Code Geass was Legend of the Galactic Heroes but retarded

prove me wrong

Geass wasnt set in space and logh didnt have special powers. Not the same. Also much less political philosophizing and more keikaku in geass.


Coge Geass is Death Note + Gundam + memes

Assume LoGH wasn't LoGH that was retarded and you arrive at a contradiction. That means retardation isn't Geass' unique essential property that you could use to differrentiate it from LoGH. Try harder.

LoGH is pretentious shit.
Prove me wrong.

>LoGH is pretentious shit
Go back to your Boruto thread

Good reply. You just proved me right.

Good reply.

Geass had keikakus that only make sense to chuuni teens.

>babby's first ubermensch hero worshipping story
They both use the same old as time generic archetypes. That's all.

LOGH is overrated.
All characters are dumb as fuck to show how "genius" the few characters are, when in reality, they are just average thinkers.

No, he didn't
Now go back to your Boruto thread

t. mr.armchair himself

Nobunaga Concerto was Hyouge Mono but retarded

Prove me wrong

I am going to re-watch this series in order to wash IBO' shit from my brain.

Good reply. You just proved me right again.

More like both are gay shit for gay retards.

Bad Reply

Good Reply

It's not gay if it's the Kaiser, fuck off

Code Geass without the retardeness, would've been a complete snoozefest. Like people just watched it to see what ridiculous shit Lelouch would pull out of his helmet. Sounds like LOTGH is shit.


Code Geass is going for colorful and over-the-top-

LOGH doesn't care about that. It's more dry and serious.

Different protagonists too. Reinhard doesn't want to tear down the Empire, he's closer to Suzaku in that sense. Just with a thirst for galactic-scale imperialism.

Same as Jojo keikakus so Geass is fine in that sense.

Fuck off, code geass never tried to be lotgh. It's gundam: the greatest hits

>All characters are dumb as fuck to show how "genius" the few characters are, when in reality, they are just average thinkers.

Doing something the first time IS genius, and more often than not it's seen as common sense by latter generations due to hindsight bias.

Napoleon reinforced supply lines, created depots and had medical staff treat soldiers. The British realized that, being an ocean locked nation, they could both protect themselves and project power by ruling the oceans. The Romans realized that an organized army could obliterate a disorganized numerically superior force, even if outnumbered 10:1 (Boudicca's last stand).

All these "average" ideas which seem like common sense took centuries to arrive at. The United States' government in 1789 was the end product of 4,000 years of political theory.

Lelouch only seems like a genius because the writers manipulated reality so his bullshit would always prevail. The only thing mildly realistic about him was his tendency to blow up the battlefield, which works in the real world.

Lelouch's plans don't always work though, so that's strictly speaking an exaggeration.

Feels weird knowing that screencap from my thread is still floating around

I'm watching the 1st episode of Code Geass and I just got done watching the scene where Lelouch schools the nobleman in chess. I was blown away! I had to watch it a couple times to really pick up on it, but did you guys realize that when he was moving about the chess pieces, he was really referring to HIMSELF being the king! What an amazing metaphor!

It was so deep and meaningful, I am amazed by the deep symbolism of this.

Do the later episodes continue on with masterful symbolism like this? This was truly the pinnacle of storytelling that I have ever seen on a television show, and I think I can confidently say Code Geass is the best show ever made without even having seen the entire series.

Also the acting is amazing. Jun Fukuyama and Norio Wakamoto do a great job with their British accents.

>Geass wasnt set in space and logh didnt have special powers.

Is Yang's semicircle considered a special power?

Code Geass is about eyeing people while LOGH is an environmentalist anime about how in the end Mother Earth is the most important thing.

Completely different things

The Terraists were wrong though.