Who is the better dad?

Who is the better dad?

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Left, in a fucking heartbeat. How many father of the year moments did Goku have anyways with Gohan?

Holy cancer batman. Get this stupid naruto shit off of Sup Forums

well why is Boruto such an idiot then while gohan is a hard working man and goten is not causing any trouble like boruto

Chichi is why

Who the fuck knows? To get the answer people would have to watch fucking Nuruto. But I'll say Gendo Ikari. at least he didn't get his son's universe under the risk of being genocided.

Naruto is anime. Go back to your loli thread.

He was born in a time of peace and never had to witness any of the shit Naruto went through.

Gohan had to fight for his life before he was even 10.

Counter-proposal: kill yourself.

So Hinata is a bad mother?

Right back at you buddy.

Bardock and Minato

Goku was right twlling piccolo to fucking wait for Gohan to crack and go sadistic.

Is that a deal? Because I'll take it if it means you'll kill yourself first.

Out child


Meanwhile, this thread is still up. How far we've fallen.

Except since the very beginning Gohan always wanted to a scholar, not due to chi-chi's policies

Pic related

>Can't even come up with a counter to his comment and resorts to"uhh kill your self"

You spelt Piccolo wrong...

Meant for

>you will never see Luffy with a kid

>No counter argument necessary. Naruto=Kill self.

It's the internet, I'm sure you can find kinky shit like that if you make an effort.


Goku. Since he got the better wife that actually does parenting.

Naruto had to literally go through a near death experience to get his kid to acknowledge him.

>So Hinata is a bad mother?

So is Sakura.

At the rate this is going to be the trend for the Naruto series. Mothers are bad at parenting. Might as well be orphaned. Since Orochimaru's clone kid seems to have a better upbringing.

The one who actually sees his family as family, which is Naruto

Toriyama has even said that Goku doesn't see family members like Gohan and Chi-Chi as family


>Since Saiyans are supposed to have no affection for family or friends, does this actually make Vegeta, who holds his family and wife dear, an even stranger (kinder) Saiyan than Goku?

>Vegeta, whose pride had been deeply wounded, sought help from Bulma, and little by little, his ruthless personality changed. Nowadays, you certainly might be able to say that. On the other hand, Goku might not have a sense of family members like Gohan and Chi-Chi except as one of his companions.

pick one

She probably drilled the idea into his head. Kids normally dream of cooler shit than that.