle damage just redirects the monster destroyed

Do we have something to talk?
Like the 27 free slots on yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Code_of_the_Duelist ?

They're for Performapals

negating battle damage is broken.

You entered the wrong archetype, buddy.

There was some rumors about a Spellbook Prophecy support. I hope it's good though.
Still going for the damage I see, dennisfag.

Manga Dennis and Link Entermages when?

Never, but I'll keep my hopes up just in case.

nope, as we can clearly see, there is no room for an arc-v era cards besides reji's DDDs and Zarc's versions of the 4 dragons, plus this is a green set those usualy never have cards from previous series if not, very few of them. If you want to talk about something talk about the collection pack, that's where the real interest is, it's got room for the 9 remaining timelords from 5D's, room remaining for at least 5 Numbers out of the 12 left to print from Zexal, got room for Gloria's Tiger, Sander's Gladiator Beast, BB's fusion ace Gladiator Beast, Dennis's Shadow Maker, Force Witch and Trapeze Hi Magician, Yuya's Odd Eyes Lancer, Dissolver,Minataur, and Synchron as well as his Scales Magician and 5 Rainbow Magician. Edo's Duskutopiagai, Crow's Kusanagi and Gongenzaka's Swordsmith.

There's plenty to be excited about to guess but, as we know not all of these will make the cut. So it's fun to guess which ones will and won't make it.

Northwenkofag, how many drawings have you got from these threads?

Nice triples.
Also, I don't know why are you asking, but I think... 11?

Damn, you sure are loved. Can you post your favorites?

I'm sorry, I can't right now. But I can tell you that the Valentine one, the Ponytail, the one where she is drinking coffee and the Leo Dancer cosplay are my favourites.
Still don't know why but here you go I guess.

I'm just bored. Thanks.

Barret is missing?

Who ?

He's dead, Sergay killed him, then Sergay died himself, the only one missing is Roger, who knows if that guy is dead or alive


Will the protag be hetero this time?

Less than Yuya, more than Yusei.

Who knows KoG?

Maybe user, maybe



How long until Vrains gets psycho faces?

The sooner the better.

>make him a psycho
fucking Ono

>konami decides to turn pendulum evolution structure deck into booster packs
>it's the full price booster pack with 5 cards per pack
>it's getting released a month before Link monsters comes out when Pends get nerfed to hell

I miss him

>zarc magicians didn't even get to be in arc-v

Is there a more cucked archetype in existence?


It still hurts.

Tell me about it.

At least deskbots got a little bit of screentime.

That only makes it more painful, user. God damn it.

It's not the same dammit

This series... deserved better

You don't bloody say. Jesus, Arc-V deserved better. Fucking discovered the fucking wheel, mate.

Go to bed, Bakura.

Anyone want to write a fixfic of arc-v?